Strong Offense And Defense

Chapter 34

Translator: Re

Editor: Mims



    "Because the sandwich was very delicious," Nie Chuan gave himself a thumbs up. 


    "We should go to cla.s.s after we finish eating."

    Reece already got up and was packing up his laptop. 


    "Ah, I didn"t bring my laptop! What am I going to do?" He will definitely be late if he went back now to retrieve it. 

    Reece threw a recording pen into his hands. "If you have time to be taking notes, wouldn"t it be better to let your mind follow the teacher?"


    A recording pen? Nie Chuan had wanted a recording pen for a long time! 

    He watched Reece"s back as he was putting the empty plate in the sink and couldn"t help but say, "Reece…… you"re actually really nice ah."


    "You didn"t think I was a good person before?"

    Without even needing Reece to look back, Nie Chuan could feel Reece raising an eyebrow.


    "I didn"t mean it like that……" Nie Chuan panicked and didn"t know how to explain. 

    "Let"s go to cla.s.s," Reece said indifferently. It was hard to tell whether he was angry.


    When Nie Chuan and Reece entered the cla.s.sroom one after the other, the female students" line of sight were almost all taken away by Reece who was walking in front.

    As usual, Nie Chuan sat beside several Chinese foreign exchange students who he was rather close with.


    But what he didn"t expect was Reece sitting beside him with his laptop. 

    Because Reece was present, Nie Chuan didn"t dare chat with the other student next to him, didn"t dare take out his phone to play games, and was unexpectedly focused. Even a theory he had never heard of before, Nie Chuan found that he actually understood 90% of it.


    At noon, Nie Chuan went to the Asian restaurant as usual to meet up with Zhou Bin for lunch. But when he thought about how Zhou Bin was being lovey-dovey with his girlfriend right now, it made Nie Chuan feel unwell.

    When he walked along the small pathway between the trees, walking opposite him was Celine who was holding some books and chatting with some cla.s.smates as she walked towards him. 


    The moment she saw Nie Chuan, she directly turned her face the other way. 

    It wasn"t until she walked far away did Nie Chuan rub his head.


    "Ah…… she hates me……"

    Nie Chuan"s heart turned a little sour. If only he hadn"t exposed Celine so directly……


    After his afternoon, Nie Chuan was taken to the warehouse that had been transformed into a basketball court by Reece. 

    Nie Chuan didn"t notice before but there was really a serving machine in the corner of the warehouse! 


    With this, Nie Chuan would be able to practice catching and shooting! 

    "Was the machine expensive? Reece…… where did you get the money?"


    "This was my birthday present last year."

    "From your parents?"


    "My father."

    "What does your father do?"



    "Woah! Is he a particularly powerful lawyer?" Nie Chuan suddenly became very interested in Reece"s family. 


    "He should be considered one."

    "No wonder……" Nie Chuan"s lips twitched.


    "No wonder what?"

    "You speak sharply and ruthlessly. It"s probably from your father……"


    Oh G.o.d, how could he just say what he was thinking like this?

    "My father is indeed like that. He makes more money than the average person and he has more enemies than the average person."


    Nie Chuan saw the familiar cold smile from the corner of Reece"s lips. 

    "Wait, what if your father"s enemies abducted you and the kidnapper called me and said that he"ll kill you* if I don"t give him money?"


[T/N: 撕票 (literally "to tear the ticket) means to kill the hostage]

    Nie Chuan really felt that such a thing could happen! 


    Isn"t that how it"s done in American movies? 

    "You think too much." Reece stopped practicing shooting three pointers and looked at Nie Chuan, "Why did your catching exercise stop?"



    After several seconds, Reece suddenly asked, "What if you really did get a call like that?"


    "I"d hang up." Nie Chuan"s answer was simple and concise.

    "Do you want to die?" Reece raised his eyebrow. 


    "Most of these calls are from scammers ah! I"m telling you, I"ve received several calls like these! They even said my mother was. .h.i.t by a car and was hospitalized when she was clearly beside me making dumplings!"

    "What if the other person isn"t a scammer?" Reece seemed to suddenly treat this question very seriously. 


    Nie Chuan paused before he replied after considering his answer countless times, "…… If he asks for two thousand dollars then I"ll give it to him. If it"s any more then forget it."

    "Two thousand is all you have?"


    "I don"t even have two hundred on me." Nie Chuan"s allowance is given on a monthly basis.

    "Then where will you get two thousand dollars?" Reece chuckled. The sound of his laugh wasn"t cold; instead, it sounded rather sweet.


    "I"ll work in fast food," Nie Chuan replied earnestly.

    He could go to KFC or McDonald"s to fry chicken! If not then he can clean the tables?


    "Forget it, I"ll tell the kidnappers not to look for you," Reece replied.

    "Then, thank you very much!"


