Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 481 Knowing Oneself and Knowing the Enemy

Chapter 481 Knowing Oneself and Knowing the Enemy

In fact, all the details recorded by the men in black after a day’s observation would make any common person go crazy.

However, Lin Mengya was blessed with the powerful Shen Nung system in her brain.

One only had to recall how the system had completed a.n.a.lyzing the highly complicated medical manual such as the music score for the green stringed instrument.

In the same token, the Shen Nung system would be able to completely a.n.a.lyze the situation in the 178 families in an instant.

The reason for the dull look in her eyes at the moment was because while the Shen Nung system was operating, she would be too occupied to be concerned about what was happening before her eyes.

While the fingers of her left hands were opening and closing, Lin Mengya was really controlling the contents within the virtual world.

The characteristics of all the people were recorded according to the format she laid down earlier. Within the scope of observation, there were not only comments about the head of each household by other people, his behavior, the food that he ate each day, but also the characters and ages of the servants in the household.

Every person being observed had been categorized so that the records were very clear at a glance.

Lin Mengya scanned through the information as fast as she could to get an idea.

It was after a long time that she finally returned from the virtual world. She rubbed on her glabella and let out a sigh of confusion.

“What happened? Are you feeling unwell?”

A voice filled with concerned sounded. Lin Mengya lifted her head and caught the sight of the anxious expression on Long Tianyu’s face.

“Nothing. I was just preoccupied with some matters.”

Lin Mengya felt a little apologetic. Perhaps, there were some things that she could never say to Long Tianyu.

Going forward, she ought to refrain from exposing such abnormal behavior in front of others.

Otherwise, those who were concerned about her would think that she had contracted some other illnesses.

“That’s good to hear. My dear cousin, given that you’ve sent these men out to find out such information that seemed so trivial, are you up to something else?”

Zuo Qiuyu desperately wanted to know what Lin Mengya has got up in her sleeve.

“We can only be victorious if we know ourselves as well as our enemies. If we desire to be the winner in the medical skills compet.i.tion, we need to know all the people’s trump cards. Think about it, apart from the few remaining elders, there are still many outstanding compet.i.tors who are hoping to be the emerging dark horse. If we’re still clueless at this moment, won’t we be wasting precious opportunities?”

Lin Mengya’s words made sense, but Zuo Qiuyu just realized that she had not answered his question at all.

When he was about to press her further, Lin Mengya made an excuse that she was exhausted and wanted to take a rest.

Despite being overcome by curiosity, it was impossible to try to fish anything out in Long Tianyu’s presence, not to mention the death stare from his dark eyes. Zuo Qiuyu could only drawback and give rein to his impulse.

Reluctantly, he watched Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu’s backs as they took their leave.

Nevertheless, Zuo Qiuyu’s anxiety was not abated.

“Rest a.s.sured. The princess must have her reason given what she said. Let’s just put our trust in her.”

Liu Xuan, who had been watching quietly by the side, patted Zuo Qiuyu to a.s.sure him.

There was a mix of emotions in his expression, but there was definitely a look of determination in his eyes.

“Do you really believe that my sister is able to handle the current situation?”

Zuo Qiuyu could see that Liu Xuan and Lin Mengya did get along alright but not especially well along the way.

Why would he say he trusted Lin Mengya?

“Just keep watching. She’s probably the only one who could stir up this pool of stagnant water.”

There was a look of antic.i.p.ation in Liu Xuan’s eyes.

In that instant, he gave Zuo Qiuyu a severe look and there was a hint of threat in his voice.

“Earlier on, the emperor had sent a secret command through some men. He wanted me to seek out a suitable candidate to partic.i.p.ate in the medical skills compet.i.tion. Let me ask you one more time, do you really not want to partic.i.p.ate?”

Zuo Qiuyu’s answer was stuck in his throat.

In fact, on the night they arrived at Qingyuan Prefecture, Liu Xuan had already questioned him regarding this matter.

However, Liu Xuan was unable to shake his determination by instilling some sense of righteousness in him or using both coercion and cajolery.

However, when Zuo Qiuyu witnessed for himself how the situation in the former capital was adverse to his emperor brother’s position, his determination wavered gradually.

He was used to being laid back. He would never have gone on this trip back to his country this time if not for Lin Mengya wanting to search for the medicine from the country.

Nevertheless, he was a member of the Nation of Lintian, after all. Perhaps he had been too selfish for being an escapist all along.


“Forget it. I won’t force you into anything. I suppose the princess and the emperor must have other arrangements. Tomorrow will be the deadline for registration. Even if you wish to partic.i.p.ate, it might be too late now. Rest early now. The days ahead are going to be tough.”

Liu Xuan gave Zuo Qiuyu a long, deep look. Apparently, he did not try to hide the little bit of disappointment in his eyes.

Thereafter, Zuo Qiuyu became the only person left in the study.

He scanned the empty study and the vessel containing the burning letters which almost burnt out.

