Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 546 Three-day Imprisonment

Chapter 546 Three-day Imprisonment

Although Hongyu had done injustice to Lin Mengya because of Sumei, she had stood firm before Lin Mengya today to defend her when she was in a life-and-death situation, blocking off the danger.


Lin Mengya had kept her kindness at the bottom of her heart.

“Thank you for your kind offer, Your Highness, but how can we get out of here? The shopkeeper is not someone easy to deal with.”

The shopkeeper might have been merciful to them by letting them go the last time, this did not mean that another miracle would happen again this time.


She did not think it was a pity for her to die, but both the princess and Xiu should not be in this deep trouble with her.

Lin Mengya wished she could say some words of comfort to Hongyu, but she restrained herself in fear that someone would be eavesdropping.

Finally, she simply gently squeezed Hongyu’s hand and spoke with a low voice, saying, “Trust me.”


Seeing how Lin Mengya made as if to speak and stopped, Hongyu, who was not holding on to much hope, thought the princess was only trying to comfort herself.

She made a wry smile but nodded lightly eventually.

The three ladies simply sat there silently, each immersed in their own thoughts. Not long after, the sound of footsteps could be heard echoing in from outside.

Thereafter, they heard Han Ling spoke with a respectful tone.

“Master, they are inside.”


Then a long slender arm pushed open the door gently.

Thereafter, this mysterious shopkeeper smiled warmly at the three ladies in the room who stood up abruptly.

“The servants had slighted you because of their ignorance. Men, serve tea.”

He maintained his elegance and gentleness, as well as a mysterious vibe.

At this moment, Lin Mengya could only gaze warily at this shopkeeper.

“I’m the one who had behaved rudely. My name is Zhu Yun. Please take a seat, Your Highness.”

Zhu Yun did not look to be in a hurry at all as he settled himself on a seat, neither too fast nor slow in his movement.

At this sight, Lin Mengya suppressed the wariness in her heart. She sat quietly across from Zhu Yun as she tried to look indifferent so that Zhu Yun could not make out her thoughts.

“Princess Yu, oh no, perhaps it’s more fitting for me to address you as Princess Anle. I’m actually not surprised that you found your way here.”

Smiling, Zhu Yun did not sound like he was talking to an enemy.

He sounded more like he was talking about the good old days with someone familiar.

“It’s up to you how you want to address me. I suppose Mr. Zhu would understand that since I’m able to come, I’ll be able to get out.”

She would be lying if she said she was not nervous. This man, Zhu Yun gave her the feeling that he was a mysterious and unfathomable person.

Nevertheless, there was one thing that she was certain of, which was that this man was definitely an enemy instead of a friend.

“Certainly. If you wish, you may leave anytime, Your Highness. No one will dare to stop you. Nevertheless, I have a presumptuous request. I wonder if I could borrow something you carry with you?”

While Zhu Yun had spoken with a casual tone, Lin Mengya quickly grew wary.

Did he say to borrow something? Did she have to lend her head if he requested for it?

Zhu Yun broke out into a friendly smile when he saw the look on her face. Then with a gentle voice, he said, “So I heard that the princess’s mother was the last disciple of the late Chief Elder of the Pavilion of Herbs. Since the Eldest Princess had succeeded the Chief Priest, perhaps she would be in possession of his legacy. I’m looking to borrow it so I hope Your Highness will part with this treasured possession.”


Immediately, Lin Mengya understood what he meant.

“I suppose you want the music score for the green stringed instrument, right? Unfortunately, it had been destroyed. It’s up to you whether you want to believe what I say. This is all I can say anyway.”

Zhu Yun started to frown a little on hearing that the music score for the green stringed instrument had been destroyed.

However, he could tell from Lin Mengya’s eyes that she was not trying to hide anything from him. It appeared that she was not lying.

“This— in that case, may I keep you here for a short stay of a few more days? Not to worry, Your Highness, I will send a message to Prince Yu regarding this. There is nothing to worry, Your Highness.”

It seemed that he was not giving up as yet.

Lin Mengya was well aware that no one would simply believe her words.

The corner of her mouth turned up in a sneer. At this moment, she was in no hurry.

“You may make me stay on for a few days, or use me to threaten Long Tianyu, I just do not have what you want. Moreover, very soon, you won’t be able to stay here any longer. It would be easier if you either kill me or release me.”

What Lin Mengya said was the reality.

Gazing at the determined look on her face, Zhu Yun seemed to have witnessed a joke and his smile widened.

Nevertheless, his eyes were suddenly filled with a chilly look.

“Your Highness, you are indeed very intelligent. However, it would be a good option to bring you along with us if we are moving out. After all, given your status as the princess, I believe that the entire Nation of Lintian would respect you and give way to you.”

Was he trying to threaten her?

Lin Mengya turned her gaze to Zhu Yun. He was indeed a very clever man. She needed more to spend more effort when dealing with a clever person.

