Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 198

“How do I feel I have a strong connection with this Shepherd Fox?” Angel thought darkly.

A night without dreams pa.s.sed by. Early in the morning of the next day, Angel brought Toby out the door after washing up.

But as soon as he opened the gate to his courtyard, Angel saw David leaning against the nearby fence not far away. He was holding his chest while his eyes were closed in deep contemplation. His face was a little flushed as if immersed in some indescribable fantasy.

Angel took off his hood and walked over.

He looked at him with a puzzled expression as he greeted: “h.e.l.lo, David?”

David gave a shrill scream, broke himself away from the pink thoughts in his mind bubble, and saw Angel beside him giving an uncomfortable greeting.

“Why are you here? What were you thinking about just now? Why are you blushing so much?” Angel asked doubtfully.

“Err, I didn’t think about anything.” David defended himself, “I came to see you for a special purpose.”

Angel knows David intends to hide his thoughts, so he doesn’t question further. Who doesn’t have their own secrets? He is only curious about truth and doesn’t really care much about what others think about.

“What do you want with me?” Angel’s first match will start in half an hour, and he asked him without stopping.

“I watched your match yesterday, but I didn’t expect you to come to this point! You’ve caught up with all with the geniuses in my group.” David said.

Angel froze, paused and looked back at David with a cla.s.sic expression learned from Toby on his face “The baby doesn’t understand,” and smiled: “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

David squinted and said proudly: “Don’t hide it. I know everything. You started your Sky Tower climb more than a month ago and are now on the thirteenth floor. You won… Against Mondo and Selena yesterday. Well, by the way, your nickname is Milk…”

Angel suddenly covered David’s mouth.

“Cough, ahem, you know about it, but please don’t say it out loud. Many people have been looking for me recently. It would be bad if you said it out loud and were heard by someone pa.s.sing by.” Angel said with a cough.

David looked suspiciously around. There was no one around them and his home was far away from the densely populated areas. Who would hear it?

You just don’t want others to hear me call out your nickname! David complained silently in his heart.

Angel also didn’t ask how David knew his ident.i.ty.—

Although he has been wearing a hood, he was not deliberately concealing his ident.i.ty. Because as long as the other party is a little familiar with him, then Toby is definitely no stranger to them. His signature friend is too obvious. Although Toby only fought for the first time yesterday, Angel has brought Toby to his matches since long ago. He did so for Toby to familiarize himself with the way of fighting between Wizard Apprentices. He just didn’t let Toby go out and fight until the end.

As long as the other party knows about Toby, then they can definitely guess his ident.i.ty.

“If you know my ident.i.ty, then you know my match is about to start. What did you come to me for?” Angel asked with suspicion.

“Let me tell you more information about Shepherd Fox!” David paused: “There’s one more little thing I wanted to tell you on the way.”

Almost all of the contestant information David had sent to Angel was about the seed contestants and the contestants on the Three Floors of Death’s Ranking Table. Shepherd Fox was not on the list.

“Shepherd Fox is not as powerful as Selena.” David pointed out the key point very directly: “So it shouldn’t be too difficult for you to beat him.”

Angel asked: “Is that what you wanted to tell me?”

“Of course not, what I wanted to say is not about the strength of Shepherd Fox, but about the ident.i.ty of Shepherd Fox.” David’s expression suddenly became solemn: “If you can, try ending Shepherd Fox on the spot in the battle arena.”

“You’re asking me to kill Shepherd Fox, why? Do you have a grudge against him?” Angel asked with doubt. Although he once complained that Shepherd Fox deliberately pursued showing off in his matches, other people’s business has nothing to do with him. His perception of Shepherd Fox is neither good nor bad.

“Let me tell you this. The summoning system has three wastes and three geniuses. You can literally understand it as three waste materials and three outstanding talents.” David paused: “Shepherd Fox is one of the three geniuses. You may be unfamiliar with him. But he has a junior brother from the same teacher you must know about.”

“Shepherd Fox’s junior brother?” A name flashed through Angel’s mind that made him feel disgusted.

When David saw Angel’s expression change, he knew Angel had remembered him: “Yes, it is Pudong, the Dog Tamer.”

“Although Pudong, the Dog Tamer, is one of the three wastes. It is rumoured that he has a good relationship with Shepherd Fox. Even his name pays homage to Shepherd Fox, which shows that this rumour is not groundless.” David added: “Although the recent news of the death of Dog Tamer and Red b.u.t.terfly has been widely uncirculated recently. It is no secret in some people’s eyes. I don’t know if they have already suspected you, but there are many spells for tracking down someone. If a Third Level Apprentice casts Breaking Falsehood, they can easily find out who the culprit is…”

“Shepherd Fox may have already learned of your news.”

Angel: “So this is why you want me to kill him in the arena?”

“That’s right.” David said.

Angel didn’t answer. He didn’t feel much pressure to kill him. He didn’t even have much reaction after knowing Dog Tamer and Red b.u.t.terfly were killed. This man with a knife is just a fish to him. Since he wants to kill him, he naturally has to bear the consequences of being killed back.

