Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 111

“Are we heading back to the Wizard Plane now?” Angel asked. He really wants to go back to the Wizard Plane sooner rather than later. There’s always a feeling of unease in the back of his mind as he stays in the Nightmare Plane. Although his trip to the Nightmare Plane went well, somehow, he always felt that if he did not leave immediately, something terrible will happen to him.

“Of course, if we stay in the Nightmare Plane for a moment longer, the danger will of course increase one more point.” Sanders took out his half of the Twisted Protozoa, and took the other half from Angel. “In order to return from the Nightmare Plane to the Wizard Plane, similar steps need to be taken as when we came in, which also requires an anchor. These two pieces of Protozoa’s Remains are the anchor for our return.”

Sanders reunites the two pieces of Protozoa’s Remains, and in the next moment, a strange spatial ripple spreads out from the Protozoa’s Remains, just like when they had first entered into the Nightmare Plane, web-like cracks began appearing around in mid-air, slowly spreading and blending into the foreground… …

“While the channel has not fully formed, you will have a bit of time to search the rooms and try to bring some more items back to the Wizard Plane. Ordinary items are much more likely to materialize in our plane, take away as much as you want, and everything you can take back is yours.” Sanders stood in front of the spatial crack as he said to Angel.

When Sanders spoke his advice, it was a wake-up call to Angel. Although they have to leave immediately, it would certainly be nice to bring back a few more items!

Thinking of this, Angel began wandering around the hall. The hall was as resplendent as ever, and the floors were still completely filled with gold bricks, looking very magnificent.

Before, Sanders had searched for a long time, but did not find any particularly special items, so instead of searching for special items, he allowed Angel to set out and bring back something valuable or interesting to the Wizard Plane.

Gold and silver ornaments, although valuable in the eyes of ordinary mortals, but for most extraordinary life, there is not much value at all. So after thinking for a moment, Angel decided to choose a painting to take back to the Wizard Plane. The value of an oil painting varies depending on the person. Even among wizards, some love paintings a lot and are even willing to spend a lot of crystals on famous paintings.

Angel read about a wizard in a journal once that showed a strange inclination, he is nicknamed “Magic Painter”, he was a wizard in the mysterious branch, through a brush, he can connect a plane to a three-dimensional world, this wizard was beyond the path of true knowledge. He loved paintings so much that he had bought many paintings from famous artists around him, and even squandered a lot of his magic crystals for such paintings.

It was because of the example from the Magic Painter wizard that Angel decided to pick a painting to bring back with him. The value of art is that it allows people to understand the art from another’s perspective. Other people’s moods can swing in extremes, while gold and silver are only fixed a.s.sets.

Naturally, the part of the house with the most paintings was the entry promenade, so Angel did not hesitate to walk towards the promenade.

As Sanders sees Angel walking out, he asks no more questions but gives just a reminder: “You have three minutes at most, or you’ll have to stay in the Nightmare Plane forever.”


Angel began running into the hallway. He had already seen the paintings on both sides when he came in before, so he did not have a lot of ideas in mind and went straight to his goal.

In less than half a minute, Angel came to his favorite painting.

This is a picture of a < Traveler Under the Stars >. Under the bright and boundless starry sky, a drifting traveler in a white hood turns his back away from the front of the painting and looks at the flying catkins in the air. No one knows what he is thinking at that moment.

The subject matter is very common, it belongs to the perceptual school of painting. The details are handled very well, and the implication is also very deep, so it is definitely a masterpiece. In the whole corridor, it is also at the top of it’s genre, and there was a trace of nostalgia when Angel looks at this painting, he began to miss his hometown, so he did not hesitate to choose this one.

Drifter actually refers to a wandering prodigal son, Angel looked at this painting, and always felt that the man was not looking at the floating catkins, and he starts to wonder when he will return to Old Land.

Angel takes off < Traveler Under the Stars > and is ready to head back.

After a few steps, his eyes suddenly shifted to another painting.

Huh? Did this painting just show up?

It is a very ordinary painting depicting a female shepherd milking on the prairie.

