Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 194

Promi was originally only appreciative of Angel’s long-ranged alchemy weapon and had paid little attention to it. However, the match between Angel and Mondo in the morning showed him this was not an ordinary alchemy weapon. But one that was able to fire over ten ranked alchemy arrows! And each enchantment is different!

This makes Promi a little curious.

He took the most orthodox path of “blending.” In alchemy, the path of blending has the greatest potential and the highest achievement. On the other hand, the path of enchantment has little potential and limited achievements. Even from ancient times to the present, many orthodox Alchemy Wizards do not recognize enchantment as alchemy at all.

Because the essence of alchemy is the blending of materials, collision of thinking and the embodiment of truth.

However, the vast majority of Alchemy Wizards who learn enchantment don’t even have a clear understanding of what a basic magic pattern was. They only forcibly remember a magic pattern’s image for enchantment purposes and do not know the meaning behind each line at all. It runs counter to the essence of alchemy, so it is normal for that group to not be recognized by Alchemy Wizards.

However, it has to be said that the effect of the path of blending in the early stage indeed does not compare with that of enchantment.

Enchantment, as long as one remembers a magic pattern, then depicts it according to the characteristics of the material. They will certainly be able to give the alchemy weapon the special effects they desire, thus making an alchemy weapon become a ranked item.

Blending, however, requires a lot of time for study. Alchemy Wizards have to think about how to match appropriate materials. Without years of precipitation, it is difficult to achieve substantive results.

Promi has been immersed in the path of blending for nearly 50 years, but now he is barely worthy of touching the fur of blending. Once in a while, he b.u.mps into a spark through his thoughts, and with these sparks, they turn into ideas. After having the ideas, he can finally make an advanced alchemy item. So, there is a reason why he doesn’t ship products for several months at a time.

Compared with enchantment, blending really tests whether an Alchemy Wizard can realize their wild creative ideas, and whether or not they have a deep and solid enough foundation.

Promi, as an orthodox Alchemy Wizard, initially despised enchantment. However, his alchemy techniques have not made much progress for several decades. And occasionally, he doubts whether he has chosen the wrong path in the first place.

If he had chosen enchantment from the beginning, would he have become famous by now?

This mentality, in fact, is a typical example of an ostrich mentality. Unwilling to admit defeat and face reality, pushing everything to an initial wrong choice. However, one has to mention that although this idea does not solve Promi’s issues, it does bring him some comfort.

Although Promi’s mentality is a bit like an ostrich, he has no real regrets about the path he has chosen. “Blending” is his real path to truth. As an Alchemy Wizard, even if he cannot knock on the door of truth in this lifetime, but he is still pursuing his dream.

The reason why Promi wants to find the Alchemy Wizard who refined the metal arrows was not to discuss and compare the differences between “blending” and “enchantment.” But to ask about something else.—

An old friend who had given him grace when he needed it had asked him to refine a long-ranged alchemy weapon and pointed out that there should be…”Exorcism”, “Holy Light”, “Purification”, and so on effects included. They want a ranked weapon that has devastating effects against the undead.

It has been half a year since this commission, and he has refined many alchemy weapons, but he still cannot inspiration for this kind of weapon.

He knows many kinds of blending effects for many different materials which can produce the “Holy Light” effect. Such as Ma.s.s of Dew and Holy Spirit Stone, and some auxiliary purification effect materials.

Extracting the particular effects through the blending of these materials can really make weapons have the effect of “Holy Light.” However, the effects only work as close-ranged Holy Light. Once fired at a distance, the effect of the Holy Light will dissipate.

If it was someone else’s commission, he would drag it on and deal with it later. But after all, it was entrusted by an old friend who had given him grace. He feels ashamed that six months have already pa.s.sed by, and he has shown nothing for it. Since the inspiration for “blending” had never come, he thought of enchantment.

But a Savage Grottoes Alchemy Wizard who is proficient in enchantment has not appeared for many years. Just at this time, Angel’s enchantment arrow appeared before his eyes.

Promi is very concerned about the enchantment Alchemy Wizard because of his own requirements.

Now, the Mysterious Alchemy Wizard only has some contact with David’s young friend. Therefore, when he asked David specifically about the kid’s situation, he did not hide anything from Promi and told him everything he knew.

Within a short span of half a day, the information that Promi can find is only those that are publicly available. Such as when Angel had fought in his matches and who he has fought against…

When David learned that Angel had been competing for more than a month, he felt vaguely uncomfortable. He thought he and Angel were at least friends. He didn’t know about him fighting in matches for more than a month at all. If they hadn’t met in more than a month, then it would be fine. But they had met on more than one occasion within a one month span.

Although he felt a little uncomfortable, David was still amazed at Angel’s tower climbing ability. In particular, he was surprised by his horrible win rate. At present, there have been no defeats!

When Promi mentioned Angel’s nickname, David was stunned for a moment, and suddenly couldn’t help laughing.

He somewhat understood why Angel would not say he was climbing the tower… If he had taken such a childish nickname, he would never have told anyone either!

After telling him, Promi said with a little sigh: “Your young friend also has a cold and arrogant character. He seldom speaks, his actions never drag on, and he always treats people and things in an alienated and indifferent manner… Yes, it is normal to be a little arrogant with such achievements at such a young age. However, I am curious how such a haughty character can become friends with you?”

