Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 95

As soon as he got up, Angel felt something different all over his body. His limbs are full of strength, each joint has free and easy movement, and his mental outlook is incomparably clear. Angel now has much better night vision than before, and even if the flashlight is turned off, he can still vaguely see the outlines of the surroundings in the darkness.

All these changes were born after his coma.

Angel wonders if it is really true, if one goes through “surviving a catastrophe”, one will receive a blessing after experiencing an inhuman pain? Even though the pain was over, Angel could not help shivering when he recalled his previous experience. If going through inhuman pain after “surviving a catastrophe” is needed to just receive a blessing for his body to be stronger, he would rather be weak than ever go through that pain again.

Angel did not know that his body was not only much stronger, but also had other deeper changes. He has truly not set foot on the path of a wizard yet, so he has no idea what the benefits he has received this time meant.

Before leaving, Angel looked in the direction of the wall again, becoming more fearful of the wall that has caused him such pain, even so, his curiosity remained undiminished but he dared not risk going there again.

About a hundred meters away from the wall, Angel can still clearly see the twinkling light on the wall, he had no real desire to approach it. Whenever Angel carefully looks at it, he felt a sense of dizziness overtake him.

In a low voice, he asked the big mouth flower as they were floating in mid-air: “Do you know what that wall is all about?”

“Danger, no go.” It’s emotion had a trace of fear.

Since even the natives are warning him about the danger, Angel became even more curious, but he is aware of himself and will not rush to go over there again.

Angel looked at the wall with a trace of regret. Maybe when he becomes an official wizard, he will have a chance to decrypt it’s meaning, Angel foreshadows this possibility.

He doesn’t know how much time has pa.s.sed, and as Angel traveled back, he’s still worried about finding his missing Mentor.

Suddenly, Angel looked at the Holographic Tablet on his wrist and felt excitement in his heart. How could he forget? There’s a time function in the Holographic Tablet!

He raised his wrist, opened the holographic projection and looked at the time on the lower right corner of the screen.

August 21, 16:33. The system time follows the Earth’s standard of measurement, which does not affect Angel’s view of the actual time.

He remembered that when he came in, it was the third day of the Month of Harvest, which translates into Earth’s standard time of August 18. So he’s been in a coma for about three days?

In Angel’s heart, he has wasted a whole three days. He can’t waste any more time here. He must find the nearest coordinate point as soon as possible!

After Angel finishes looking at the time, he was ready to turn off the Holographic Tablet… but by chance, Angel saw the recording function on the desktop, and an idea suddenly popped into his mind.

He remembers that there was an option to record video. Although he could not head to the strange glowing wall in person, he could still use the video recording function to see more details!


Angel is a person of action, after having this idea, he went to implement it without delay, directly turning on the recording function of the system to click and start recording.

Turning back and coming within a hundred meters from the wall, Angel turns on the video recording function and starts recording the wall. While recording, Angel also observes the picture taken.

The recording tool from the science and technology world are extremely powerful, and the images taken from a distance of 100 meters are almost like close-up observations.

The wall was flat in the recording, but if one looked closely, they can see that there is a faint indentation in the wall, where it seems to be a shifting slowly.

These indentations were all over the wall, and as Angel looked more carefully, the wall looked as if the indentations continued on and formed a huge pattern.

“Is this a magic line?” Angel wondered.

He traced out the sketch of it in his mind, but as soon as he sketched out a corner of the lines, he felt a breath of terror that came from somewhere near him, and what accompanied was a sharp sound the next second.

Angel was so frightened at what had happened that he stopped sketching the lines in his mind right away, while the pain slowly dissipated.

“Is this really a magic line? Don’t magic lines usually have a beginning and an end when there is no vision of it? I was just sketching it out in my mind, and didn’t even know when or where the sound started from, what happened!” Angel was frightened by the breath of terror, and secretly felt that the pattern might have a lot to do with it.

He dared not think further about the details of the line, for fear that the pain would return the next second.

The Holographic Tablet recorded very quickly, and Angel hastily left the scene, afraid of causing another strange phenomenon, he did not dare to take a closer look at it anymore. Making sure there was nothing missing, Angel turned around and left.

