Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 626 He Secretly Tried to Saved His Mother

Chapter 626 He Secretly Tried to Saved His Mother

“I’m fine, and Lin Mengya is fine too. She identified and dealt with the person who impersonated you in the palace. I’m lucky to have her by my side these days.”

After calming himself down, Long Tianyu no longer wanted to take away his mother recklessly.

It was just that he couldn’t wait for the next opportunity.

Father had his considerations, but there were some things that he could do without scruples.

“Then I am relived. Lin Mengya is a good girl, smart and sensible. She can help you a lot. Yu’er, listen to me, go quickly. Here is Liang’er to take care of me and everything. Don’t worry about it.”

Hearing that her child was all well, she felt greatly relieved as a mother.

Despite his intense emotions, Long Tianyu nodded. He turned to look at the palace girl who was addressed as Liang’er by his mother just now.

“I will leave my mother to you. I will thank you in the future.”

Liang’er looked a little horrified, but she nodded heavily, not daring to say a word.

Concubine De looked at her son reluctantly, but she was still very pleased.

“Go child. I will be here waiting for you.”

She had seen through life and death now.

She had seen it coming from the day she entered the palace.

Sooner or later, but it was unavoidable.

She didn’t care about the position of the empress. She was happy to have such a good son. Even if she died unjustly, she could die in peace.

Mother’s smile under suffering was deeply imprinted in Long Tianyu’s heart.

In order not to alert the guards, he hurried out of the palace. Fortunately, he himself was a cold man, so even if he had a cold face, he did not attract the attention of others.

But he secretly came up with a plan.

If he wanted to rescue his mother safely without arousing suspicion of the empress, he would have to do much work. However, he now had come up with a perfect plan.

His eyes were cold. In that case, he might as well stage another scene and use the subst.i.tution plan.

He dropped the reins and strode straight to the inner Liuxinyuan Courtyard.

He just entered the yard when Baizhi stopped him.

“Prince, my master is asleep. Please be quieter.”

Long Tianyu looked at the little girl who dared to make indiscreet remarks in front of him, but he could only nod gently.

He felt a little helpless. It seemed that no one in Lin Mengya’s courtyard was afraid of him anymore.

But he wasn’t surprised. She had been trained by her Master and must be a bold person.

However, he didn’t care about such trivial matters, because these girls still respected him a lot in public.

Long Tianyu, who had always muddled through, had already become the henpecked Prince Yu in the eyes of those gossipy subordinates.

He entered the main house quietly, and Baishao, who was in charge of waiting on Lin Mengya, just stood up and bowed to him silently, and then quietly left.

Lin Mengya, who had changed into a soft white nightgown, was sleeping soundly in bed.

He looked at her quiet and soft sleeping face, Long Tianyu couldn’t help softening his facial features. He helped her tuck the quilt, and sat upright by her bed, quietly waiting for Lin Mengya to wake up.

Finally, Lin Mengya, who had slept enough, woke up from her dream.

She opened her eyes to Long Tianyu’s handsome face.

“When did you come back? Why didn’t you wake me up?”

She was just as travel-stained as him. She had enough sleep, but Long Tianyu had been waiting for herself. Lin Mengya couldn’t help complaining about it.

Long Tianyu just shook his head, lowered his voice, and whispered in Lin Mengya’s ear.

“What? You found Concubine De in the palace?”

Both Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu thought it was a great surprise.

“The empress is always discreet. It seems that your father forced her to take the risk.”

After a few tricks with Crown Prince and the empress, Lin Mengya was also familiar with their style.

She knew very well that the empress was a ruthless woman.

Every time she could help Crown Prince get out of trouble, and it could be seen that she was definitely a scheming master.

The reason why she had always had the upper hand was simply because the empress had not used all her strength against her.

However, Concubine De was forced out of the palace. Now Concubine Xian had to entrust her child to others to raise.

She was a difficult woman to deal with.

So, if the emperor hadn’t dealt with her case personally, she was afraid that now Concubine De might have suffered more.

“I agree, but I already have a thorough plan to get my mother out of the palace. But I need your help.”

From Long Tianyu’s cunning eyes Lin Mengya knew that her husband must have figured out a way to trick people.