Promi looked at David with inquiry and curiosity in his eyes.

David, on the other hand, is full of question marks: Master, are you sure you’re talking about the same Angel? Not Dragon Boss, Dragon Child, or Heavenly Child? What the blazes, is this ghost cold and aloof? He says very few words? Not necessarily! Even though Angel is not talkative, he is not silent either.

David only feels that his worldview has been reshaped at once.

“Uh… In fact, I personally feel that the arrogant and indifferent person mentioned by master is not my friend Angel.” David hesitated with his late suspicion.

Promi froze for a moment, as if thinking of something: “What is your friend’s usual character?”

David thought about it for a long time and choked out a sentence: “He’s quite good natured. But sometimes he’s a little wishy-washy.”

When Promi heard this, his face suddenly had a look of enlightenment: “Oh, I see. He always competes in a hooded robe and has deliberately changed his character. Presumably not wanting to be recognized by anyone.”

David replied: “That should be the case.”

Promi suddenly laughed and said, “That’s great. The people outside looking for Milk Baron don’t know who he is, and they don’t even know his ident.i.ty. We can take this lead and find out the ident.i.ty of the Mysterious Alchemy Wizard sooner!”

David thought to himself: There is no Mysterious Alchemy Wizard… In fact, that Mysterious Alchemy Wizard is him!

“Why is the Master looking for this… Alchemy Wizard?” David asked.

Promi did not hide it, and said frankly, “Actually, I have something I want to ask that Alchemy Wizard…”

At three o’clock in the afternoon, Angel came out of the quiet room full of energy.

With half an hour to go before the match against Dark Twilight. Angel recalled the information on Dark Twilight’s profile.

[Dark Twilight, whose real name is Selena.Wharton. Female, 24 years old. A Blood Branch Wizard Apprentice. She is currently at the peak of Second Level Apprentice. She has integrated a bloodline for five years. The specific bloodline species is unknown. The possibility of a Warcraft bloodline is small. It is presumed to be a phantom beast bloodline. Weird body posture, but good at guerrilla warfare tactics.]

This is the rough profile for Dark Twilight. Angel takes a quick glance at some of her teachers and speciality skills that she has acquired.

Her speciality skills are nothing more than blessings for high-mobility spells.

These are of no significance to Angel.

Tut… He doesn’t believe that any apprentice could be faster than Toby!

Angel put on his robe and shouted to the attic, “Toby, it’s time for you to show off today!”

Toby flew out of the attic and landed slowly on Angel’s shoulder. From his flashing eyes and swaggering posture, he can see Toby is also excited about his upcoming first battle!

Half an hour later.—

Angel returns to the arena on the Three Floors of Death.

When he came out of the contestant channel, Angel felt an unusually warm atmosphere.

The stadium was full of spectators. In the morning, when he competed against Wasteland Warrior, which ranked higher than Dark Twilight. There were still a large number of seats empty in the audience stands. Now it’s filled with people, and almost everyone was there to see Angel.

The awn of a thousand eyes from the crowd was as sharp as p.r.i.c.kling needles.

At the farthest end of the stadium, a braided hair old man leaned his back against the stone pillar. Beside him stood a well-dressed middle-aged woman in uniform with a concave and convex figure.

“Melanctha, do you think that kid will win?” The braided hair old man looked at Angel on one side of the battle arena.

The middle-aged woman was Melanctha, who normally stayed in the drawing area on the first floor of Sky Tower. However, she left her post abnormally today and came to the Three Floors of Death.

“I don’t know.” Melanctha thought for a moment and replied.

“You don’t know? Why don’t you know? Isn’t it clear at a glance…? With that kid’s comprehensive combat strength. He was only able to defeat Mondo in the morning because Mondo was too dismissive of his opponent.”

“Now with Mondo as a lesson to Selena, she is sure to be prepared. Plus, she’s good at long drawn out battles. If the boy’s magic pattern is not depicted on his little arrows, it is almost impossible to hurt Selena with his regular arrows.” The braided hair old man paused: “Even if there were alchemy arrows with magic patterns, it would not do too much harm when they land on Selena who has a bloodline. Unless the golden arrow has not only one magic pattern, but also other attack magic patterns.”

“If there is a composite magic pattern, then his enchantment attainment is too high. This is already at the level of magic array enchantment, ah! Few Alchemy Wizards in that place can do this.” The place mentioned by the braided hair old man’s comments is Sky Machinery City, which is famous for its alchemy in the Southern Region.

Melanctha agrees, but she remembers that when Angel approached the Management Office to ask her for a shorter match interval. She also told him about the horrors of the Three Floors of Death, but Angel responded confidently. Claiming he had a secret weapon.

What is Angel’s secret weapon? Melanctha doesn’t know. But now that he has said it, he should also have a bottom line.

“Let’s see, maybe he has some secret weapon.” Melanctha chuckled.

“Really?” The braided hair old man did not laugh along. Under the Wizard level, Eye of True Sight. Angel’s layer of Wizard robe was useless. If there was a secret weapon, how could he not know?