Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 189

Angel finally spared the Chloe brothers.

After warning them and asking about the cause and effect of that day, Angel let them leave. But before leaving, Angel claimed the blood of the white-robed Chloe.

The blood of a Wizard basically contains all the information on that Wizard. For a Blood Wizard, they can use it to curse or even curse a bloodline of the host. Angel doesn’t have this ability, but he can use the blood as an anchor. No matter where the white-robed Chloe was, he can find his traces.

Angel took the white-robed Chloe’s blood as a final warning to them.

After letting them go, Angel did not head back home but walked to the alchemy shop where David worked.

David was making a part on the workbench when Angel arrived.

When David saw Angel, he motioned him to wait.

David is wearing goggles and using the Heat Blend Art on his hands to melt the metal. He cast Magic Power Hand to control a variety of tools for precision Form Sculpting while forging and smelting materials.

Angel sat on one side without disturbing David, looking at David’s approach to alchemy.

David is completely convinced Angel’s alchemy method is higher than his, so he has no intention to evade him at all.

Angel only looked at him for a moment and his eyes lit up immediately.

He has to say that David’s five years of alchemy experience has indeed made him much more sophisticated in techniques than Angel. Although the general direction is similar to that of Angel’s Heat Blend refining. Many of the details for David’s processing are simple and accurate, which can save a lot of magic power.

Angel didn’t show it on the surface as he indifferently looked at David calmly refining. But in Angel’s heart, there is a little impression. He is quietly learning a variety of tips, and learning very happily in this place. Angel still gave a small smile on his face and felt he earned a lot.

A quarter of an hour later, the part in David’s hand was successfully refined as an odd gear mounted on some kind of appliance.

“Are you disappointed that my level is very bad? This little part is still being refined.” David said with some self-deprecation.

Angel shook his head and looked light as a cloud drifting along with a light breeze: “I think it’s very good, and it allowed me to learn many things.”

David only thought Angel was comforting him and smiled nonchalantly: “What are you doing here? You couldn’t have run out of materials, right? It’s only been a few days, have you refined something good again?”

Angel motioned with his hand: “I haven’t touched alchemy for several days. Recently, I’ve been studying the data about Sky Tower contestants you gave me. There are some questions I would like to ask you.”

David took his goggles off, wiped the sweat with a cloth on the table, and winked at Angel. “You’re not really taking part in the Sky Tower compet.i.tion, are you?”

Angel smiled without saying a word.

David simply said, “In fact, you can take part in the compet.i.tion relying on just your Wrist-Mounted Crossbow. The first few floors will cause absolutely no problems. You will probably sweep the compet.i.tion.”

David has a model and sample a.n.a.lysis of how many layers of the Sky Tower can be reached with the Wrist-Mounted Crossbow. How much contribution point… can be earned?

When David showed the inaccurate results, he looked at Angel and innocently asked, “What did you want to know?”

“Do you know anything about Soul of Stars, Saka?” Angel went straight to the main subject this time so that David’s mind would not drift to another dimension.

“Him.” David thought for a moment as if weighing what words he would use to describe him. After a long time, he hesitated to say. “I don’t know anything else, but Saka on the field is a little crazy… but in the end, he is a good man.”

The so-called madness is Saka’s surly personality. The reason why Saka is a good man is that he has hardly kills anyone in the compet.i.tion. He is indeed a good man in Sky Tower, which is full of killers.

But Angel felt that it was not that Saka did not want to kill his opponent, but that he had not met a person he wanted to kill. For example, him.

“Similar question to what you summarized on your data, do you know anything about his Third Star?” Angel asked.

David’s understanding of the Third Star is similar to what is described in the data. Saka said that he had Three Stars, but in fact, there were only “Virgin Star” Sylvia and “Daisy Star” Herrington. As if the mysterious Third Star has never existed in this world.

Angel asked again, “Do you know the concrete manifestation of Sylvia’s Soul Howl and Soul Absorption?”

David was puzzled and asked. “Why are you asking these questions? Are you going to fight Saka?”

Angel curled his lips and said vaguely. “Who knows?”

David’s expression flashed in disbelief: “Angel, you’re not really going to mess with Saka, are you? Saka smoothly stepped into the transcendent boundary ten years ago and was successful all the way. Now he has already reached the peak of the Second Level Apprentice. It is only a matter of time before he becomes a Third Level Apprentice.”

However, no matter how good he is, I still have to fight him. Angel said in his heart.

“I just want to ask about Sylvia’s skills and have no other thoughts.”

David still looked incredulously at him, but stopped asking questions and gave the answers to Angel.

Angel listened to David’s account and fell silent for a few seconds. David described Sylvia’s performance when she released the Soul Howl and Soul Absorption exactly word for word as she did in today’s compet.i.tion.

The only difference is the other contestants showed no tolerance in the face of Soul Howl. Even if someone can hold out. When Sylvia releases her Soul Absorption, they will definitely end up knocked out in one blow. But Angel from beginning to end took no signs of damage.

