Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 183

Angel followed Housekeeper Goode and arrived at Phantom Island while feeling the cool breeze during the middle of the night.

As soon as he entered the study, he saw Sanders at his desk with his legs crossed and a crystal ball communicator in his hand, watching something.

When Angel approached, only then did he see the picture in the crystal ball. Unexpectedly it was a recording of his battle in Sky Tower.

Sanders is watching the scene where he is on the second floor fighting against an Elemental Branch Wizard Apprentice.

Angel stood quietly in front of him and was inexplicably ashamed to see his battle at this angle. In particular, when the defensive wall is constructed in the crystal ball. He releases the golden arrows and tries to persuade his opponents to surrender with a cold voice. Angel felt his acting was perfect against his opponent during the battle, but now he felt like a young teenager from a third parties’ perspective.

“Eternal Rashon! Humph, throw down your cards and surrender. Or the next wounds will appear not on your limbs, but your throat!” The sound of calls and hoots came from the crystal ball.

This phrase spoken during the heat of battle gave Angel no pressure. But at this time, from this point of view, and on this occasion. Angel feels uncomfortable all over his body. In particular, as Sanders is giving him a curious gaze.

Angel opens his palms and ma.s.sages his temples with a pretext of covering his face in shame.

What should I do? This is too shameful! Why was I acting so grumpily?

By the end of the battle, Sanders turned off the crystal ball and looked at Angel with a smile.

After a long stare, Angel looked uncomfortable, and Sanders joked with a low voice while pressing a smile: “The prestige is not big, but the momentum is still quite powerful.”

Angel bowed his head sheepishly and said, “I… I’m… ” His words collapsed. He couldn’t say it. He whispered for a long time and finally asked, “Mentor, how did you get my battle recording?”

Sanders also saw Angel’s embarra.s.sment and took care of his little apprentice’s thin face. Naturally, he turned the topic around.

It turned out that Housekeeper Goode had come earlier in the morning and saw he was not at home. Later, after a little bit of asking around, he learned Angel had gone to climb Sky Tower. When Sanders learned of this news, he got a hold of his battle recordings from the Sky Tower management office and viewed them with great interest. This was what they were watching just now.

After listening to Sanders, Angel became even more ashamed. He thought his ident.i.ty was well hidden and would not be seen by his acquaintances. However, there is no impermeable wall in the world. Sanders used whatever means he needed to find out that “Milk Baron” was him. Angel no longer cares, he just wants to find a crack under his feet and immediately jump into it!

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a few minutes until Sanders took Angel to the balcony.

There are two side-by-side chairs on the balcony. Sanders seats himself on one and motions Angel to sit down on the other.

After feeling the cool breeze from the night wind. Angel looked out at the distant sea of clouds and stars on the Tree of Eternity. With this scene, Angel’s mood finally calmed slightly down.

“Your fighting style used in the first few layers of Sky Tower should be fine. But on the last three floors of Sky Tower, the opponents you meet will not be so simple.” Sanders said: “With those defensive tactics and an alchemy weapon with no special effects, it will be very difficult for you to really climb to the top.”

“The last three floors of Sky Tower at all time always has a large number Wizard Apprentices from the Blood Branch. Some of them have already integrated with an exotic bloodline. In these floors, there are two concepts: Wizard Apprentices integrated with an exotic bloodline and Wizard Apprentice who have not integrated with an exotic bloodline. They can stand up to your attacks and rush at you before you lay down your defences. And you will have no time to fight back.”

For Sanders warning, Angel was not really worried. His Wrist-Mounted Crossbow is not a primary alchemy weapon like Sanders thought it was, and there are more than a dozen advanced golden arrows that he has not shown yet. Not only that, Angel actually hides another advanced long-ranged attack. It was Toby, he hovers in the air and is ready to support him at any time.

Making Angel seem like a fearless man.

Sanders looked at Angel’s expression and guessed in his mind what he thought.

“Toby should be able to help you with its understanding of gravity law insight, but you should not be careless. There are many strange people and many strange spells in the world. You can’t rely on these three strategies to be fearless.”

Sanders remark suddenly reminded Angel of his opponent in today’s battle, Trickle of the Resting Stream.

Trickle of the Resting Stream’s method of changing water to oil was forgotten by Angel for a while. He was almost pushed out of the arena by his opponent. Angel might have lost the battle if Trickle of the Resting Stream hadn’t fallen asleep during their fight.

Thinking of this, Angel curiously asked Sanders about Trickle of the Resting Stream.

Sanders took out the crystal ball and changed it to the recording of Angel’s battle today on the third floor of Sky Tower. After watching his battle against Trickle of the Resting Stream, Sanders meditated for a moment with a smile of surprise on his face.

“I remember that in elemental manipulation, there is no change in the nature of an element. Water and oil are two different things.” Angel didn’t know what Sanders was smiling about. Did he smile in his heart when he saw Angel almost shot off the battle arena?