    Nie Chuan finally completed the day"s shooting and pa.s.sing exercises.

    But the jumping exercises that followed were the most exhausting. 


    Fortunately, Reece considered how he had run three kilometers this morning and reduced his jumping exercises by a third.

    After Nie Chuan finished his training, he directly lied down on the basketball court and didn"t want to get back up.


    Reece threw a towel onto Nie Chuan"s face. 

    "Get up and walk around. Otherwise your heart won"t be able to take it."


    "Just let my heart stop beating so I can die ba."

    Reece was too lazy to bother with him. He opened a bottle of mineral water and sat down beside Nie Chuan.


    "Hey Reece, can I ask you for a favor?"

    "What favor?"


    "It"s one of my friend"s birthday Friday night. Can you help me bring some flowers for her?"

    Nie Chuan knew that, for the most part, Reece wouldn"t agree to his request.


    "So it"s a girl."



    "I"m not going."



    "If you like her then you should go yourself."

    "But the one she likes is you." Nie Chuan pressed the towel to his face, not wanting to look at Reece. "If it"s you then you"ve probably never experienced the feeling of heartbreak."


    "I haven"t."

    "…… But I keep getting my heart broken. I don"t even know what it feels like to kiss…… I feel sorry for my youth."


    "When you long for someone very much, you will use your eyes to trace over his figure, his neck, and his back when he isn"t paying attention. From his waist, your eyes will travel along the line of his legs to his ankles. When he turns around and your eyes just happen to land on his lips, if you use your thoughts to touch his soft tongue, to suck on it and tease it, then you are already kissing him. If he looks at you the same way, then the two of you are already kissing. Lip contact is just a formality." [T/N: he"s speaking in English]

    Reece"s voice was very clear but slow.


    Nie Chuan never knew his cold voice could produce such a charming effect.

    Inexplicably, Nie Chuan felt as if someone had kissed him. The other person took everything between his lips and tongue, breaking all laws of physics as they dragged him into another world.


    It was an illusion.

    He swallowed subconsciously, his body feeling inexplicably hot. Wanting to hide what he was feeling, he curled up his knees.


    "It sounds very beautiful… I feel like I would never imagine her in that way." Nie Chuan laughed embarra.s.sedly before he suddenly reacted. "…… Wait, you"re using him instead of her! You"re playing with me again!" [T/N: in Chinese, "he" and "she" sounds the same]

    Nie Chuan could almost imagine how Reece was smiling right now.


    But when he removed the towel from his face, he was completely stunned because Reece was practically on top of him with his left hand resting beside his ear. He turned his face to the side, his slightly drooping lashes seemed to brush the surface of Nie Chuan"s heart and all the blood in his body surged uncontrollably at that moment.

    Nie Chuan foolishly widened his eyes. He wondered if Reece would have kissed him just like that if he didn"t take off the towel? 


    This conjecture terrified Nie Chuan.

    "Want me to teach you?" Reece leaned closer.


    His voice was very light but carried a provocative meaning.

    Nie Chuan propped up his upper body and moved backwards, his back stiff with fear that he might accidentally into Reece. 


    "No…… no need……"

    How can you teach me this kind of thing?


    "Really no need?" Reece shifted forward a little, his beautiful jaw once again moving closer.

    "No need no need!" Nie Chuan retreated even more.


    When he wasn"t paying attention, he didn"t support himself with his elbow and the back of his head almost hit the floor.

    Reece stretched out his hand and firmly supported the back of his head. "Stupid."


    That chuckle made Nie Chuan open his eyes.

    Reece"s arms were very long. Nie Chuan couldn"t help but trace the line between his extended arm and shoulder with his eyes. 


    "Get up, today"s training ends here."

    Reece, who had just revealed a teasing expression, once again returned to being cold.


    He was angry, but Nie Chuan didn"t understand why.

    Clearly, Reece had been playing with him ah! What reason does Reece have for his anger?


    As usual, Reece drove and was silent the whole way.

    Of course, Nie Chuan would have found it strange if he did talk to him.


    When the car stopped in front of Nie Chuan"s apartment, Reece just unlocked the door. Only when Nie Chuan got out of the car did he speak. "Every week, Coach Gordon will conduct one-on-one coaching with the basketball team members. The coaching time won"t exceed an hour."

    "The school"s basketball court?"


    "No, the basketball court by his apartment."

    After he said that, Reece drove away. 


    Ah, Coach Gordon"s coaching ma? Nie Chuan had a feeling as if he had flunked a primary school test and needed special attention from the teacher. The apprehension in his heart was indescribable……


Re: So Reece… just how many times have you hungrily used your eyes to devour NC 0-0 

MadMadamMims: Um what! Reece what r u saying holy d.a.m.n this dude wants to get freaky like right now! I blushed >