Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 278

“Despicable **.” Flora scoffed from the obvious antics of those people.

Lydia raised her brow and said: “What a strange fox, can this creature even reflect the darkest ** in our hearts? It’s quite similar to the Abyss Demon’s ability to cast evil play.”

The evil play cast by the great demon G.o.d in the Abyss Plane is also referred to as the Evil l.u.s.t Demon G.o.d. It was born to capture all evil and ** thoughts and manipulate them. This creature is one of the Abyss Demon G.o.ds which wizards never want to face.

Under the control of ** and watching the people present become more and more out of line, Twilight’s face became darker. These are all potential customers of Twilight Auction House, they cannot continue losing face here. This has become not only a matter of Twilight Auction House but also a matter of their customers’ face!

After a bit of teeth-grinding, Twilight opened her mouth to utter some strange phrases. What followed was a pale blue light which emerged from her forehead.

Even Sanders turned his head and looked solemnly when the light had shone through the luxurious hall.

All the non-wizard cla.s.s apprentices, under this pale glow became sluggish with their eyelids slowly drooping as they gradually fell into a deep slumber.

It was not until all the wizard apprentices fell asleep that the dim light faded away. Finally, it turned into a teardrop-like pink crystal and drilled back into the centre of Twilight’s brows.

When all the wizards present saw the pink crystal, their eyes flashed with greed and desire.

“Fral’s Necklace of Deep Sleep.” Flora looked at the pink crystal that disappeared into Twilight’s forehead and slowly uttered the name of the item.

“It’s a pity that the Necklace of Deep Sleep has been damaged in the long river of history. Without the actual Necklace of Deep Sleep, perhaps it should now be called Fral’s Tear.” Lydia added.

“Even without the Necklace of Deep Sleep, it’s still considered a mysterious cla.s.s treasure.” Twilight put away Fral’s Tear as she faintly said.

“Apart from the Savage Grottoes, I’m afraid there is probably only one mysterious item in the whole Shadow Demon Kingdom Wizard Plane.” Cooper sighed.

“Perhaps before today, but not necessarily after today.” Twilight said as she hinted.

“What do you mean by that?” Cooper asked.

As Twilight was about to explain, this was when Lydia suddenly said: “Don’t digress, the strange fox and frog pair are gone. Have any of you noticed their whereabouts or where they were heading?”

Looking back, the crowd noticed the two animals had disappeared from the hall. They were previously attracted by Fral’s Tear, but no one noticed the movements of the other party.

“Are they all invisible like those demons from before?” Someone asked.

“I would think so. Those dragonflies and clown card became invisible, and now we don’t even know what going to do.” Another person answered.

Just as everyone agreed with this conclusion, a slightly hesitant voice said: “No, I’ve been watching them… Just now. They were going in the direction of the wall as if the wall had no effect on them. It seems the pair directly walked straight through the wall and left.” Someone said.

Walk straight through the wall and left? They weren’t invisible? Was there a way to leave here? Everyone wondered.

“Where did they leave from?” Sanders suddenly asked.

The wizard who spoke up just now had pointed in one direction: “There, it’s over there.”

Sanders immediately walked over and silently stood in the spot. He reached out to touch the wall and spread his magic power outward. After a while, Sanders eyes suddenly popped open and said: “It’s really here!”

“Lord Sanders, have you found an exit?” A wizard questioned.

“I wasn’t talking about an exit, I was talking about a weakness in the s.p.a.ce.” Sanders shook his head and said: “Those demons can directly leave the Nightmare Environment as long as they are in the wizard cla.s.s… They are naturally able to capture the spatial weakness of the Nightmare Environment, If… If this isn’t resolved, everyone can try and tear open this s.p.a.ce point to forcefully escape through the plane channel to leave.”

Forcefully escape through the plane channel? This would be the last resort for a wizard if they were to face an unbeatable opponent. Because if there isn’t a stable channel, forceful entry into the plane channel is likely to cause one to get lost in the plane channel. The most likely outcome would be to never find an exit of escape, and perhaps be torn to shreds by the force of the surrounding s.p.a.ce.

“Is this event so serious?” Lydia frowned as she asked: “Do we need to forcibly tear open the weak point of the s.p.a.ce and enter the plane through the plane channel?” When Lydia finished speaking, she specially glanced at Twilight. It was self-evident she placed all the blame on her for this event.

Twilight’s face was dark this whole time, and this gloomy stare from Lydia seems to be enough to drip tepid water from her eyes.

Sanders nodded and thought: The fox and frog have reached the wizard cla.s.s… It’s unclear what level of demon will come out next time. So, it’s necessary to take some precautions.

“If you don’t want to die, remember this s.p.a.cial point.” Sanders warned.

Just as Sanders gave the warning of the dangers to the wizards present, a breath of terror spread out from the white fog.

Under this breath, all the wizards dare not move. Even Sanders expression suddenly changed.

“This breath… What kind of demon does this belong to?” Someone said in shock.

“Twilight, this is all your fault! If you hadn’t insisted on killing Lord Sanders disciples, how could such a disaster have befallen us?!” Someone said hysterically.

“This is terrifying, even scarier than before! It’s like…” Someone said in surprise.

“It’s like we’re facing the Will of the World and can’t move at all!” Someone finished the statement.

This breath is so similar to the great will of the world. This breath is no less powerful than the powers held by heaven and earth!

This breath had became embedded in everyone’s heart and finally turns into a thunderous roar: “Alice, what are you doing?!”

