Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 250

When Angel returned home with the echo flower, he wanted to visit Toby in the attic and ask for his opinion on the music box. He wanted to strike while the iron was hot and correct the shortcomings of the music box through receiving some “customer” feedback.

However, to his surprise. Angel didn’t hear any sounds coming from the attic when he came home. According to his usual habits, Toby would hold his personal duet during this time. He had given him the music box today, but why was the attic so quiet?

Angel went to the attic with doubts and now saw that Toby wasn’t even home. Even the music box was taken away by him.

Angel frowned and said: “Is Toby bringing the music box to his little friend to show off?”

Originally, he had no objection to Toby making new friends. But most Wizards are very cunning in nature. Even if Toby is a little clever, he still doesn’t have enough experience around Wizards. Toby sharing everything with others isn’t good. If he is cheated, the trust Gloria placed on him will be lost.

With this in mind, Angel decided to wait for Toby to come home and have a good long talk with him. It’s best to meet Toby’s little friend and see what kind of person they are.

Since Toby isn’t here, Angel can’t get any suggestions or feedback. Well, he’ll just follow what he originally planned and spend some time refining another music box like last night.

When the music box was born, it was still as brilliant and moving as before. After Angel inspected it and found no nothing out of order. He satisfactorily wrapped the music box up and prepared to head over to Lord Mirror Ji’s residence.

As he was preparing to leave the house. Angel heard the < Castle in the Sky > music coming from the attic again, he called out to Toby from the courtyard.

Toby’s little head soon quickly emerged from the skylight.

“We’re going to Twilight Deep Well this afternoon, so don’t go out again, lest I can’t find you.” Angel originally wanted to ask a few questions about his little friend. But after thinking about it, he decided to ask again after boarding the airship.

After nodding in agreement, Toby couldn’t wait to retreat back into the attic and continue singing along with the music box.

Listening to Toby’s out of tune singing, Angel smiled helplessly and turned away to leave.

After all that, he was ready to Visit Lord Mirror Ji. Angel didn’t dare dress too casually, so he had prepared by dressing up more formally. He wore his aristocratic outfit with his family insignia which Leon had customized for him. Even Angel’s usually scattered golden hair was groomed and combed back. With his pale skin and blue eyes as clear as the sky, Angel’s handsomeness reached new heights.

The only flaw was probably the faint dark circles under his eyes. It was normal for him to be a little tired after working dozens of hours without rest. Anyway, if he didn’t need to take an airship in the afternoon, he would’ve probably planned to sleep in.

Lord Mirror Ji’s residence is at the entrance to the Mirror World. When Angel entered the Savage Grottoes, he saw it at the end of the chasm.

The entrance and exit of the Mirror World are in the same area. But there is only one entrance into the Mirror World and many Teleport Arrays going out of the Mirror World. Angel is going to the nearest Teleport Array from his current location.

This Teleport Array is located in Tree Spirit Hall.

Early in the morning, Tree Spirit Hall was deserted with only a few staff members still on duty. Angel looked for Melanie, who had pestered him at the beginning and found she was no longer at her post. Although this is Tree Spirit Hall, Angel usually doesn’t see Lord Tree Spirit. He directly finds the Teleport Array and delivers a certain number of contribution points to be sent to the Mirror World entrance through the Teleport Array.

Angel appeared in a bright room with a mortal sitting on the reception desk next to the Teleport Array. This person was sleeping while holding their cheek up with their hand.

The light from the Teleport Array had woken him up. When he saw Angel on Teleport Array, he stood up and immediately saluted Angel respectfully with a bow.

Angel walked up to him and asked in a heavy tone: “Are you the only staff member working here?”

The other side nodded while trembling: “Ye… Yes!”

“How far is the entrance to the Mirror World from here?” Angel asked.

The staff member pointed in a single direction: “This is Windmill Town. As long as the Lord heads in that direction, there will be a cliff. Pa.s.sing through the cave in the cliff is the entrance to the Mirror World.”

Angel remembers there are several towns near the Mirror World entrance. One of which is Windmill Town. On the surface, this town is under the rule of Shadow Demon Kingdom. But in fact, all the towns nearby depend on the Savage Grottoes.

After leaving the Teleport Array reception area. Angel came to the peripheral villages and towns around the Mirror World entrance.

Angel wasn’t too curious about Windmill Town, because it looks very similar to the Underground Market. With the exception of having a little greener vegetation, houses being a bit shorter and the crowd being all mortals. This town is basically a replica of the Underground Market. Even the artificial daylight source overhead has the same brightness as the Underground Market.

Angel completely walked through Windmill Town. Following the directions indicated by the staff member, he soon reached the Mirror World entrance.

The huge the Mirror Plane is placed at the bottom of the hole surrounded by a swarthy area. But the world in the Mirror Plane is in the light. Standing at the mouth of the cliff. Angel can clearly see Tree Spirit Court, the Tree of Eternity, and all kinds of familiar places in the Mirror Plane.

Angel jumped down from the hole, touched the surface with both hands and landed firmly on top of the Mirror Plane.

Feeling the cold Mirror Plane, it was as cold as ice and clear as gla.s.s with a refreshing sense of coolness. This made Angel’s slightly tired spirit arouse and refreshing feeling.

