Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 173

Nausica’s personal weapon is a knight’s short sword, usually tied to her waist. Angel originally also intended to make a knight’s short sword, but he did not find a blueprint for a short sword. And he was not familiar with the materials for one at present.

So instead of making a knight’s short sword. Angel is going to make another close-ranged weapon.

He searched the pages one by one among the 3D blueprints and eventually chose a deadly weapon with a peculiar shape and an easy to hold grip.—

Smith & Wesson Bear Claw.

The Bear Claw is a full-toothed blade with three finger holes for an easy grip. It is extremely powerful and in the course of damage. It will produce a kind of biting force, leaving an extremely strong jagged cut.

Instead of using only the Sharpened Edge Magic Pattern. Angel decided to add a Frost Magic Pattern when making the Smith & Wesson Bear Claw. The Frost Magic Pattern allows the weapon to attach a freezing effect on the weapon. Leaving wounds that appear to freeze during a short period of battle.

However, in the production of the weapon, Angel had failed once more.

Because of the conflict between the Frost Magic Pattern and the selected Earth Demon Blood Copper. Angel had studied < Material Blend > overnight. He eventually switched to a blend of Cold Star Gold and Blood Copper as the main material for the blade.

Because the Smith & Wesson Bear Claw is very small. Angel carefully portrayed the engravings with an artisan knife when it was finally condensed.

However, his own artistic level is very limited, so the pattern chosen is found in the Holographic Tablet. The handle is in the shape of a single b.u.t.terfly wing, and the blade is carved in the shape of a cl.u.s.ter of camellias.

By the end of the Condensation Art. Angel’s magic power had almost dried up.

Angel laid the newly refined weapon on the table and closed his eyes as he went into a state of meditation.

When his magic power returned, Angel rubbed his sour arms and stood in front of his test bench.

On the transparent test bench, a silver metal product that looks like a work of art was displayed across it.

A single b.u.t.terfly wing with a cl.u.s.ter camellias was like a b.u.t.terfly fluttering down for nectar. It not only looks exquisitely made but also looks like a beautiful work of art. The layers of camellias, though colourless, seemed to scatter a cold fragrance from them.

If this was not a killing weapon, it would not be too much to say it could be part of a museum art exhibition.

Angel held his finger through the round hole in the middle of the b.u.t.terfly wing and held it in the palm of his hand. A cool breath spread all over his body through his hand.

Angel gently strokes the test inscription with the blade.

A knife mark 3 cm deep appears and there is also a touch of frost adhered to it.

Angel took out his pen and paper and recorded the data: […292 mm in length, 108 mm for the blade width and 312 g in weight… Without the use of magic power, it produces some frost-cold effects…]

After Angel injected magic power into the blade again, he scratched the test inscription.

The test inscription was cut like tofu when it was scratched again. The cut made was at least 10 centimetres deep and around the centre on the knife mark began outwardly spreading an air of frost.

“It must be because of the overall improvement in quality, but the specific result of the slash still depends on the user’s swing.” Angel looked at the artwork-like weapon and was completely satisfied with his work.

His art brain cells are not good. But with the Earth culture as the foundation, it allows him to produce an apprentice alchemy weapon reaching the heights of a work of art. How could he not be satisfied?

Angel is complacent and felt he will not lose face by giving this weapon away.

Even if Nausica one day decides not use it anymore. She can still put it on display at home. This is also a complete work of art!

That afternoon, Angel came to the Crypt Field with the Smith & Wesson Bear Claw…

Angel came all the way to Nausica’s door and knocked on it.

“Come in, please.” Nausica’s voice came from inside the room.

As Angel pushed open the door, he saw the smoke all over the room without any surprise. Nausica was sitting at a table, recording something. She put the pipe on the other side with the tobacco still lit as a cloud of smoke seemed to curl around her.

Choked by the smoke, Angel coughed incessantly.

Suddenly, a burst of laughter came. Angel looked up and saw that there was not only Nausica in the room but also a tall man leaning against the corner. Angel had not noticed before because of the smoke when he came in.

The man has short grey hair, wears a woollen sweater and deerskin trousers. There was a huge sword beside him.

Before Angel himself responded to the man’s mockery and laughter, Nausica looked sideways and squinted: “Abney, shut your trap.”

“All right, I’ll shut up.” Abney raised his hand in surrender. “Come on.”

The man was Abney, one of Nausica’s former men.

Nausica then turned to Angel and said, “It’s Angel… What’s the special occasion?”

Angel glanced at Abney, a man who had a low sense of existence. Angel had never noticed him before except when he had run his mouth on the Cloud Whale. In addition to Abney’s high att.i.tude towards him. Angel was too lazy to pay attention to him.

“Nothing. I came looking for you.” Angel sat down on the chair in front of a table: “Last time I came here, there were no tables and chairs. But now they have been added, making this room seem as if someone is living here.”

“In your opinion, was I dead?” Nausica put down her pen, hugged her chest and chatted with Angel at will.

“What I really want to say is that there’s a little more breath of life in here.” Angel explained.

Nausica smiled, she naturally knew what Angel meant, but she liked teasing the teenager in front of her. Unfortunately, Angel is sometimes too serious.