“You have read many books. An Elemental Branch Second Level Apprentice is when apprentices are involved with elemental manipulation. Apprentices in other branches may have to wait until they are at least the Third Level of Apprentice for some involvement. Even some people have to be Wizards in order to dabble in it.” Sanders put away the joy on his face and said to Angel.

Angel choked and said unnaturally, “I’ve seen it in mentor’s library, so I’ve got a slight impression.”

Sanders just mentioned this casually and didn’t care where Angel learned it.

“This woman.” Sanders pointed to the Trickle of the Resting Stream in the crystal ball. “She entered the Savage Grottoes fifteen years ago. If I remember correctly, fifteen years ago three Wizards gave her Golden Flier Invitation Cards at the same time.”

Three Wizards gave her Golden Flier Invitation Cards at the same time?! Angel looked at Trickle of the Resting Stream in wonder. What do those three Golden Flier Invitation Cards stand for? Angel is very clear.

“She’s not in the Elemental Branch which you might imagine but is in a rare Mystical Branch Special System.”

“Special System?” Angel has seen it mentioned implicitly in a book, but the Mystical Branch has so many different systems that he hasn’t had the time to read all of them.

“It’s not just Wizards who have the ability to do everything in the world. Some lucky children are born with the ability to do everything in the world at birth. She is one of them. She has a Mystical Special System: Qualitative change of water.”

Qualitative change of water? Does it mean changing the nature of water?” Angel thought.

“It’s not a qualitative change you might imagine, but directly endowing water with new qualities. Converting oil from water is one of them. When she came to the Savage Grottoes, it was Flora who picked her up.” Sanders said: “Flora used the same recruitment method as me by using the Nine Bloodbath Cabins, but she did not limit the final number of people. As long as people survived in a stone cabin for ten days, it was counted as a clearance. On the first day, Trickle of the Resting Stream turned a pot of water in the Nine Bloodbath Cabins into a poisonous soup. She poisoned the rest of the people in the stone cabin.”

At this point, Sanders stopped.

“In fact, people with innate abilities are sometimes unfavored.”

Master and apprentice also casually talked about the Sky Tower compet.i.tion, Angel’s original shame completely calmed down.

In the course of their discussion, Angel was a little disappointed that Sanders did not ask him about his alchemy weapon. As far as he knows, Alchemy Wizards are rare in the Savage Grottoes, and Sanders has a lot of respect for Alchemy Wizards. Angel has turned his tail up and waited for Sanders to be “shocked” by his natural gift for alchemy, but Sanders never asked about it. Angel was also embarra.s.sed to take the initiative to recommend himself in front of Sanders face. In which case, the effect of “shock” will be much smaller.

“Mentor, what’s the reason you asked me to come here today?” Previously, the two men talked about some other things, but they never got to the main point.

Sanders stood up and said, “You come with me.”

Sanders took Angel to the study, took a notebook out of the drawer and handed it to Angel.

Angel opens the notebook and saw it was densely covered with model diagrams and full of small pieces of text.

The handwriting is undoubtedly written by Sanders himself.

“You haven’t moved for months. I thought you weren’t interested in the Purification Garden. I originally called you over today to check your understanding of models and would give you this notebook with all basic illusion system magic after you were qualified.” Sanders smiled: “But I didn’t expect you to give me such a big surprise. Although your Sky Tower battle is still very childish, and your victories depend on foreign objects, but your defensive magic is very good. In particular, there are magics that you displayed that I have never seen. So, do not pay attention to the details and just take it directly.”

“There is no doubt that your talent is in the illusion system, but we have yet to see which direction your preferences fall under in the illusion system. This notebook records the basic magic of the illusion system. You can practice each of them one by one. Tell me which ones you prefer after some more experience and ideas when you see me next time.”

Notebook with all the basic magic in the illusion system!

Sanders didn’t teach him a single model of magic but asked him to figure out his own way forward. At that time, even Flora was going to teach him magic, but Sanders scolded him harshly. Unexpectedly today, Sanders volunteered and took the initiative to hand over all the basic magic in the illusion system to him!

Angel’s mood brightened up in an instant, and there was a lot of kindness in his eyes when he looked at Sanders. G.o.d knows, he was going to head to High Cloud Library to rent illusion system books!

“The magic you used today in your battle with Trickle of the Resting Stream is similar to sand and dust. It has the meaning of the First Knock on the Path of True Knowledge. I hope you will persevere in the future and step on the path of true knowledge as soon as possible and never slow down again.”

“Similar to Sand and Dust? Is mentor talking about Dust?” As soon as Angel heard what Sanders said, he immediately remembered the Dust spell he used today.

“Dust? The name is very appropriate, it is less powerful than Sand and Dust, but there is a shadow of Sand and Dust.”

“Dust is a derivation of dust removal, and I rearranged the model.”

In fact, Angel himself does not understand that arrangement and combination of composition magic almost cannot be accomplished by a Wizard Apprentice. But why does his mentor say he had his “First Knock on the Path of True Knowledge?” Isn’t this a common practice among other Wizards?