Sukuwanakya Dame desu ka? Isekai

Chapter 1

Looking at the time displayed on my smartphone, it’s just about to be eleven o’clock. Counting, there are twenty-odd pa.s.sengers riding in this section of the train. Maybe it’s because Golden Week is tomorrow, but I always feel like there’s less pa.s.sengers. Not a single one of the pa.s.sengers is holding a conversation. Only the sound of the train running remains. It’s seems like mostly single people, salary workers or office ladies on their way home. There are five woman somewhere around the age of 30? All five of them are on their smartphone. Some pf them are typing, the others are staring at their phone with earphones. The men are of a variety types and ages. From guys that don’t get much sunlight, students and even guys old enough for retirement. The ones with laptops look professional, while the tired looking ones are either drunk or asleep.

A fantastic group of people they are. Sitting close to me was one of the woman obsessed with her smartphone, and a drunk middle aged man muttering to himself. I’m not sure if it’s the best idea to do the registration here, but with so many people around it should be okay. Excusing myself from the rest of the train, I launch my laptop. What i’m signing up for was referred to my by Holly-chan. She was a very cute and friendly girl, my mind bounces at the thought of her. While the laptop is starting up, I recall the drinking session that the rookies held with each other. It was only a little, but i was taken in by the happy mood. I spoke with a girl for a long time, for the first time in a while. And it was just the two of us talking for more than five minutes. While the normal high pitched voices in the background were going off, we talked about the voices coming from the room over, period dramas and the actors in them.

While sitting alone I spied a girl that looks like she belongs in junior high school student . But, aren’t I mistake? Why would a junior high school student be here? And she’s a beautiful girl sitting right in the middle of us. I wonder if she’s someones sister. Oh. Our eyes met. Staring at me with her big eyes and long eye lashes.

Holly-chan: “I’m sorry if i’m wrong to a.s.sume what you’re thinking, but I’m also a new employee that graduated from a junior college and twenty years old.”

Filling me in on exactly what i was wondering about, Holly-chan never let go of her cup of orange juice.

In a clumsily rush  out my words and say. “Oh, no. I’m sorry I, I also like things pertaining to history. I just turned around somehow when the topic of history was brought up.” I feel a little guilty for dodging the subject, but it’s not like I’m lying. If I was holding up a cup it would of been shaking from my nervousness. I wonder if i’m visibly acting strange.

Holly-chan: “And then when you turned around there was a high school looking girl that really stood out of place.”

She said that in a cheerful tone, but she did so with an enigmatic smile. She wasn’t angry at me, but her lovely smile worried me. She surprised me  with her smile, but it was somehow gave me a sense of relief at the same time.

“That’s correct. I’m sorry.” There really was no point in keeping it a secret. After that i summed up some courage and our conversation continued. I enjoyed my longer than five minutes conversation with spiteful woman Holly-chan.

Since Golden Week begins tomorrow, anyone can live without having conversations. Not that I had any schedule conversations to begin with. I plan to start the VRMMO test server from tonight on. I continue the user registration while thinking such things.

“Test service players limited to ten thousand”

The text is so small it’s hard to read, are notices usually this small? Continuing to read.

“Apology and Notice! Initially this test service was open for a limited ten thousand people, but due to a high demand for abolishing this we have decided to get rid of the limited number that can register. Instead we will be closing registration on April twenty- eighth 11:59 p.m. We Hope that everyone will be understanding.”


I scream out causing several people to look back here. A young man sitting at the back of the train shouting to himself looks terribly suspicious.But there’s no time for that, what time is it? It’s 11:56 p.m! It was barely Eleven when I started.I finish the user registration in a hurry and move onto character creation. Text pop up.

“This will be your name in the world. Chinese characters are not available. Please insert first and last name.”

I don’t think there’s much point in overthinking my name, i’ll just choose a name of a historical figure that’s close to mine. However i’ll do it in katakana to make it “Michinaga Fujiwara.”

“Choose your gender. We’re sorry, but only Male or Female genders are available.”

Of course i’m going to be setting myself as male. I wonder if there has been demand for something other than male or female.

“Choose your age. In this world the age of an adult begins at fifteen.”

I’ll go with age eighteen. I think considering someone an adult at fifteen is a little severe, but no point in complaining.

“Choose from the skills  that can be used. It will be the skill that you can use in the world. Magic is also included as a skill. Skill will be maxed out. There are different attributes of magic available.”

This could take a while to decide if you have the time. There’s a numerous amount of skills available that fall under the categories of “Magic kills”, “Martial art’s based skills”and “Production skills” When Clicking on “Magic skill” The Familiar magic attributes of earth magic, water magic, fire magic, and  wind magic appear. There are no descriptions for these attributes.