Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 327 A Successful Rescue

Chapter 327 A Successful Rescue

Yu Qiang glanced at them, then only shook his head calmly.

“You’d better put out the fire first. Although I’m old, it’s not that easy for me to die.”

Those eunuchs wanted to say something, but when they saw the corpses of the men in black on the ground, their eyes widened in shock.

When they saw that, it was like seeing something that was taboo in the imperial palace, and their faces immediately turned pale.

“Mr. Yu, we—”

Fortunately, there were not so many people present. Yu Qiang turned around and said,

“Remember, I did not see you in my courtyard tonight.”

Hearing that, all the eunuchs rushed out of Yu Qiang’s courtyard hurriedly, as if they had been granted an amnesty.

Yu Qiang also heaved a sigh of relief. He supported himself against the wall, and could not help breathing heavily.

“Senior, let’s leave this place now.”

A pair of small hands held him by the arm.

Seeing the sincere look in Lin Mengya’s eyes, Yu Qiang nodded.

“Baisu, let’s go! Be careful!”

Ignoring the fire behind them, the three of them escaped in the darkness.

After they left the courtyard, a few more people in black came. However, Yu Qiang’s residence was already engulfed in huge flames.

These people moved swiftly and after going back and forth a couple of times, they removed all the corpses on the ground. Then, just as stealthily as they came, they melted away into the darkness soon.

“Hurry up! Come and put out the fire!”

As soon as the men in black disappeared, a crowd of people rushed into the small yard, armed with plum trees to put out the fire, like a flood. They had such a tacit understanding amongst themselves, that it was as if they had already discussed it.

Fortunately, the fire caught everyone’s attention.

The three returned to Lin Mengya’s courtyard without arousing anybody’s attention.

Fanglan was pacing back and forth in the room, feeling exceedingly anxious as time went by. Now since her master had come back, of course she was eager to know what had happened.

“Isn’t this—Mr. Yu?”

Fanglan looked at the person Lin Mengya and Baisu were supporting, in surprise.

At this point, Yu Qiang, who had been struggling to walk, began to breathe heavily, and his face was pale.

Fanglan immediately joined them and helped Yu Qiang into the room.

“Boil some hot water and get some clean gauze. Mr. Yu has been injured.”

Lin Mengya immediately gave these orders. After Baisu and Fanglan left to prepare these things, she checked Yu Qiang’s injuries.

His injuries were not serious, but after such a long fight, Yu Qiang had used up his energy, so he was very weak now.

“Don’t worry, I won’t die so easily. But how did you appear there?”

Lin Mengya felt relieved now. She then told Yu Qiang the reason for her going to the Servants Administration.

“Oh, I see. Humph! According to what those palace servants did, I’m afraid that the girl called Pearl is dead. Since the fire happened to break out in the accommodation that the Servants Administration allocated to the sick servants, in Pearl’s condition, she had no chance to survive.”

Lin Mengya had already expected this.

The plague could cause a disaster. No matter if they buried the corpses of the patients or threw them into water, it would cause a large area of infection.

Therefore, burning the corpses might be the best solution.

However, a lot of innocent people would lose their lives in the fire.

There were so many people in the Servants Administration, but all of them were indifferent and just stood by. At the thought of this, Lin Mengya could not help feeling chilled.

People in the imperial palace were so cold-blooded!

“By the way, why did they want to kill you?”

If Lin Mengya and Baisu had not accidentally come upon the fight tonight, Yu Qiang would definitely be in danger.

Thinking for a while, Yu Qiang sneered.

“Obviously, someone doesn’t want me alive.”

Lin Mengya’s heart thumped. She looked at Yu Qiang guiltily.

Somehow, she had caused some problems for this low-key old man.

Seeing her guilty look, Yu Qiang smiled at her and said,

“Your Highness, don’t think too much. It’s not your fault. Because I—because I was discovered spying on His Majesty’s resting palace one night, those people were afraid that I might know their secrets and wanted to kill me.”

“Spied on His Majesty’s resting palace?” Lin Mengya was a little surprised. She didn’t think that with Yu Qiang’s ident.i.ty, he had any reason to do such a thing.

She had a feeling that his father or Long Tianyu had something to do with this.

Otherwise, how could Yu Qiang, who had never liked to meddle in palace affairs, offer to spy on the emperor’s resting palace at night?

“Senior Yu, or maybe I should call you Uncle Yu. If I guessed correctly, you are my father’s former colleague in the army, right?”

Hearing that, Yu Qiang could not help feeling surprised.

However, from Lin Mengya’s determined look, Yu Qiang knew that she was quite sure about her guess. After hesitating for a while, he nodded without saying anything.