She smiled unkindly, lowered her head and said softly.

“At your service, my dear.”

She looked cute and lovely, and Long Tianyu’s was attracted. He raised her chin and kissed her rosy lips.

But Lin Mengya, who had always put on an act with him every time, was taken aback today, and she pushed him away with her hands.

“You go take a bath. I just came back, and also have to clean up.”

Somehow Lin Mengya suddenly blushed and said.

Long Tianyu was surprised, and he just thought that she had resisted his approach because she cared about personal hygiene.

“Okay, we’ll see each other in the evening.”

He didn’t force her. Besides, he couldn’t stand being so sloppy himself. He turned around and walked out of the main room, went to his room to take a shower and change clothes.

Lin Mengya was left alone. She patted her chest and carefully took out a crystal clear bottle from under the pillow.

Looking at the small gourd-shaped porcelain bottle, Lin Mengya’s pretty face was extremely red.

Earlier, Qinghu sneaked into her room and gave this little thing to her, saying that it could treat Long Tianyu’s condition.

Now she realized that she must have gone crazy to believe that guy’s nonsense.

There were two voices in a fierce confrontation in her heart.

One said that although Long Tianyu had been poisoned by Immortal Powder, it was discovered in time after all, so it should not affect his manhood as a potential father.

Besides, with Long Tianyu’s character, if such an unmentionable illness really existed, he would certainly have avoided intimacy with her.

How could he have hugged her whenever he had the chance?

This voice seemed to have convinced her. Lin Mengya was about to put the small porcelain bottle back when another voice suddenly rang in her heart.

If he were healthy, since they had slept in the same bed so many times, how could he have restrained himself every time?

She blushed and didn’t reject this behavior.

Moreover, they were already a married couple. Would it be abnormal if this continued?

Besides, although she was inexperienced, she knew exactly how it worked.

Could it be that she should take the initiative to tell Long Tianyu that she was looking forward to sleeping with him?

She might as well try the medicine Qinghu had given her.


Lin Mengya felt that she had never been so confused in her life.

“Master, the hot water is ready, and you can go to bathe.”

Hongyu’s voice came from outside the window, and Lin Mengya immediately hurriedly put the small bottle under the pillow.

“Okay…I’m coming!”

She patted her cheeks to make herself look as natural as possible.

In that case, she might as well try the Qinghu’s method. Maybe, there would be gains, maybe.

She soaked her body in warm water, and her delicate and fair skin glowed with a light pink.

She felt so comfortable that she wanted to cry. After all, it had been a big problem for her to take a bath before.

She had wiped her body with hot water and a cloth towel at most. Such a luxurious bath now seemed a dreamlike enjoyment.

After taking the bath, Lin Mengya was coated with a moisturizing cream specially arranged by Long Tianyu by Baishao and Baiji.

In the mirror of the water shadow, she looked curvy and beautiful with her snow-white body.

Lin Mengya looked at herself in the mirror with satisfaction. Fortunately, she was a little thin, but her curves were all in the right places.

Would Long Tianyu really like her as she was?

Lin Mengya found that she started thinking about it again.

She shook her head. It was not the time to think about it now. At least, she had to wait until Concubine De returned safety before she could implement her plan.

Baiji put a loose pink nightgown on her, and once again, she returned to the warm inner room.

“Master, the 10th prince and Zhu Yan are back. But I said you need to rest, and didn’t invite them over to pay respects to you.”

Baiji carefully wiped Lin Mengya’s hair, while talking about the affairs of the palace in detail.

“Well, it’s okay. By the way, how did Zhu Yan get along with the 10th prince? That man, is he getting along well with the people in the house?”

She knew Zhu Yan’s temper very well. He was self-willed and rebellious as a man who had grown up in that kind of place.

But Baiji smiled softly and explained patiently.

“The bad horse was tamed by Tian Ning. Zhu Yan is now very obedient to Tian Ning. Besides, he follows the 10th prince every day and is practically his guard. Tian Ning has a way; otherwise, Zhu Yan would have made trouble in our house.”

Looking in the mirror, Lin Mengya was surprised to see the sweet smile on Baiji’s face.