Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 127

His Mentor is a Mystical Branch Wizard in the Phantom System? Angel knows there are dozens of systems in the Illusion System. The Illusion System of meteorological change, the Phantom Array System integrated with alchemy, the Illusion System of reality and fantasy, the Illusion System of a thousand changes and so on… wait, he doesn’t know what his talent is?

The Tree Spirit stretched out his palm, and a green light flashed for a moment. In the palm of his hand a branch slowly grew out. When the branch extended to Angel, to his surprise, a green leafed bud emerged from the branch.

“Eat the leaves.” The Tree Spirit ordered.

Angel plucked the tender leaves from the branch and consumed them without hesitation. When Angel’s tongue touches the tender leaves, it automatically slides a cool sap down into his esophagus.

Before long Angel was shining green all over his body. Under his skin, it was as if green blood was flowing through his veins. He even felt a bit cool in his head.

This comfortable coolness made Angel unconsciously close his eyes to enjoy it.

On the other side, the Tree Spirit sat down in the vine chair and quickly took out a pen to record something.

[Pure Human, No Exotic Plane Blood. Evaluation: Qualified]

[Mental Force Value: 15.00. Evaluation: Qualified]

[Branch Bias –]

The Tree Spirit raised his head and gently waved his fingers. A green breath drilled out of a part of Angel’s body and his own breath came out to fuse with it.

“There is no b.l.o.o.d.y smell.” The Tree Spirit whispered to himself.

Tree Spirit continued writing: [Camp Bias: None. Evaluation: Qualified]

With another wave of the Tree Spirit’s fingers, the green breath suddenly surges ferociously in Angel. Angel frowns, with his face revealing a trace of pain. The green breath pauses, then the flow slows down a little.

Tree Spirit was stunned and slipped a smile at the corners of his mouth. He took a little closer look at Angel: “Looks like the little guy likes you very much.”

[Physical Fitness: Ordinary. Evaluation: Qualified]

[Soul Quality: Excellent. Evaluation: Qualified]

Next came the most critical moment, the talent bias test. The Tree Spirit silently directed the green flow of breath into Angel’s sea of knowledge. This is the most critical step. The sea of knowledge is not in the ***, but in the nihility between the soul and mind. If there was rejection, even Sanders has no way to safely enter the sea of knowledge of others. The Tree Spirit entered it as if a breeze and rain enter the heavens.

Only a proficient master in the soul can do this reluctantly. From this point, we can infer how powerful the Tree Spirit truly is.

As the green breath flowed into the Angel’s sea of knowledge, little beads of sweat began springing up on the Tree Spirit’s forehead.

“What powerful exclusivity! Even the mildest breath of nature is directly shut out!” The Tree Spirit’s heart is extremely surprised! After tens of thousands of years at the Savage Grottoes, he has tested countless talents. This is the first time he has encountered such repulsion from a sea of knowledge.

The breath of nature that enters the sea of knowledge can roughly explore the bias of a talent.

By just looking around at the sea of knowledge of a talent. One can infer the general direction of a talent, such as whether they are in the Elemental Branch or the Blood Branch.

If the Tree Spirit is willing to let his breath of nature slowly fill a sea of knowledge. He can even explore in more detail to provide the best choice for a talent. Such as telling a talent the so-and-so branch so-and-so system they belong to.

Although the Tree Spirit helps talents out by measuring their talent bias all year round, he is actually very lazy. Most of the time, the breath of nature just come in and out as soon as he looks at the talent’s sea of knowledge.

Therefore, for a talent bias of a talent. He usually only gives a one branch guidance from the Three Major Structures. Just like the previous talents, most of the time, the Tree Spirit only says the “Elemental Branch” or “Blood Branch” as the guidance.

Unless the Tree Spirit sees the subject’s, talent is good. Then he will put in a little more effort to help the person further test. Just like Shalem, this is remarkably pure child. As a plant phantom, his favorite kind of people are kind and pure people. Coupled with Shalem’s talent being genuinely good. He revealed his bias for the “Elemental Branch Dark System.”

The Tree Spirit is also very fond of Angel. Not to mention the fragrance in his soul. Just the fact that the “little guy” loves Angel is enough for him to give love until his house is in the red.

Originally, the Tree Spirit was going to test Angel’s talent in detail, but Angel’s sea of knowledge has high repulsion. It took him much effort just to let his breath of nature to hover around his sea of knowledge. Let alone go deeply inside his sea of knowledge.

“I don’t believe it! My breath of nature cannot deeply enter into an ordinary person’s sea of knowledge!” Tree Spirit is on the fence. His body keeps sweating, but the breath of nature is unable to break through the sea of knowledge’s line of defense.

Unless… he desperately breaks through Angel’s sea of knowledge. But in such a case, it would cause irreparable damage to Angel’s sea of knowledge.

This is no way. The Tree Spirit can only take back most of his breath of nature. He only left a trace of green breath behind to explore whether it can “find the enemy’s weak point.” He wants to see if he can enter smoothly later on.

It is possible to find the enemy’s weak point if the breath is put a little deeper. But this still does not reach the core of the sea of knowledge.

As the Tree Spirit manipulates the flow, trying to move the breath a step closer. As soon as he does, an intense rebound repulsion appears. Making the remaining breath of nature pop out of Angel’s sea of knowledge.

This sharp rebound made the Tree Spirit take a few steps back.

“What, it repulsed by breath of nature!” The Tree Spirit took a long breath. At this time, his whole body was dripping with sweat, and his physical strength and mental force were extremely exhausted.

“Lord Tree Spirit, what’s happening?” A deep low voice came into the Tree Spirit’s ears from far away.

“Sanders, your apprentice is a monster. His sea of knowledge’s defense is a rare sight in my existence. With that kind of strong repulsive force. Even if an official Wizard wants to violently spy on his spirit. They will have a very difficult time breaking through his line of defense.” The Tree Spirit channeled.

“That’s natural, he’s my apprentice!” Sanders said while showing a rare moment of pride.

The Tree Spirit rolled his eyes thinking, “I did not praise you, you proud fart.”

“Then Lord Tree Spirit can find out Angel’s talent bias?” Asked Sanders.

The Tree Spirit shook his head. “I entered the second line of defense in his sea of knowledge and was directly popped out. The details have been unexplored, but there is no doubt about him being in the Mystical Branch Phantom System.”

Hearing Tree Spirit’s words, Sanders smiled at the corners of his mouth from far away.

“But… there seems to be more than one bias. He should also have a bias in another Mystical Branch which I couldn’t see. Your new apprentice is really good. I’ve seen many people with two kinds of Elemental Branch bias. I’ve seen apprentices with both a Mystical Branch bias and Elemental Branch bias, but people with two kinds of Mystical Branch talent biases are rare.” The Tree Spirit said while being quite moved.

“The last time I saw this was about 20,000 years ago. The talent had both the Mystical Branch Searching System and Mystical Branch Prophecy System bias. He had unfortunately misused his prophecy abilities and died without the fate of becoming an official Wizard.”

Sanders was silent for a moment: “One talent is more than enough. You don’t have to tell him he has another Mystical Branch talent. Just fill in his Mystical Branch as the Phantom System. If he intends to choose another Mystical Branch System later on, wait for him to qualify as an official Wizard. At that point, we will let him study on his own.”

The Tree Spirit chuckled. “It looks like you really value him very much. All right, as you wish.”