The wall was so scary that Angel thought it would be better to stay away from it.

When he went back, Angel did not turn off the recording function. Anyways, the tablet still had a lot of power, so he hoped to record his whole adventure in this way.

It was a quick journey back since he was in full flight, Angel knew that there was no threat to him throughout the whole journey.

“Aren’t you going back?” When Angel flew more than halfway back, and then turned around and doubtfully asked the big mouth flower flying with him.

The big mouth flower shook it’s petals, and expressed an emotion of joy and worship: “I like with king…”

It was speaking in a chicken or duck language again, so Angel didn’t care about it anymore. Speaking the truth, before he ventured alone in the dark it was terrible, but now it gave him a glimmer of courage to have someone to talk to, even if they were talking nonsense.

“Is there an underground Labyrinth here?” Asked Angel.

“It is underground.” There are no waves in it’s mood.

With the big mouth flower’s answer, it let Angel confirm that he was still in the Sewer Labyrinth. Although Angel still laments his bad luck, it is comforting to at least know his position.

“Do you know how to get to the center of Labyrinth?”

“In middle is mouth.” The big mouth flower opens its own big mouth, expressing a mood of pride.

I didn’t ask you your middle! Angel complains silently at the bottom of his heart.

He decided to ask in a different way, “How do I go out from the underground?”

Talking to the big mouth flower, he must get rid of all the extraneous words and express only the simple meaning.

“Go out.” The mood of the big mouth flower is also very simple, and in order to let Angel understand, it shook it’s own roots to point down to the ground.

“…” He almost forgot, this is a plant in front of him. All it has to do is drill out from beneath the ground!

In the following journey, Angel asked a lot of questions, but 99% of them didn’t get the right response. However, from the big mouth flower’s nonsense responses, Angel was still able to speculate about a lot of things.

For example, this flying big mouth flower in front of him, sure enough is the boss of the big mouth flower tunnel.

For example, It says the mission of the big mouth flowers are to stay here and protect the wall…

After flying for about half an hour, the darkness was suddenly swept away, and Angel had now returned to the place he had previously encountered the head demons.

But it seems that the two heads are not here anymore.

Angel notes that the reason for the light here seems to be something like a lamp tube, which is as bright as day, on the ceiling above his head.

When he sees a light source, Angel naturally turns off the flashlight.

“Are you going back?” Angel asked the big mouth flower again, here is away from the big mouth flower territory.

The big mouth flower’s response this time is a rare normal one: “I want to follow king…”

Angel heard this rare response, and felt a bit happy, although the big mouth flower does not look strong, it should be a bit better than him, one flower and one man join in hand may bring a chance to go a little further.

Angel was too early in celebrating his happiness because the next second the mood that came from the big mouth flower was a very lost one:

“But have guard wall.”

Angel smiles, in just a few hours of getting along, the big mouth actually learned to strangle people’s mood.

The big mouth flower’s meaning is that it can’t follow him around. It has to go back and guard the wall. Angel did not say much about this, the big mouth flower is his savior, and the underground Labyrinth has a lot of demons, although Angel thinks that the big mouth flower is stronger than him, but with the big mouth flower‘s thin body, it is estimated that even the head monsters can not be beaten.

In order to avoid injury to his savior, Angel thought it would be nice for the big mouth flower to stay back there too.

Angel thought about it, waved goodbye to it, and flew ahead while alone.

The big mouth flower stood in place and watched Angel leave, waiting until Angel’s figure completely disappeared, and with a lost mood, slowly flew back to it’s own territory. While the big mouth flower was flying, it’s stem scattered green light, countless huge vines drilled out from around, sealing tens of meters of the channel.

The thick vines easily smashed the stone walls of the Labyrinth. If Angel were here, he will no longer think about “The big mouth flower is thin or fighting power is low. You know, even Sanders can’t break through the stone walls on both sides of the Labyrinth!”

After the big mouth flower left, in a small grotto to the side, the head demon, whom Angel thought the big mouth flower could not fight against, breathed out a long sigh and quietly jumped out from the grotto… there was a deep look of fear in it’s eyes as the demon was watching the corridor being blocked by vines.