“Did my father ask you to do that?”

Lin Mengya became even more curious. People who had fought the enemies side by side with her father must be both loyal and brave. It was hard to believe that Yu Qiang had become the supervisor of the Servants Administration.

“Well, it’s all in the past. Your father and I were both your grandfather’s pioneer generals. Accidents were inevitable on the battlefield and I was badly injured in a battle. Afterward, although I recovered, I was disabled. His Majesty pitied me and allowed me to work in the imperial palace.”

Yu Qiang did not seem to mind it, but Lin Mengya still sensed a little bitterness of unfulfilled ambition from his words.

Moreover, Lin Mengya still felt that the reason for Yu Qiang’s stay in the imperial place was not that simple.

How could a hero on the battlefield be willing to serve as a eunuch in the Servants Administration? For him, bearing this humiliation should be even more terrible than being killed. So he must have done this for a greater purpose.

“We are back!”

At this point, Baisu and Fanglan walked in with a basin of water and a roll of gauze in their hands.

Lin Mengya and Yu Qiang tacitly stopped talking about this matter, and Lin Mengya began to focus on dressing Yu Qiang’s wound.

“Master, who hurt you so badly?”

The most serious wound was on Yu Qiang’s left arm.

Although it looked serious, the injury was merely a surface wound, so it was not a big deal.

Lin Mengya and Baisu were not worried, but Fanglan was a little distressed. Everyone could see the sadness in her moist eyes.

“I’m okay. How are you doing here? I hope you haven’t caused Princess Yu any trouble.”

Yu Qiang’s tone was subconsciously gentle when he spoke to Fanglan.

Lin Mengya froze for a while, when she knew that Fanglan was Yu Qiang’s disciple.

She had thought that Fanglan was only a humble palace maid under Yu Qiang’s administration. However, to her surprise, their relationship was so close!

“You’re just trying to comfort me! Baisu told me that if they had not arrived in time tonight, I might not see you again.”

With that, tears streamed down Fanglan’s cheeks.

Baisu immediately handed a handkerchief to her. Lin Mengya knew better than anyone else what it was like to know that a loved one had had a narrow escape.

However, Fanglan did not weep aloud.

Knowing that the situation was critical, she only wiped her tears from her face quietly.

“Princess Yu and Baisu will laugh at you if you keep crying. You little girl, are really to crying. I’m fine. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Princess Yu.”

Seeing his disciple crying, Yu Qiang was at a loss.

Obviously, the master and the disciple cared about each other very much.

When Fanglan saw Lin Mengya nodding with a smile, she felt relieved.

However, Lin Mengya was bothered by something else now—where should Yu Qiang go?

“Uncle Yu, what’s your plan for the future?”

Lin Mengya was a little worried. Clearly, those men in black had vengeance on their minds tonight. The mastermind behind the case was determined to kill Yu Qiang.

Failing to kill Yu Qiang this time, they might find another opportunity to end his life. If that was the case, Yu Qiang would be in grave danger.

But Yu Qiang did not seem to take it seriously. Waving his hand, he said,

“I’ll be fine. It’s not easy for those people to kill me. They must have cleared away the corpses of those men in black. If they find that I’m still alive tomorrow, they will make another attempt to kill me, but it will be more difficult for them to succeed. Besides, apart from using such dirty tricks, they can do nothing to me.”

Although Yu Qiang looked very confident, Lin Mengya was still very worried.

She was clear how vicious people could be.

A changing mind could come up with a thousand evil plans. Even she could not guarantee protection for herself and the others in the harem fights , let alone Yu Qiang.

“By the way, Uncle Yu, you said that you once entered His Majesty’s resting palace at night. Do you know how he is now?”

Yu Qiang nodded, with a serious look.

“I only managed to catch a few glimpses of His Majesty. He is indeed in a coma and his breathing was weak. Although I know nothing about medicine, I could tell that his condition is critical.”

Now, except for the empress and the prince, only the imperial physicians could see the emperor.

However, both Su Tong and Qiu Yu kept quiet about the emperor’s condition.

Hearing what Yu Qiang said, Lin Mengya was even more certain that there was something wrong.

Since the emperor was critically ill, people of the Court of Imperial Physicians and the imperial harem should take some measures, but why were they not doing anything?

Or maybe there was a conspiracy that they were not aware of?

“Are you sure that His Majesty is really down to his breath and in critical danger?”

Seeing the serious look in Lin Mengya’s eyes, Yu Qiang recalled the scene from that night again, and nodded seriously after thinking for a while.