However, to kill a person whom he doesn’t know whether they are good or bad because of a slight suggestion actually violates his psychological and moral bottom line. But looking at David’s solemn face, Angel did not say yes nor did he refuse, but only gave a vague “En” in acknowledgement.

The topic of “Shepherd Fox” is over, Angel asked: “In addition to this, didn’t you say there was one more small matter you wanted to tell me?”

“Master Promi wants to see you.” David simply repeated the original words of Master Promi: “Master Promi doesn’t know you are the Alchemy Wizard for the time being. He just asked me to contact you and please pa.s.s on this message on his behalf. It’s up to you whether you want to meet him or not.”

“There’s no problem with meeting Master Promi, but he will have to at least wait until I reach the top of Sky Tower.” Angel has no intention of hiding his alchemy apprentice status. He can communicate with other Alchemy Wizards and can also seek some benefits. Why shouldn’t he meet him?

“All right then.” A flush suddenly flashed across David’s face as he sweetly asked, “In fact, there is another personal matter I would like to entrust to you…”

Sky Tower’s match today is a showdown between Angel and Shepherd Fox.

When both contestants enter the arena, Angel was still thinking about how to handle Shepherd Fox.

Kill him? Angel hasn’t made up his mind yet.

Or not to kill him? It seems counter to David’s suggestion.

During his internal struggle, the confrontation phase began.

Milk Baron remained as aloof as ever and stood there silently.

Shepherd Fox felt uncomfortable when he saw Milk Baron behaving like this. Unhappiness began rising in his heart, Shepherd Fox thought he had already started posing before the match began. He was able to act even faster than him and force him out of character. No, he can’t lose in this posing contest!

Shepherd Fox, a silver-white haired man, had hair dancing in the wind. The moon-white wizard robe was also rustling with the wind. His eyes were closed and his face looked incomparably calm. The fox head staff in his hand is carried at will, just like a dusty hermit, which makes people yearn for his advice.

One is pretending to be cold and aloof, and the other is closing their eyes while pretending to be profound.

The two men just silently confront each other.

As the confrontation time slowly pa.s.sed by, Angel grew a little fonder of Shepherd Fox. Although he was told that he offended him, but as an opponent, he seldom spoke nonsense.

Shepherd Fox’s eyes remained closed as the match officially began, but his magic power was already in operation as he was getting ready to attack. He knows a lot about Milk Baron and has seen his match against Selena.

Even though Shepherd Fox thinks he can’t beat Selena, but he still thinks he can’t lose to Milk Baron.

Why Selena lost is still a mystery. But the mainstream speculation is that Selena’s close contact with Milk Baron caused her to be blown away by some sort of mysterious ability or mysterious alchemy item.

Shepherd Fox is apart of the summoning system and seldom fights in close quarters combat. Therefore, he was sure that as long as he fought against Milk Baron remotely, then the mysterious power wouldn’t attack him. Then victory would naturally belong to him.

In order to be on the safe side, Shepherd Fox summoned the true body of the Blood-Eyed Fox at this time. A small white fox, who is only one meter in length, rushed at Milk Baron under his command.

Shepherd Fox’s abacus was actually visible to all. With the Blood-Eyed Fox summoned, Milk Baron will just tremble, and then he would cast spells from the rear to slowly solve Milk Baron.

In fact, this is actually a fixed tactic of the summoning system, which can help determine his opponent’s strength. If the strength is too strong, he can also throw in the towel early at a distance. If their strength is not strong, he can slowly win by grinding his blade.

This kind of tactic is similar to Angel’s rogue tactics, and its effectiveness is even higher.

Angel didn’t release Ice Wall as usual when the Blood-Eyed Fox demon rushed over. Instead, he uses Frostfall Technique on the ground to slowly reduce the speed of the Blood-Eyed Fox slightly. Then he uses an improved version of modified magic, Flying Sand Technique from the Dust Removal Technique.

The dust and frost on the ground were lifted while the wind, water and soil reached an eerie balance at this time. Unexpectedly combining into a spell that seemed to have a fog-like effect.

“Composite Magic forming a fog effect, interesting.” Baroque is also watching Angel’s match. Seeing this fog composed of two kinds of low-level magic, his eyes flashed a trace of appreciation.

In fact, there are many spells like this type of fog, but there are few fog spells that are level 0 magic. Many require specific attributes. Such as level 0 magic Dark Mist, which can easily be learned by apprentices in the dark system. While apprentices in other branches need to spend a long time studying, which is not very cost-effective.

What Angel is now using is a combination of two level 0 magic spells to create a fog effect. Although not necessarily powerful, but the idea is novel.

“One is the Frostfall Technique, and the other is a magic spell that lifts up dust, which seems to be a new arrangement of some sort of magic?” When Baroque came to this conclusion, he also looked at Angel differently. Whether it was Composite Magic or a newly arranged magic spell, this was a key stepping stone to “that path.” If Angel did not have the guidance of others, and if these ideas are his own, then he somewhat understood why Sanders had accepted him.

Baroque thought he had guessed the truth about why Sanders collected this apprentice, but this was not the case at all. Truthfully speaking, when Angel behaved like this, even Sanders was surprised by Angel’s performance…

Back on the stage, Angel naturally intentionally used this fog for a purpose.