Angel was still thinking about how to call Mirror Ji when he saw a white fog forming on top of the Mirror Plane.

“I say, who dares to touch this mother? Oh, so it was little Angel.” The white fog said in a slightly mocking tone as a voice reached Angel’s ears.

When Angel showed up. At the very moment when his hand was still touching the Mirror Plane. A thought of him touching Lord Mirror Ji’s body crossed his mind. Angel immediately withdrew his hand somewhat unnaturally and bowed respectfully to the white misty fog and said: “Good morning Lord Mirror Ji.”

“Why are you here?” The white fog changed into a graceful human figure with swaying hips as she said: “Didn’t I ask for Sanders to come?”

Angel bowed his head and said: “Mentor has something else to do, so I…”

“You can come. Maturity has mature beauty, and immaturity also has a tender sweetness. I just happen to like handsome boys like you.” Mirror Ji laughs and said: “Would you like to accompany me in having some morning tea?”

Angel blushed at Mirror Ji’s words and said: “I came here to thank the Lord for last time. Otherwise, I would have…”

Mirror Ji once again interrupts Angel and said: “I hate people who haw and holler. If you want to say, thank you, don’t say it. If you accompany me and have morning tea, you will have thanked me.”

Angel nodded and said: “Well, thank you Lord for your hospitality.”

After Angel nodded in agreement. Mirror Ji floated over and stretched out her hand made of white fog and gently held Angel as she said: “Then let’s go.”

Before Angel could react, a big change suddenly occurred in front of him. He now appeared in a delicate hall.

This hall is gorgeous and magnificently grand. It was full of all kinds of gorgeous and extravagant furnishings. Even the detailing on the closet was astonishingly beautiful.

Mirror Ji led Angel to the side of the hall. This is where a white hand-carved gold-edged table with two armchairs of the same colour was found.

With a wave of her hand, Mirror Ji placed two cups of hot morning tea on the table.

“Sit down and let me have a closer look at you.” Mirror Ji took her seat and observed Angel with her chin cupped.

Although Mirror Ji was a cloud of white fog and Angel couldn’t see her expression or eyes. But the action of her staring at him made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Angel pressed down his feeling of shyness and added some brown sugar to the morning tea before taking a sip.

“Tut tut tut, really green and handsome. Such a tender piece of fresh meat still oozing with blood. Ah, you make a person really want to take a bite.” When Mirror Ji’s voice came into Angel’s ear, the contents of her words were so startling that he even choked on his tea.

“Even while choking you still look cute.” Mirror Ji also said as she took a sip of tea. When the cup came into contact with her white fog mouth, it naturally disappeared.

Angel didn’t know what else Mirror Ji would say. So, he simply put down the teacup in hand and took out a disposable s.p.a.ce capsule from his pocket to hand over to Mirror Ji.

The s.p.a.ce capsule is naturally filled with the music box. Angel hopes he can rely on this music box to divert Mirror Ji’s attention and never pay attention to him again.

“What is this?” Mirror Ji’s ending tone was gently raised. When Angel listened to her voice, he could even imagine her brow raising.

“Are you bribing me?” Mirror Ji stretched out her hand and gently lifted Angel’s chin: “I actually prefer you more than any of these gifts.”

“Ah, it’s not a bribe… I am very grateful to the Lord for rescuing me last time and have nothing to else to repay you with. This is a music box which I personally refined, and I hope the Lord can accept it.” Angel said.

“Music box? What a distant memory… How long ago was it since the last time I heard this name?” Mirror Ji pondered for a moment: “About ten thousand years ago, a small n.o.bleman from the Shadow Demon Kingdom abandoned a music box at my doorstep. It had a very harsh sound. Thinking back on it now, I felt uncomfortable from the experience.”

After hearing Mirror Ji’s judgment, Angel felt slightly embarra.s.sed and could only explain aloud: “I made this music box myself and depicted it with a tranquil magic pattern. So, the sound shouldn’t be too harsh…”

“A tranquil magic pattern? Did you learn enchantment alchemy?” Lord Mirror Ji asked.

Angel nodded in affirmation.

“That’s very good. The Savage Grottoes lacks alchemy wizards.” Mirror Ji casually praised: “But a tranquil magic pattern is a little out of place in a music box. All right, let me see your present. However, I have to give a verdict first. If it turns out to be badly crafted, I will directly banish it to another place.”

When Mirror Ji said this, she directly crushed the s.p.a.ce capsule and what followed was an object falling on the table within her line of sight.

Looking at the gorgeous work of art in front of her, Mirror Ji was slightly stunned.

Her impression of a music box still lingers on the traditional style. Such a beautiful piece of art can actually be called a music box?

Mirror Ji pondered for a moment: “The style is so strange. I have never seen anything like this before, but it is strangely harmonious… Did you design it yourself?”

Angel nodded and said: “Yes.”

“Not bad, at least from its outward appearance. I’m very satisfied with it.” Mirror Ji praised.

But a music box focuses more on its content rather than appearance. So, Mirror Ji still intends on banishing it if she thinks the music box is too bad. Even if she likes the design very much.

According to Angel’s instructions, Mirror Ji puts her hand on the bar.

Turning the bar clockwise… she only heard the sound of two ticks.