Strong Offense And Defense

Chapter 35

Translator: Re

Editor: MadMadamMims



    He returned to his room and knew that Zhou Bin was on the love hotline again without even needing to think; even if he closed his eyes he could still see the pink aura around him.


    Nie Chuan sighed helplessly. Before Zhou Bin started dating, this guy would always indirectly ridicule Nie Chuan"s IQ for being too low. Nowadays, Zhou Bin probably didn"t even have something like IQ ba. To actually spend an hour talking about the color of a pillowcase, life couldn"t be any more meaningless. 

    Nie Chuan came out after a shower and sat on the bedside. He placed a Playboy magazine on his lap and flipped the pages while rubbing his head with a towel.


    Ah…… he hadn"t fantasized about a blonde beauty with big b.r.e.a.s.t.s and a big b.u.t.t ah!

    Nie Chuan was just thinking about whether to invite a blonde beauty into his dreams tonight when Zhou Bin finally hung up. 


    This guy propped up his chin as he looked at Nie Chuan, his line of sight travelling from his knees to his ankles before he suddenly said emotionally, "Ah Chuan, your legs are really s.e.xy."

    Nie Chuan couldn"t refrain from choking on his own saliva. 


    "What…… what do you mean by s.e.xy?"

    It seemed like Zhou Bin"s IQ wasn"t the only thing that fell ever since he started dating, even his sense of aesthetics developed problems.


    "Your calves ah. The part from your ankles to your knees is very long and straight and that curve extending up from your lower leg isn"t excessive at all but feels very flavorful. It seems like playing basketball made you grow some muscle ah!" Zhou Bin said earnestly as he used his finger to draw a line in the air, "Ah Chuan, have you grown taller?" 

    Nie Chuan"s eyes brightened. "What did you say? Do you really think I grew taller?"


    Zhou Bin nodded seriously. "Or you can go buy a tape measure to see for yourself."

    "Haha! Maybe I"ll grow to 180 cm? I want to measure! I"ll buy a tape measure tomorrow to see!"


    Seeing Nie Chuan"s happy appearance, Zhou Bin sighed deeply. "Ai…… I"m just complimenting your calves. As a man, what"s the use of having nice looking legs? It"s not like you"ll be wearing a bikini to a beauty pageant."

    With that, Zhou Bin turned over in his bed and began reviewing a book for his major.


    That night, Nie Chuan didn"t dream of a beautiful blonde girl, but that he had grown to 195 cm tall. He fiercely dribbled the ball and quickly made a lay up under the defense of huge opponents, shocking the audience.

    He woke up with a smile.


    Early the next morning, Nie Chuan followed Reece in training as usual but unexpectedly ran into Carlo. 

    "Hey Allen! I"ll run with you!"


    Nie Chuan was blinded as soon as Carlo smiled.

    Reece didn"t say anything as he continued to run forward at his own pace. 


    Essentially, when Reece finished three laps, Nie Chuan could only finish two. 

    "Look, I just knew this guy would be doing his own running! I was afraid you"d be lonely so I specifically came to accompany you!"


    Nie Chuan looked left and right, then asked Carlo in a low voice, "Why does it feel as though there are especially a lot of girls exercising this morning?"

    "Oh, is that so?" Carlo looked back and smiled at those girls. 


    Don"t look at how this guy seemed particularly out of tune when talking to Nie Chuan; towards girls, he would give a very gentlemanly smile, like on a movie poster. Nie Chuan sometimes wondered if this guy practiced in front of the mirror every day.

    "I bet tomorrow Reece will be taking you somewhere else to exercise."



    "He doesn"t like being disturbed." Carlo shrugged. 


    It seemed like the goal of these girls was Reece ah! 

    "Reece became famous for his iron first and cold-bloodedness, how can you stand it?"


    This question came into Nie Chuan"s mind. 

    He sighed heavily. "Reece refreshed my endurance stat. Every time I thought I wouldn"t be able to take it anymore, I would manage to survive to the end."


    Carlo chuckled. "Yeah, that"s what makes Reece special. Follow him and you will be persistent. I remember last year"s league…… we were forced into a corner by CBU. In the last five minutes, we were behind by 18 points. This was a gap that all of us saw as impossible to reverse. But Reece scored two consecutive times in the last four minutes. He didn"t give us any encouraging words, he didn"t use any gorgeous ball skills, he just kept scoring points to incite our will to fight."

    An image of Reece"s figure as he was dribbling on the court appeared in Nie Chuan"s mind. He was just like an irreversible bolt of lightning, overcoming obstacles one after another. When everyone thought that it was impossible, he would always open up another path. 


    "Afterwards, those of us who were weary and had already decided to give up were running with him again. That was the first time every second I was on the court was so crucial. Can you imagine that not only did we not let CBU score a single time in the last three minutes but we even scored fifteen points! Just one point, just a one point advantage, and we made it to the quarterfinals!"

    Carlo looked up, as if his thoughts had already rushed back to that ecstatic moment.


    "All the teams that can make it into the top 64 are not weak teams and the disparity in strength isn"t big. It all comes down to who is more determined to win and can persevere to the end."

    Nie Chuan recalled what Reece had said to him: Persistence is also a talent.


    "Hey, Allen."



    "You"re actually really lucky." Carlo smiled as he pushed the hair on his forehead back.

    "What?" Nie Chuan looked at him.


    "Reece has never taught someone so seriously."

    Finished, Carlo started to run further and further away. 


    Nie Chuan chased after him. "Hey! Didn"t you say you came specifically to accompany me?"

