Strongest Counterattack

Chapter 410 Things Are Different Now

Chapter 410 Things Are Different Now

Helping one in need is more significant and unforgettable than helping one who is rich. But most people would rather do the latter, expecting to be repaid. The pay was little, most of the time, but it was certain because, after all, those really in need were mostly unable to repay anything.

Qin Sheng cared more about the former type. When he was a normal person working in Shanghai, only a few people were kind to him honestly, let alone those arrogant big shots in Shanghai. Jiang Xianbang used to help him, but not because of his own will, but for his grandfather, or he never would have invested in Qin Sheng, such a plain young man. Xue Qingyan, the one on Qin Sheng’s mind, was the only one person who had been ready to help him regardless of any other facts.

A little help deserves a great return. No matter if it was when he was in need or when he got a brand-new ident.i.ty, he believed that this was the most important morality.

“Auntie, over the past several years, before I came back to our family, she was the only one who was ready to help me like my real sister.” Qin Sheng put it from the bottom of his heart and smiled unconsciously.

“Oh?” Zhu Qingwen was surprised about the stories between Qin Sheng and Xue Qingyan. She thought they would never know each other, or even if they did, it was impossible for them to become good friends, considering the wide gap in social status between them.

Qin Ran was a bit jealous. She grunted and said, “Brother, do you mean that I’m not good enough to you? OK, I must meet her someday.”

“Sister, why are you jealous of her? I told you, it was before I went back to our family.” Qin Sheng was fl.u.s.tered. Other people giggled since they knew Qin Ran was joking.

The old lady was behind Qin Sheng now, and was a bit unhappy with her joke. “Fine, Ran Ran, stop here. We all know that you’re the best for him.”

Qin Ran’s jealousy then shifted. “Granny, what do you mean by saying that? Sheng has just back, and your love and care only belong to him now. Oh, no! I’m gonna cry.”

The old lady didn’t like her childish tone. “I’ve never changed. You all know that I’ve loved Sheng the most since you were children. And he had been away from us for over 20 years, suffering that much, I must do as much as I can to put up with him. All of you have had a lot.”

Qin Ran couldn’t retort for the old lady really made sense, whilst others were amused by them and didn’t interrupt. Qin Ran couldn’t help surrendering. “Granny’s right. We all live a good life, and only Sheng suffered. He deserves your love and care. I’m wrong.”

Zhu Qingwen interrupted the conversation, for it was almost lunch time. “Mom, we know you’re excited about seeing Sheng again. But could you stop for a while and let your grandson have a meal? He must be hungry after the long journey.”

The old lady exclaimed, “Hmm, this old woman is too excited. You must be hungry now. Let’s go for the meal now.”

Qin Sheng and his aunt held the old lady’s arms, walking into the dining room with other people following. Qin Ran and Zhu Qingyuan went to arrange for the guards to carry the luggage and gifts into the house. Apart from dropping in on their grandmother, Qin Ran had another task to bring some gifts to the family’s friends in Shanghai. She then asked the guard to send the rest of the gifts to her apartment in Lujiazui.

When the dishes were all served, the old lady eyed her children with satisfaction. Over the past 20 years, at every Spring Festival, when the whole family gathered, she thought about her grandson Qin Sheng who had disappeared and felt frustrated, worried that she would never see him again and when she went to heaven, she couldn’t face her husband and elder daughter. Now she was content with her whole life, since heaven had blessed her. She would rest in peace after she died.

The old lady eyed her children, and so did everybody else—Qin Sheng, Qin Ran, Zhu Qingyuan and his daughters, Zhu Jiayou and Zhuyi. She couldn’t help holding Qin Sheng’s hand tightly.

“Come on, you must be hungry, help yourselves.” The old lady was content with everything.

Then other people smiled. They had some special arrangements. At this very moment, everybody said at the same time, “Mom/Grandma! Happy New Year! All the Best!”

This scene in which four generations of the family were gathered was incredible and touching. The old lady shed tears again. She wiped her tears with a handkerchief. “Good, you’re all my good kids.”

And then they finally got down to enjoying the feast, even though dinner was the real union time for Zhu Qingwen’s husband, who was a high-level government official, and Zhu Yi’s husband and children would come in the evening. The old lady might be shocked at that scene.

The lunch was bustling as everyone was teasing and roasting. The old lady told their childhood stories, especially about Qin Sheng’s funny tricks in the past, making everybody laugh.

After lunch, Zhu Qingwen left and would come back with her husband and children at dinner. The children surrounded the old lady, chatting away.

They all sat on the sofas in the living room. Qin Sheng was asked to tell his stories from the past 20 years. He was a bit tired of that, but couldn’t refuse the old lady. Qin Ran was the only one who knew everything and Zhu Qinyuan knew a little. So the rest of them were all curious about it. They enjoyed the snacks and fruits, waiting for Qin Sheng to begin.

