Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 470 A Gleam of Hope

Chapter 470 A Gleam of Hope

He did not expect to stumble upon the chance to render meritorious deed here!

The second son of Prince Qing, who was keen to win this honor, instinctively wanted to catch hold of Lin Mengya. However, before his hand touched Lin Mengya’s clothes, something flew across his eyes. It was a pebble and it went through his palm.


The second son of Prince Qing gave off a horrible shriek out of his excruciating pain.

He turned his head towards the door and saw the shadows of two figures appearing beside Lin Mengya.

“d.a.m.n it!”

Long Tianyu caught sight of Baishao and instantly, a murderous look flashed in his eyes.

Other people may not know, but he was keenly aware of how important and loyal Baishao was to Lin Mengya.

A moment ago, the man’s filthy hands had even attempted to touch Lin Mengya. He was deserving of death!

“You must be Prince Shen and Prince Yu from Dajin! Haha, people travel far and wide in search of you, but I’ve found you easily!”

While the second son of Prince Qing was delirious with delight before he could proceed with doing something concrete, his left shoulder was impaled by a sword and nailed to the wall behind him.

He could barely make out how Long Tianyu had done this.

Devoid of the strength to retaliate, the second son of Prince Qing opened his eyes wide as he glared at the grave and stern man in black standing in front of him.

There was no way Long Tianyu could conceal his strength in extreme rage.

In his eyes, the second son of Prince Qing was utter trash.

“Cousin Yu! I want her life saved! I want to save her life! Help me! Will you help me, please?”

Lin Mengya could not be bothered about anything else now that Baishao was almost breathing her last.

However, because the sword had not been drawn out of her body, there was still a chance she might survive.

“This… It is too difficult. If the sword had gone through her heart, even the heavens could not do anything, not to mention you or me.”

It was not so much that Zuo Qiuyu did not wish to save her, but given his limitations, Baishao could only hang on to her life a while more.

In desperation, Lin Mengya hit upon a plan. She suddenly remembered an ailment recorded in the music score for the green stringed instrument.

It was about someone whose heart had been pierced. Someone could put together some pretend-death medicine, which was able to greatly slow down the flow of blood, and then administer another medicine to speed up the healing process of the internal organs.

After three days, the dosage of the pretend-death medicine was decreased so that the blood circulation sped up gradually. After doing this for half a month, this person would bring back to life.

However, if she really went ahead with this strange method, she would have exposed the fact that she was in possession of this music score for the green stringed instrument.

In the entire world, apart from this amazing book that transcended time, which other books would contain such a wonderful way of treatment?

However, Lin Mengya could not care anymore for the sake of saving Baishao’s life.

“I have a way of saving her, but you have to help me. I’m sure I have a way to save her!”

Lin Mengya was determined to save Baishao no matter what she had to do.

Even if it meant that she had to expose the music score for the green stringed instrument and thereby inviting endless troubles, what else could she do? No matter how important the music score for the green stringed instrument, no way was it more important than a person’s life.

Long Tianyu gazed at Lin Mengya and his eyes sparkled. He patted her shoulder to show his support for her.

“In that case, we’ll just have to try everything we can.”

Zuo Qiuyu had no other choices but to compromise.

“What shall we do with this man?”

Zuo Qiuyu took over carrying Baishao while Long Tianyu looked to Lin Mengya for suggestions on what to do with the second son of Prince Qing.

Even at this moment, the second son of Prince Qing was still dreaming about capturing all of them.

Looking coldly at the mad man, Lin Mengya walked up to him.

“Humph, there’s no way you’ll be able to get out of the boundaries of Yulong Prefecture. How dare you hurt me, you must be tired of living!”

While Lin Mengya’s hands were stained with Baishao’s blood, she gave the second son of Prince Qing two tight slaps.

Having been provoked to intense anger, Lin Mengya’s beautiful eyes were filled with such coldness that sent a chill up his spine.

“You think you’ve lived long enough, don’t you, the second son of Prince Qing? I will deal with you personally, so you get a taste of h.e.l.l. I didn’t intend to remain in Yulong Prefecture, lest I attract any attention, but you left me with no other choice. I make sure you see how I annihilate your backing. I’ll blood wash Yulong Prefecture so there’ll be no one left in the family of Prince Qing’s family!”

Her voice might not be high, but it felt as if every word she spoke was so chilly that it pierced right through the bones.

Reality dawned on the second son of Prince Qing, who had gone crazy with delight a moment ago.

He was not scared of this la.s.s before him. Even if it were the emperor who was backing her up, he would be not the least afraid.

However, the situation at the moment was clearly to his disadvantage.

After thinking over it, he decided to be submissive for now and try to escape later. Once he got the soldiers of the City of Yu to come, he would be able to capture these people.

“I am willing to provide you with the information I know in exchange. Anyway, it won’t benefit you if you kill me.”

The second son of Prince Qing thought that there was no way Lin Mengya would reject his idea and offer.

However, Lin Mengya thought this guy was too naive.