“That’s right. You may treat me like your shield or even use me to bargain with Long Tianyu and Zuo Qiuchen, but being an intelligent man, Mr. Zhu, you are surely aware that you are acting against your own interest in this way is not the best thing to do. You can’t keep me by your side always, and you won’t be able to do it anyway.”

Seeing that Lin Mengya had regained her calm so quickly, Zhu Yun stopped keeping up with the hypocritical smile on his face.

“You are a very smart lady. No wonder someone was willing to risk his life in exchange for me not making life difficult for you. Since I’ve made a promise to that person, I have to keep to my word. Be of good cheer, Your Highness, you may leave this place boldly after three days. As for these three days, please take a good rest here.”

Zhu Yun’s words had once again aroused her curiosity.

The last time, Zhu Yun had mentioned that he released her because of a favor he owed.

Was it because of the same person again now? All of sudden, a name popped out in her mind with a flash of memory.

“Elder Sister, isn’t this person strange?”

Xiu commented with a low voice. Just a moment ago, the shopkeeper even had the audacity to threaten the princess, but in the next moment, he only wanted them to stay for three more days.

This man really behaved capriciously.

“Hm, he’s indeed strange. Is it because you know someone who is a close acquaintance of the shopkeeper?”

Hongyu thought likewise. Back when she was still at Huichun House, the shopkeeper was a very ruthless person although he did not show himself often.

Not to mention that he even let someone off. All the girls in the Huichun House could not help trembling at the mention of the shopkeeper.

Why then did he let Lin Mengya off time and again?

“Yes… one of my friends may be his old acquaintance.”

She did not need to think hard to know for certain that the man Zhu Yun talked about was Qinghu.

She was somewhat guilt-stricken when she learned that Qinghu was always ready to risk his life for her.

She, on the other hand, had failed to do anything for him.

It would be near impossible for her to repay Qinghu’s kindness in this lifetime.

“I see. Alright, since the shopkeeper had said that we can surely leave this place after three days. Let us not worry too much, Your Highness. I heard that the shopkeeper is a man of his words.”

Hongyu was acting up a little given that they had escaped death into life.

However, a commotion suddenly started outside.

The three of them looked out and saw a few well-built men in grey clothes dragging a figure across the floor.

“Sumei… it’s Sumei!”

Hongyu cried out in alarm and was about to dash towards her when Han Ling stopped her in her tracks.

“Please, let me go over to have a look at her!”

Hong Yu pleaded with Han Ling, but the chilling expression on his face did not change one bit.

Sumei, who was wailing, somehow found the strength to break free from the men’s grasp when she heard Hongyu’s voice. She tried hard to run towards Hongyu’s direction.

“Elder sister, I’ve been wrong! It’s all my fault! Save me! I don’t want to die!”

By this time, Lin Mengya finally how Sumei’s face had been completely disfigured by hideous-looking cuts.

The wounds were open and she could almost see the bones.

Her hair was disheveled. Her gorgeous clothes were long stained with blood and dust and it looked very dirty.

If not for Hongyu, Lin Mengya would not be able to recognize that this person was none other than Sumei, who was still acting so arrogantly a moment ago.

“Sumei, how did you… you end up in this state?”

Hongyu looked at her younger sister, heartbroken. There was no way Sumei could defend herself against those two strong men.

They caught up with her before she could run much further.

Then the men went on kicking and punching her.

At that moment, Sumei’s blood-curdling screams sent shudders through them.

“Stop pleading, Hongyu.”

Frowning, Lin Mengya thought she did not want to meddle with this matter at first.

Sumei had herself to blame for the outcome today. She could not blame anyone else, neither was she worth Hongyu pleading for mercy on her behalf.

“Your Highness, the princess, I know you’d have a way out. Please save my little sister, please.”

Hongyu went down on her knees before Lin Mengya once again for the sake of Sumei.

Although she had been implicated and harms by Sumei time and again, this kindhearted girl could not bear seeing her younger sister suffer such cruel torture.

“Stop beating her, stop. Sumei has learned her lesson, Master! Sumei knows she is at fault!”

On the other hand, Sumei was rolling on the floor from the excruciating pain, but those men showed no mercy but continued kicking and beating her.

Seeing the tear-stricken Hongyu, Lin Mengya spoke to her with a gentle voice, saying, “Even if you manage to save her, do you think she can continue to live well?”


Hongyu froze for a second when Sumei’s wails from outside the house sounded blood-curdling. In reality, even if Lin Mengya did not point this out to her, she knew that Sumei had been tortured badly by cruel measures.

“I get it, but please do me one last favor, Your Highness. If you agree to help me, I’ll be very grateful and will give the rest of my life in your service.”

Hongyu bowed down to Lin Mengya and helplessly closed her bloodshot eyes.

“Alright, I promise you.”

The mistake committed by Sumei would not be easily pardoned at a place like this.

From the deep cuts on her face, one would know that she was no longer of any use.