Qin Sheng’s long, long story started from how he was taken to the Zhongnan Mountains by his grandfather. The old lady interrupted and said, “I’ll never, ever forgive him for doing that.”

Qin Ran knew that his grandmother had been angry about the Qin Family, and her anger made both Old Master Qin and Master Qin suffer. No matter what they did to try and make it up, she was never going to forgive them. But Qin Ran admired her father, for he never complained about this and never hated his parents. His father had been feeling guilty because he didn’t protect the daughter and grandson of the Zhu Family. He wouldn’t say a word even if the Zhu Family wanted to kill him.

Qin Ran understood her father, who had lost his wife and son and felt more painful than anybody else, but never said a word.

When it came to the Zhongnan Mountains and the villages there, everyone present was interested in the solitary people living there. The family was curious about Qin Sheng’s childhood when he lived with those mysterious people. Qin Sheng then talked about his foster parents and their care and good parenting of him.

The old lady couldn’t help interrupting again. “Sheng, when I get better, you should take me to Xi’an. I have to show my grat.i.tude to the Lin Family for their care.”

The other people said, “Granny, you don’t have to worry about that. You take care of yourself, and we’ll handle other things.”

Qin Sheng stopped when he was going to say something about his regret toward the Lin Family, for he was away when the Lin Family needed him, which was the most regret he had felt in his life up to now. He didn’t want his grandmother to be more concerned. As his cousin said, if the old lady knew some of his story, it would be troublesome, let alone that Qin Changan had got down to dealing with that.

After describing his life in Xi’an, Qin Sheng talked about his experience when studying at Fudan University. They were surprised that Qin Sheng used to be so close to them, especially to Zhu Qingwen, who was a professor in Fudan, and Zhu Jiayou, who was also a student there but was two years younger than Qin Sheng.

After that, Qin Sheng spoke about their grandfather’s death. He inherited his grandfather’s will to travel around China during the next two years. When he was telling his own story, Qin Sheng was excited, with everything he experienced seeming to emerge in front of his eyes—the sights, the people, the interesting, the dull, and the dangerous.

People were listening to him carefully, sometimes worried, sometimes in admiration. The old lady also felt nervous and worried throughout the story. It was out of everybody’s expectation that Qin Sheng should lead such a tremendous life.

The end of Qin Sheng’s description was about his work in the most recent two years, about his moving from Shanghai to Xiamen, and then to Hangzhou, about how he was found by the Qin Family. When the story came to some dangerous part, Qin Sheng just made his words vague and short. He had consulted his sister beforehand and told the same version to his uncle before. n.o.body felt suspicious.

The old lady, however, who had experienced all kinds of ups and downs and got along with various people, was clear that Qin Sheng just focused on the good and smooth parts, and hid a lot of sad parts. She could tell through Qin Sheng’s eyes as well as the details of his tone and gesture. She sighed, understanding that her good grandson just wanted her not to worry.

It was after four o’clock when Qin Sheng finished his story. The old lady usually had a noon break but she didn’t today due to Qin Sheng. She was sleepy then, so Zhu Yi and Qin Ran took her upstairs to have a rest and promised to wake her up when everyone arrived for dinner.

Zhu Qingyuan told them that he was going to drop by his wife’s cousin’s house, who was living nearby with his wife and children, and he would be back soon.

So now, only Qin Sheng and Zhu Jiayou remained in the living room. Zhu Jiayou was very interested in his cousin. “I’ve heard a lot about you, and I never expected that I could see you.”

Qin Sheng giggled. “Jiayou, we’ve met before. Did you remember the year before last? It was in the underground parking lot in Yuerong Manor, and you and my sister, you were waiting in front of the elevator, and my friend and I pa.s.sed by.”

Zhu Jiayou was surprised by Qin Sheng’s good memory. “What? Really? I totally forgot that.”

Qin Sheng was a bit frustrated. “Of course you can’t remember that. I was a small potato and didn’t deserve your attention.”

Zhu Jiayou grinned. “Cousin, don’t say that. You’re much more important than me now in the Zhu Family. I still need your help.”

Qin Sheng soon found that his younger cousin naturally engaged with people.

At this time, Qin Ran and Zhu Yi came back into the living room. Qin Sheng stood up and said, “Sister, cousin, I’d like to wander around. This is close to where I used to work.”

Qin Ran frowned. “Do you want me to go with you?”

Qin Sheng shook his head. “No. I’m going to meet up with a friend. I’ll be back by six o’clock.”

Qin Ran nodded, still thinking of something. Zhu Yi said yes. Zhu Jiayou wanted to go with Qin Sheng but was refused politely. Then they just let Qin Sheng go.

Leaving from the old foreign-style house, Qin Sheng rented a shared bicycle and rode along Sinan Road to Shangshan Ruoshui.

He thought about Shangshan Ruoshui and sighed. “Things are different now…”