Zuo Qiuyu was utterly disconcerted at this moment.

While the inquiry continued, countless new faces continued to appear in the old capital every day. Even if the men in black were being discovered by any chance, they would not be stirring up much suspicion.

Countless people, be it court officials or commoners, had seized these last few days to enter the old capital.

The medical skills compet.i.tion was a battlefield for those in power to pursue even greater power.

To the commoners, however, it was another opportunity to indulge in revelry.

At this moment, however, Lin Mengya was sitting still in the Crown Prince’s mansion while receiving and handling the stream of information being sent to her.

They had already entered the second day, and basically, all families within the Nation of Lintian with influence had arrived at the old capital.

Even Prince Qing from Yulong Prefecture had made his way quickly to the old capital with his son who would be his heir.

Nevertheless, he did not dare to come to Lin Mengya to make trouble.

Prince Qing would be joking if he were to bring his actions to light. He would be committing a taboo by doing so.

Therefore, he could only swallow it. He even sent men to present a gift to Lin Mengya.

Laid in front of her were many rolls of top-grade silks and brocades as well as a box of rare accessories. Lin Mengya fiddled through them and turned to Yu An.

“Is Prince Qing always so generous?” she asked Yu An.

Being a know-all person, Yu An immediately answered the question with wit, saying, “In response to your question, Your Highness, Prince Qing is well-known for being stingy. When our emperor ascended the throne, he merely presented a jade statue as a gift. Nevertheless, these gifts are probably not a big deal given you are Lintian’s national treasure.”

Lin Mengya glanced at Yu An and turned back to look at the heap of things in front of her.

There should not be anything wrong with these gifts. Otherwise, they would be brought before her.

However, she had, after all, embarra.s.sed Prince Qing considerably back at Yulong Prefecture earlier on.

For such a stingy, crude, and dim-witted person, why would he be willing to send her so many gifts?

This was not going to be so simple!

“Do you know who are the trusted people of Prince Qing?”

Lin Mengya asked intently and Yu An pondered for a moment before answering her.

“I’ve heard the emperor casually mentioned Prince Qing. He is one who loved taking credits, so the people surrounding him love sucking up to him. A few years ago, an advisor went to his mansion. According to what the emperor said, this advisor was not a simple man and Prince Qing esteemed him highly. However, this man loved traveling and for this reason, Prince Qing even sent many men to protect him. No one knows what he looks like.”

Yu An’s words finally cleared Lin Mengya’s doubts.

Now she understood why Prince Qing had failed while contesting with Cousin Chen. His reckless and willful character ought to play an important part in this.

If not for his advisor who helped with laying out everything for him, she supposed Prince Qing would not be able to escape unscathed and continue acting like a tyrant in Yulong Prefecture.

However, people like him had a mortal wound. While he was willing to listen to the advisor, he would not take in all his advice.

Otherwise, it would not have been so easy for Cousin Chen to become the emperor.

“Alright, I’ll accept the gifts first. I can get someone to sell them later on. Remember not to broadcast this matter, but neither should we keep it a secret.”

Once Lin Mengya gave the instructions, Yu An speedily pa.s.sed on the instructions to his men to carry them out.

Right when the men carried all the gifts out of the room, Long Tianyu entered the room.

“Didn’t I say you should take a good rest? Why are you making yourself so busy over all these matters?”

Long Tianyu started frowning. Lin Mengya had not been looking very well these few days.

Although both Zuo Qiuyu and she had claimed that it was not bothering her, Long Tianyu could not help worrying.

Just look at how he had rushed back to the mansion once he finished doing what he needed to do.

Little did he expect that Lin Mengya, whom he had forced to stay under the blanket before he left to make sure she took a rest, had begun to labor over other trivial matters now.

When on earth would this la.s.s learn to take care of her health?

“I am really alright. You are the one making me worried now. I haven’t seen you since the early morning. Tell me if you’ve been out to look at the many beautiful girls in the old capital.”

Lin Mengya’s tone was tender and coquettish and this crippled Long Tianyu.

He looked at her as she grabbed onto his shirt with one hand, behaving like a shrewish woman.

All he could do now was to play along with her and sat down on the chair beside Lin Mengya.

“Nothing. I just had to go out to handle certain matters.”

Looking at Long Tianyu’s helpless and innocent expression, Lin Mengya could not help but burst out laughing.

Gently, she smoothed her hand over Long Tianyu’s shirt, which she crumpled. She had instantly turned into a graceful and virtuous wife.

She loved the feeling of being doted upon by Long Tianyu. Unknowingly, she began manifesting the lovely and innocent traits of a young girl.

“I kept having the feeling that it was way too quiet in the last few days. Put on your guard when you go out. This is not Dajin and you will likely invite feelings of enmity if people find out about your ident.i.ty.”

Long Tianyu held her pair of tiny hands in his. While both her hands were snow white and delicate, her right hand was limp and without strength.