The two chatted freely about some topics at random. Nausica saw that Angel silently wanted to get to the main point and her eyes slightly narrowed.

“After so long, my stomach is hungry. Angel only comes here once in a blue moon. Why don’t you call over Shalem and have dinner here tonight?” When Nausica finished. She did not wait for Angel to answer but said. “Abney, can you help me go to the crypt restaurant and call three orders of takeout for me?”

How could Abney not know that Nausica was trying to get rid of him? He pouted his mouth and went out with a huge sword on his back. As soon as he went out, he suddenly froze. Three orders of takeout? According to Nausica, if she dined with Angel and Shalem, so… Was he excluded?

When Abney was gone, Nausica took up her pipe and gracefully inhaled a cloud of smoked before exhaling and asked, “Tell me, what are you doing here? I don’t believe you’re here to talk to me.”

Angel laughed, but did not directly say it was about a gift, but inquired. “What’s Abney doing here? Just now he had been leaning against the corner. He was so silent I did not even notice him.”

Nausica shrugged. “Didn’t I call you over to join us last time? Recently, Shalem and Abney have been working on tasks from the Mission Hall with me. It’s so sad to have no contribution points.”

Listening to Nausica, Angel remembered when he was busy learning alchemy last month. Nausica and Shalem did seem to come over and asked if he wanted to take some tasks to earn contribution points, but he refused.

“Uh… Speaking of contribution points, I’m in a rush to earn them too.” Angel sighed. The last time he bought the alchemy tools from David, there were only 50 contribution points left on the balance of his bone card.

“Then do you want to take over a task with us and do them together?”

Angel shook his head: “Not for the moment, I can hold on for a while. After a few days, I will begin climbing the tower. I do not need to earn contribution points yet.”

“Are you climbing the tower too?”

“Yes, I’m almost ready. What floor are you on now?”

Nausica took a puff of smoke: “I haven’t climbed the tower in two weeks. I’m still on the third floor. I’m acc.u.mulating a little bit more contribution points and getting ready to buy some magic pattern leather scrolls to try again. “

Speaking of this, Nausica raised the paper and silk scroll on top of her desk: “At the same time, I’m also learning how to draw magic patterns. Unfortunately, I can’t always remember the pattern.”

“I remember the last time you said you were going to climb the tower with an alchemy weapon. Did you already make it?” Nausica wondered, “When I went to study magic patterns. I heard that alchemy was extremely difficult to learn, and there was only one Junior Alchemy Wizard in the whole Savage Grottoes.”

Angel shook his head. “I haven’t made mine yet.”

Nausica is waiting to give a few words of encouragement.

“But I made you an alchemy weapon.” Angel smiled and pulled out something wrapped in a white cloth from his arms. “I made it especially for you. I wanted to thank you for the last time. If not for you, I would surely be dead.”

Nausica looked at Angel suspiciously. “Did you really learn alchemy? You’re not deceiving me, are you?”

Angel nodded: “I should be at the very bottom of Junior Alchemy Apprentice now.”

Nausica muttered, “Are you deceiving me? Is alchemy really so easy to learn?”

Angel pushed the white cloth to Nausica, and Nausica took a peek at it: “I saved you without thinking about it. What should you have to repay? I also have a weapon. It’s amazing, and it’s easy to use.”

“But even if you remember it in your heart as a worthless low-level alchemy weapon, just remember to stay my friend.” Angel winked at Nausica: “As one of the first works made by a once in a generation alchemy master, don’t you want to take a look at it? Maybe in a few decades, its value will skyrocket because of my ident.i.ty.”

Nausica put down her pipe and took the white cloth bag. “Well, let me see what level Master Angel’s first work has reached.”

The white cloth in Nausica’s hand was slowly unravelled.

When the silver Bear Claw knife was exposed, Nausica froze.

It was a short weapon she had never seen before. She did not know how powerful it was for the time being, but she loved it very much for its exquisite appearance.

She used to be a great pirate in a whole area of sea, and she is no stranger to works of art. This short weapon in front of her can absolutely reach the top levels as a work of art. Even if the art engraving is not yet a famous work, the idea of combining weapons with art shows a shadow of a famous artist.

“It’s absolutely beautiful. A b.u.t.terfly gathering for nectar from flowers in full bloom, coupled with this glittering silver short weapon. Even if the power is ordinary, I will accept it! It’s so good I will add it to my collection.” Nausica exclaimed: “I didn’t expect Angel to have such achievements in engraving. Perhaps you will be promoted to a famous master engraver before the age of 30, ah!”

Angel blushed from the somewhat exaggerated praise. He just copied the masterpieces from Earth’s civilization.

“This short weapon has a strange style. What is it called?” Nausica said as she picked up the Bear Claw knife.

When her hand touched the Bear Claw Edge, a sudden cold spread to her fingertips. Nausica was stunned, her expression changed instantaneously, and she reached out to touch the edge of the knife eagerly.

A drop of blood fell and was frozen into a bead.

Her fingers have only gently touched the blade edge and was cut open while the cold air rushed into her body.

“This is not an ordinary weapon?!” Nausica’s face was thoroughly shocked.