“No, I don’t need you to tell me anything else. Tianyu, first, cut off his tongue for me, and then, pierce his eyes so he becomes blind. Lastly, bind him up. I don’t have time to be bothered about him.”

Flashing in Lin Mengya’s eyes was a merciless coldness.

The second son of Prince Qing did not expect this lady to be so vicious and ruthless!

Lin Mengya turned and she could hear the second son of Prince Qing making a ‘ho, ho’ sound.

Lin Mengya smirked. She vowed never to forget to take revenge on Prince Qing.

Zuo Qiuyu carried Baishao back to the reception room in the courtyard at the back.

Although wine cups and dishes were strewn in disorder, Lin Mengya and the rest made sure to put a blow on everyone before they left to make sure they were unconscious.

Once Baishao was laid down on a soft mattress at the back of the reception room, Lin Mengya rushed over to her. Thank goodness Zuo Qiuyu was cautious and thoughtful. He had already blocked the various vital acupuncture points on Baishao with his silver needles.

“How is her condition now?”

Lin Mengya inquired with a low voice. By now, Baishao’s face was drained of its color and they could hardly hear her breathing.

Zuo Qiuyu was looking grim. In terms of medical skills, he had always prided himself to be always ahead of others.

“The good news is that I feel that the sword had been diverted and had bypa.s.sed her heart. The bad news is that we can’t stay here for long. If we fail to prepare the prescription, I’m afraid…”

Lin Mengya completely understood what he meant.

He was right. This was Zuo Yuanyi’s mansion. Although he was unconscious at this moment, he would wake up sooner or later.

If they had to rush from place to place with Baishao, she would not survive.

After pondering for a moment, Lin Mengya said to Zuo Qiuyu, “Will you wake Zuo Yuanyi. I can make him cooperate with us.”

Zuo Qiuyu hesitated. Zuo Yuanyi was after all the eldest son of Prince Qing, and he was tortured by them earlier on. Would it possible for him to work with them?

That said, Zuo Qiuyu also knew that there was no lack of miracles when Lin Mengya was around.


After they settled Baishao on the mattress at the back, Lin Mengya and Zuo Qiuyu returned to the reception room.

They slapped Zuo Yuanyi’s face a few times and finally, he gradually came to his sense before his face was swollen from all the slapping.

When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Lin Mengya, the star of his calamity. Reflectively, Zuo Yuanyi tucked in his neck and fear filled his eyes.

He had not even experienced such fear towards his own father.

“You’re finished, don’t you know?”

Lin Mengya looked and sounded like she could not be bothered much about what happened to Zuo Yuanyi and this frightened him.

“What, what do you mean finished?”

Before Lin Mengya, Zuo Yuanyi had lost his mind from her torturing.

“Your father had decided to pa.s.s on his status to your little brother. Yes, you didn’t hear wrongly that it will be your brother whom your father adopted.”

Zuo Qiuyu gazed at Lin Mengya, startled. He did not understand why she was making this up.

“That’s impossible! I am my father’s only son. That b.a.s.t.a.r.d had merely been picked up by my father from the streets!”

While Zuo Yuanyi tried to deny what he was hearing, but he could not shake off the uneasy feeling deeply rooted in his heart. His hatred for his little brother began to grow in him.

Eventually, things developed as Lin Mengya was hoping for.

“I am guessing that you’ve come here partly because of your father, and partly because you wish to seize hold of me so you could regain your father’s favor. However, unfortunately, you are finished. Your younger brother has found out my ident.i.ty. If not for my maid who gave her life to protect me, I would’ve been taken by him.”

As Lin Mengya narrated the story in an unhurried manner, Zuo Yuanyi’s emotion was obviously stirred from the look in his eyes.

She had once again hit the jackpot. Zuo Yuanyi was indeed fearful of this second son of his father. Zuo Yuanyi had always treated him as an eyesore.

“He’s escaped? Why didn’t you seize him?”

Zuo Yuanyi queried, frustrated. Nevertheless, he hanged his head when Lin Mengya and Zuo Qiuyu shot a glare at him.

He ought to have regretted his move.

“I wanted to catch hold of him. I won’t let him off given that he injured my maid.”

Lin Mengya did not deliberately hide the murderous look in her eyes and this had attracted Zuo Yuanyi’s attention.

Zuo Yuanyi rolled his eyes and thought that this was an opportunity not to be missed.

“Your Highness, the princess, we are after all connected by our flesh even if our bones are broken. If that b.a.s.t.a.r.d becomes the next Prince Qing, aren’t we giving the family’s honor away freely?”

Zuo Yuanyi sounded as if he was fawning on her.

He was not so stupid to go to the extent of fighting Lin Mengya to death.

His thoughts turned around and he came to a realization. Be it the emperor or his father, it would be wiser and safer to hold the authority in his own hands.

His father did not intend to make him his successor anyways. Not only did his father rebuke him often, but he had also even adopted a capable b.a.s.t.a.r.d.

Now that this b.a.s.t.a.r.d was threatening his position as his father’s successor. He could not blame Zuo Yuanyi for striking first to have the upper hand!