The style of this painting is good, it should have also been painted by a famous master, but they may not have been in a good state while painting it, some areas of the painting are relatively vague. Angel feels that he can simply copy it with his own oil painting skills. None of this matters however, and what does matter is that there seems to be no such painting in Angel’s memory when he first came here.

Angel thought about it for a long time, but couldn’t quite remember if that painting had ever appeared before. There is the recording that was taken throughout his journey on the Holographic Tablet, and if there was more time, he’d take a look at it. He should be able to confirm whether the painting had appeared before, but now that his time is tight and Sanders is nearby, Angel is naturally afraid to take out the Holographic Tablet.

However, Angel was nurtured by Jon from an early age to observe his external environment on instinct, this kind of training made him able capture important details and self-reflect for a combination of inspiration and opportunity from everything. So he has a very good ability to capture small details, and having no conclusive evidence for the painting having ever existed, it shows that it did not yet appear before, and Angel has largely confirmed this speculation.

It was strange that there suddenly appeared a painting that he had never seen before, Angel did not know what was going on. If this was the nature of the Nightmare Plane, why did just this one painting change?

While Angel was still thinking it over, Sanders voice came from afar:

“Angel, time is almost up.”

“En! I’m coming!” Angel looked at the picture of the shepherd milking in front of him, no longer thought about it, and took it off with both hands, he then rushed back to the hall.

Sanders saw Angel carrying two paintings in both hands and glanced at him. “It’s smart choosing oil paintings,” he said. “People who like it, will like it very much.”

“We are ready to leave. Just like when we came in, when the cracks are full, just run through it.” With that, Sanders took two things out of his pouch and threw them at Angel.

A short stick and dagger which is exactly what Angel received from young Sanders.

“Take these two items with you and see if you can bring them back to the Wizard Plane.”

“Well, I hope everything will be brought back.” Angel said.

“I hope so too.” Sanders noncommittally said, as long as Angel can bring that guidance method back to the Wizard Plane, everything else doesn’t matter.

… …

The Nightmare Plane is made up of different sized regions, some as big as a world and some as small as a piece of gravel. The area where Nightfall City is located is in the outermost part of the Nightmare Plane.

A huge figure rises from the central area of the Nightmare Plane and then flies to the Nightfall City area at an unimaginable speed.

At the same time, Angel suddenly felt his heart beating, this ominous sign made his hands and feet cold, and made Angel look around nervously… …

Sanders frowned. “What’s the matter?”

Angel shook his head and breathed, “Somehow, I’ve become a little perturbed. I always feel that something bad is going to happen very soon.”

Sanders generally does not listen to such prophetic words unless they are spoken by astral or prophetic wizards. But at this point in time, and in this place, Sanders inexplicably believes in Angel’s intuition.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, there were bursts of violent explosions. When it came into the hall, it shook the floor.

“Sonic boom?! There are advanced demons coming!” Sanders reacted, looked at the web-like s.p.a.cial cracks that almost formed, and immediately grabbed Angel’s hand: “We are leaving, now!”

Angel was stupefied and was pulled along by Sanders while they slammed into the s.p.a.cial crack.

At this moment, the whole hall suddenly broke up, and everything was destroyed, followed by a sound of an explosion. The two men looked back and there was a figure in the distance… …

That attack came straight from so far away, and it smashed the whole hall apart! There was an incredible look on their faces.

“The Hanging Prison Stairs has been shattered! Who could it be?” Sanders was surprised as well, but he could not manage so much, two people, went single file into the s.p.a.cial crack.

When 80% of Angel’s body entered through the s.p.a.cial crack, a hand grabbed Angel’s left ankle.

The fingernails of the hand were very long, and with a strange curve, the back of the nail was covered with black and red nail polish, which looked extremely frightening.

Angel felt as if he were about to be pulled back out when Sanders suddenly hugged Angel tightly, and took him through. Adding that sudden force had finally gotten rid of the shackles from that hand.

Then, Angel saw the s.p.a.cial channel slowly close behind, and as soon as it was about to close, he vaguely heard the sound of a roar… …