It seems that it was not that Sylvia did not work hard to attack him, but that there was something wrong with his soul.

Angel suddenly felt he did not understand himself anymore. What changes had taken place in his body without him knowing?

Angel didn’t think he was lucky to be immune to this kind of soul attack. Instead, he felt an inexplicable fear because he didn’t understand his own internal changes.

“It seems that I have to find a chance to ask Sanders about this.” Angel said in his heart. He would not be steadfast until he knew exactly what was going on with him.

The night flowed as smoothly as water. Angel stayed at the alchemy shop to exchange some of his experiences on alchemy with David.

David asked Angel many times about the reasons for asking about Saka, but Angel downplayed his reason every time. At the end of the day, David had to give up on his questioning and talk about other things.

“Are you sure you don’t want to sell your refined weapons these days?” David paused: “There are several tasks in the mission hall that is for acquiring alchemy weapons. The price is more expensive than usual. Long-ranged alchemy weapons in particular are more expensive. If it has entered as a ranked weapon, then the price is basically 20,000 contribution points. Are you sure you don’t want to send them in to be sold?”

“I will not sell, for now, wait a little longer.” Angel is not in a hurry to ship his weapons to be sold. The news of the Purification Garden opening has not spread out yet. Even after the news spread, it doesn’t matter if the price of his weapons does not rise. He can make a steady profit whether it rises or not.

“Why is the mission hall acquiring alchemy weapons? Isn’t there an Alchemy Wizard in our organization?” Angel wondered.

David gave Angel a white look: “I think you really don’t know anything about our Wizard Organization… You’ve been here for more than half a year. How do you feel like a newcomer?”

“Oh?” Angel showed an open-minded expression and asked for advice as he blinked innocently at David.

David grumpily said. “Who told you that the tasks in the mission hall were all from the organization?”

“Wasn’t it?” Angel replied.

“Of course not!” David said: “Of the tasks in the mission hall, there are only a small handful of tasks a.s.signed by the organization. The rest are from the outside. More tasks are hung up by formal Wizards or even the apprentices.”

David added: “This time the task of acquiring alchemy weapons is basically from Third Level Apprentices. They seem to know some inside information and want the weapons to do something big, so they are drying their wings and making them as hard as possible. Many small teams are also looking for these weapons.”

“I see.” Angel didn’t care about this. His mind is more focused on the task information: “According to what you said, if I need some sort of potion or some alchemy material, I can go to the mission hall and post a task?”

David nodded: “Of course, but even though someone might have alchemy materials. As for alchemy potions…”

David glanced at Angel: “If alchemy potions can’t be bought in the market, then you can’t find them from the tasks. Alchemy talents are too scarce in the Savage Grottoes.”

Speaking of which, David suddenly said: “In fact, I think you can take on the task for customizing weapons. The mission hall has many customized weapons lists. The prices given are very high. Some precious materials may be useful to you. However, you’d better pick up the list with your own blueprints. If there are no customized list blueprints. No Alchemy Wizard will pick up the task. It is too time-consuming to plan a reasonable blueprint and select the corresponding materials for it. Given this time, it is better to improve alchemy technology or craft.”

David’s words made Angel feel a little moved. As a matter of fact, he did not pay much attention to contribution points… There will always be more contribution points to refine more weapons in the future. But if there are treasured materials, he is a little interested in them.

However, the recent Sky Tower compet.i.tion is too intensive. Even if there are ideas in mind, he will have to wait until he reaches the top before implementing them.

“Do you have any alchemy projects recently? If you need me, I can help you plan it out together.” David had expectations on his face.

Since he left Angel’s laboratory last time, David has been envious of Angel’s alchemy technology, and he still has some admiration in his heart. If he can learn from Angel, he may also be able to improve his alchemy skills.

Even if he can’t learn alchemy technology, learning Angel’s alchemy thought process is also good too. David saw several of Angel’s alchemy weapons last time and noticed his refining ideas were very broad. Especially the tang sword and double-sided dagger. Although the names are a little strange, the simple designs have a good effect. It can be seen that Angel has his own unique thoughts on alchemy.

An Alchemy Wizard with their own unique alchemy views, which are thoughts on alchemy, is more important than alchemy technology.

“Alchemy projects?” Angel thought for a moment, “There is one, but it is not an alchemy weapon.”

“What is it? Can you tell me? ” David looked at Angel with expectant eyes. Although it was a bit disrespectful to ask someone directly about their alchemy project. But this time David is also trying to help him.

Angel casually said: “It is a music box.”

“Music box?” David rolled his eyes, how could he not know the use of music boxes. Aren’t they artsy things that aristocratic families like?

“Why did you think of refining a music box? How boring.” David said, “Try refining something else. It’s okay to refine weapons. You just got in touch with alchemy, so there is no need to cross borders so soon…”

Angel shook his head and said, “Although this is also a cross-border project. Toby likes music. I want to use the echo flowers as the main material and make a music box for him as a toy.”

David thought: To make a toy… through alchemy for a pet. How luxurious!