Who’s speaking? Who’s this Alice? The wizards looked at each other for answers.

Sanders frowned and thought: It was a male voice just now, not a female one. So, this breath shouldn’t belong to the st.i.tch faced queen, right?

“This is definitely a legendary existence. How could it appear here? Doesn’t the Southern Region no longer have legendary existences?!” A wizard exclaimed.

There were many discussions, but Lydia looked at old wizard Cooper and asked in a low voice: “You have the richest experience among all those present here, is this really a legendary existence?”

Cooper thought for a moment and then shook his head.

“My guess is this isn’t just at the legendary level, perhaps this creature is at a level beyond legendary, or even a kind of existence… That reaches the same level as an Abyss Plane Demon G.o.d.” Cooper said.

Beyond legendary!!

Cooper’s words immediately caused an uproar at the scene. Where have they been transported? How could there be a beyond legendary creature?

Originally, they still treated this event as watching a play. But now everyone is beginning to worry about their personal safety.

With the disappearance of that breath, soon, another voice came out: “Lord Ollie, I made a mistake this time! In order to make up for my mistake, I am willing to stay in this dirty world and explore another path for the queen! Don’t worry about me. I’ll stay strong!”

This cadence voice was forceful and sonorous. The words were full of remorse with a hint of stubbornness. The emotion in the speech is very abundant. It’s like what one would expect from a white lotus rising from the filthy mud, causing people to be unable to help themselves from sighing and feeling a sense of pity.

“Who is the one speaking?” The crowd wondered who this voice belonged to, not sensing the slightest coercion from it.

Sanders and Flora: “…”

Other people may not know who this was, but both of them can tell this voice belongs to… Angel!

Flora sent a message to Sanders: “What is Angel saying? Why does it feel like he’s acting in a stage play? He is speaking a lot and talks in such a grandiose manner.”

Sanders was also full of doubts as he thought: With such pomp and dramatic flair, is this really my little silent golden-haired disciple?

Just as everyone was speculating the ident.i.ty of the speaker, the white fog had dispersed throughout the luxurious hall and suddenly disappeared!

Everyone watched helplessly as the white fog dispersed and disappeared at an extremely rapid rate. It was just like water being drained in a bathtub when the drain plug is pulled. With a strong cyclone, the white fog poured back into Angel’s shoulder blade wound and then completely disappeared.

At this moment now, Angel was still wiping away the tears and waving goodbye. It looked as if he was affectionately saying goodbye to an old friend. As a matter of fact, he was really saying goodbye. But the subject of the farewell was the green-feathered owl doll and bizarre amus.e.m.e.nt park.

When Angel’s crying performance reached his **, Ollie suddenly lost its voice. He then noticed the white fog around him had disappeared.

Everyone blankly stared at him.

Angel’s cheeks flushed crimson. He just sang and acted out a tear-jerking drama. These people didn’t witness it, right?

There was a burst of real tears and grief in Angel’s heart as he thought: Why did the white fog just suddenly disappear? Where can I put his face? My tall image!

“Angel?” Finally, the silence was broken by Flora, who called out hesitantly: “What were you doing… just now?”

Angel gave a dry cough and withdrew his waving hand. His whole body stood upright, and his face changed from crying to serious, from serious to indifferent and said: “Nothing, there was some spell cast on me just now and I couldn’t control my actions. It’s all right now, ha-ha.”

Shattered gla.s.s can’t go back to the way it was before, and they couldn’t forget what they just saw.

“Is that right? Ha-ha.” Flora rarely changed her tone of laughter as her tone fully displayed her “disbelief” at his explanation.

“How did the white fog disappear?” Someone asked.

“Did you create those demons just now?” Another person asked.

“Where is the beyond legendary existence?” Someone else questioned.

After a period of silence, the wizards didn’t point out Angel’s poor performance but asked about other more important things.

Angel didn’t know how to respond for a long time. After a long time, he squeaked, but no words came out.

At this moment, Twilight suddenly appeared in front of Angel. With a hint of coercion from a formal wizard, she harshly reprimanded Angel: “After causing such a big ruckus, won’t you care to explain what happened to all the people present?”

Under the oppression of a formal wizard, Angel’s legs began shaking. Looking at Twilight’s dark eyes, all the previously forgotten memories about the Nightmare Plane came back.

“What do you want me to explain?” Under a wizard’s pressure, Angel’s voice remained calm, which is already a remarkable feat.

“What do I want you to explain? Where is this place? What happened to those creatures? And were you trying to kill us?” Twilight gave a demanding tone as a wave of magic power fluctuations flashed through her eyes.

His true account was unconsciously coming out.

Angel’s eyes were in a trance. Just when he was about to open his mouth and speak, Sanders suddenly awakened him with a “snap.”

Then Sanders came to Twilight and said to her with an expressionless face: “If you don’t want to die, don’t make these small moves.”

After saying that, there was a frightened expression on Twilight’s face as Sanders turned to other people and said: “You all should know it’s better to not ask anything about what happened today. Let’s just regard what happened today as watching a play.”

“Play?! Three of our guards died today! Will we say this was part of the play?!” Twilight said while under pressure.

Three guards died? Angel glanced and noticed there were indeed three bodies lying on the ground not far away from him.

“I didn’t kill them, don’t blame this on me!” Angel spat, and thought: I just saved the world! I’m the Unsung Hero! Moreover, I have never seen any of these people who died, making this none of my business!