    "You"re too slow!" Carlo laughed as he ran away.


    Nie Chuan took a deep breath as he chased after him.

    Carlo squinted as he rubbed Nie Chuan"s head. "Oh, Allen, did you grow taller?"


    Nie Chuan"s eyes brightened. "You also think I got taller?"

    It seemed like he didn"t only grow a little bit! 


    Carlo put away his smiling expression as he suddenly asked in a very serious tone, "Allen, do you think you can conquer the universe just because you"re five centimeters taller?"

    "Of course! If I grow five centimeters taller then I"ll be 183 cm!"


    Ewing is also 183 cm. At this height, he shouldn"t be the shortest one in the team anymore ba?

    "Why do you think I"m unable to lift my head every time I talk to you?" Carlo asked in a slightly admiring tone.


    "…… Because you envy my IQ?" Nie Chuan wasn"t very sure.

    Based on a conservative estimate, his IQ should be above Carlo"s…… right……?


    Carlo changed the subject and asked, "Imagine falling in love with a wild horse in your head, do you feel as though you"re unable to ride it?"

    "I"ve never imagined something like that……"


    Why would you want to fantasize about falling in love with a wild horse? 

    You foreigners sure have heavy tastes!


    "Why don"t you try right now?"

    Nie Chuan tilted his head as he tried to imagine it. "It seems like it would be a bit difficult to ride……"


    "It"s all because you"re too short." Carlo"s eyes squinted as he smiled happily.

    He once again began to run further and further away. 


    This time, Nie Chuan didn"t intend to chase after him. 

    "…… Let"s break up."


    By this time, Reece had already finished his second lap past Nie Chuan.

    He swept over Nie Chuan"s shoulder with cold eyes and Nie Chuan was immediately hit with a sense of oppression. Nie Chuan swallowed subconsciously, lifted his legs, and ran after him.


    On the surface, he and Reece were only a few meters apart but in reality, they were actually hundreds of meters apart. 

    Carlo turned around and ran back again. He moved his head closer to Nie Chuan. "Hey, Allen."


    Nie Chuan didn"t pay him any attention. 

    "Are you going to receive Coach Gordon"s one-on-one coaching this weekend?"


    Alright, since this topic was rather important to Nie Chuan, Nie Chuan decided to acknowledge him.



    "Our coaching hours were arranged at the same time so we can go together." Carlo was eager to find out how Coach Gordon would evaluate Nie Chuan. 

    Nie Chuan was just about to say "Who would want to go together with you" when his left calf suddenly convulsed. The pain traveled up his left leg to his head, causing him to fall to the side.


    Fortunately, Carlo had a sharp eye and quickly held him up.

    "Allen! Allen, what"s wrong? Is it a cramp?"


    Nie Chuan hopped on one leg as he went to sit down on the side of the track. He couldn"t straighten his leg at all and could only hug his knees. His muscles were so tense that they felt as if they were about to tear in half and his entire face became red due to the pain. 

    "Hey, Allen! You need to relax! Was Reece so strict that your body couldn"t take it anymore?"


    At that moment, Nie Chuan was so pained that he couldn"t even speak. 

    Except for his fierce growth spurt in his first year in high school, he never had this kind of muscle spasm. After going from 168cm to 175cm, Nie Chuan basically never experienced a muscle spasm.


    "Get out of the way," Reece"sicy voice suddenly sounded.

    He didn"t know when he arrived in front of Nie Chuan.


    "Hey, Reece! Don"t use the intensity of your own exercises as a basis for Allen! You need to take it slowly!" Carlo was also anxious, afraid that Nie Chuan would be injured.

    Reece didn"t seem to hear Carlo as he untied Nie Chuan"s shoelace and held him by his toes before straightening Nie Chuan"s leg.


    "Pain……" Nie Chuan murmured in a low voice.

    "Xiao Chuan, bear with it. Extend your leg," Reece knelt down in front of Nie Chuan and said to him in Chinese. 


    For the first time, Nie Chuan heard Reece spoke to him in such a gentle voice. Although gentle, there was also a firm resolve.

    Reece held Nie Chuan"s ankle and straightened his leg before quickly twisting it outwards. Everything happened so quickly that Nie Chuan was unable to react. The pain became soreness which quickly spread. Nie Chuan groaned and leaned back, using his elbow to prop himself up. 


    After that, Reece"s palm rested on Nie Chuan"s calf as he kneaded it slowly. 

    The temperature of his palm seemed to accelerate the blood circulation in Nie Chuan"s legs and the strength of his fingers, which was just right, made Nie Chuan feel comfortable. 


   Gradually, the previous pain and soreness was replaced by the touch of Reece"s hand. The feeling of being held and carefully treated made Nie Chuan feel wonderful.

    "Hey, Allen! Are you okay?"


    "I…… I"m okay…… haha…… sorry if I scared you!"

    Carlo closed his eyes and sighed in relief. "As long as you know."


    Reece loosened his hold on Nie Chuan, stood up, and said lightly, "We"ll stop here for today. Remember to drink milk at night."

    That is to say, he was lacking calcium? 


    Nie Chuan slowly moved a couple of steps with the help of Carlo.

    Reece didn"t speak anymore, he just walked ahead.  Nie Chuan watched his back, feeling inexplicably guilty.


    He knew that, in fact, Reece didn"t have any additional training requirements for him. All of them followed Coach Gordon"s guidelines.


MadMadamMims: I think there"s a wild horse nearby that would like to be tamed by Nie Chuan ?

Re: I think that certain wild horse also wouldn"t mind if Nie Chuan rode him ?