Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 210

“I see.” Angel nodded in agreement.

During the flight, the two fell into silence.

“Did you learn alchemy from that alchemy apprentice in the Underground Market?” Sanders broke the silence and asked.

Angel guessed Sanders was talking about Promi… and he shook his head before saying: “No, I taught myself through reading.”

Self-taught? Sanders thought to himself if the level Angel reached can be done through self-study. This obviously shows his understanding and logical reasoning ability are quite good. Everything written in alchemy books is quite detached. If there is no teacher or guide, it means he can only draw inferences through his experience and ability to be considered self-taught.

“Do you still remember Liana?” Sanders suddenly asked.

Angel nodded to the question.

“She is our only pharmaceutics alchemy wizard in the Savage Grottoes. She accepted your favour last time. If you have any doubts about pharmaceuticals or basic alchemy, you can go to the Mission Hall to post up an alchemy task related to her. She will naturally return your favour when she sees it is from you.” Sanders said.

Although last time he and Liana were only in a transactional relationship. The Demon Eating Flower fragrance extracted by Flora from Angel had been refined into a brand-new Salomon perfume spray by Liana. Recently, the witch teachers throughout the Savage Grottoes have all been raving about it. Liana earned at least hundreds of thousands more magic crystals from the transaction.

According to Sanders knowledge, Liana has left the Savage Grottoes to run to the Moon Fragrance Federation in the Man Trap Plane. When it comes to this Fragrance Federation, it is the most popular federation among witches. When the witches come together for this fragrance meetup, it is actually for an auction. If Liana is taking the fragrance spray extracted from Angel to auction, then it can be guessed that she will make a handsome profit.

In the beginning, Liana had only spent 10 magic crystals to get the main fragrance ingredient for her perfume. But now she has turned it into tens or even hundreds of thousands of times profit. Sanders didn’t care about this at all. It’s up to one’s vision to gain or lose profit between a wizard deal. But Angel has just become an alchemy apprentice, so he can use this as an excuse to receive a favour from her.

At the very least, Liana should allow Angel to raise alchemy level questions for free.

The Savage Grottoes is too short of alchemy wizard talents. Sanders personally hopes some students in the organization can become master alchemy wizards. In this way, if he encounters another treasure similar to the Wizard Garden. He won’t have to go to Sky Machinery City and pay a hefty sum for an alchemy wizard to appear.

After about five minutes, with respect to the demon falcon’s speed, it has flown about one hundred miles.

The Tree of Eternity has been left far behind.

“Would Lord Nisi happen to be near the Tree of Eternity?” The elemental activity near the Tree of Eternity is extremely high, and he would be in range of the Tree of Eternity. It is always shrouded by the natural elements from the Tree Spirit, which makes mental force much more active and less tiring to use than at other locations. Therefore, most wizards choose to live near the Tree of Eternity.

“Not every soul Wizard loves nature elements. Although Nisi is affiliated with the Mystical Branch Soul System, his choice of direction is more inclined towards the spirit of the dead and undead. He hates extremely vigorous life-breath such as the Tree of Eternity.” Sanders explained.

When the falcon demon flew into the middle of a stretch of mountains, Sanders suddenly said: “Here we are.”

After the falcon demon landed, Angel looked around. Now it only looks like an ordinary mountain forest. There is nothing too unusual except for the abundant vegetation around.

At this point in time, Sanders suddenly sent an orb of light from between his fingers.

This...o...b..of light sank into the cliff stone wall. After a while, the cliff suddenly split open, and a crack formed from it. It was just like a “path to the heavens” as a road suddenly appeared in the cliff wall.

Such a scene reminds Angel of the night he spent outside Twilight Port Town. Originally, there was no way out of the small mountain town. But after Goode threw out a token, a path suddenly appeared leading into the mountain.

“Is this an illusion?” Angel asked curiously.

Sanders walks into the “path to the heavens” with Angel. He quietly observed both sides of the path, trying to find the nodes that arranged the illusion.

However, Angel did not see any illusion nodes. He thought about it and secretly extended his mental force tentacles to touch the mountain walls on both sides. But as soon as his mental force tentacles were exposed, it was gently pushed back into his mental s.p.a.ce by another force.

“This is a phantom array. There are no phantom nodes.” Sanders said faintly.

Angel scratched his head awkwardly. He thinks Sanders saw all of his movements just now.

The magic array is a choice of direction in the illusion system, but the premise of this choice is to have a foundation in magic arrays. So, this is considered a very advanced direction in the illusion system. In Sanders notebook, there is no content about magic arrays.

“It is best not to touch anything casually within the territory of an official wizard. It is usually considered a small provocation, and if you accidentally touch a trap mechanism. You know this is the territory of a soul wizard. Death is already the best outcome.”

The hidden meaning behind Sanders warning is: Pack up your compulsions and don’t go around touching everything. Death is the best treatment in a soul wizard’s territory. The most horrible treatment against a soul is when it is tortured forever.

Sanders words reminded Angel, he thought of the description for the soul system among apprentices: Death is not the end, but the beginning.

With Sanders advice, Angel no longer dared to move around at will and followed closely behind him in an orderly manner.

After the path to the heavens, Angel’s whole vision was broadened, and a huge valley appeared before him. The valley is about the size of the central square at Tree Spirit Court. Smoke curled up all over the valley, with strange flowers and different plants scattered around. The buildings made of bluestone stood tall in the smoky mountain and looked as if it was taken from a scene in a wonderland at a distance.

Angel had thought this was a wonderland until he stepped at the bottom of the valley, then he thought: Wonderland? No way!

It is true this place has unusual flowers and plants, a beautiful valley, exquisite architecture and magnificent buildings.

What is wrong is the smoke… No, this is not smoke at all, but countless souls of the dead.

The translucent soul bodies are densely packed together which make it look like smoke from a distance.

These souls are not only limited to human beings but all kinds of magical plants and animals as well. Even the souls of exotic plane humanoid life are included in this dense smoke. They are dressed differently, but their appearance looks quite normal. Was it not true that the dead in the stories had ugly appearances as their **? It looks as though even if their bodies are full of maggots or torn apart, it would not affect the overall appearance of their soul at all.

But if these souls are all **… then being surrounded by them makes Angel feel a little uncomfortable.

The man shook his gun while floating in mid-air, while the woman shook her jade rabbits while floating as well. These souls did not dare look at Sanders straight in the eye, so they all just stared at Angel, making his face hot.

“It seems Saka has his own merits. At least all the souls under Saka’s control have covered up their shame!” Angel thought silently at the bottom of his heart.

Sanders brought Angel under a tall wizard tower.

Under the gaze of the soul bodies, Angel stepped into the dark tower.

Just after stepping into the wizard tower. A maid in an ap.r.o.n, almost **, knelt down on the ground and kissed Sanders leather shoe with her lips: “Lord Sanders, the master can’t walk away from the laboratory for the time being. Please Lord, head up yourself.”

Sanders brows wrinkled, and he cast a dust removal spell to dry the wet kiss mark left on his leather shoe.

“What a mess, this little old man has been doing this for so many years.” Sanders looked bleakly at this situation and let the maid in front of him lead the way.

Angel, on the other hand, has kept his head buried as he followed Sanders… Silently. One may be wondering why he is burying his head? Because as soon as he looks up, he saw the maid’s ** b.u.t.tocks walking in front of him. In response to the situation, Angel just wanted to ask her: “Aren’t you cold in that ap.r.o.n?”

They followed the maid all the way up until the top of the wizard tower, then the maid opens a door, and the cold wind from the outside blows in all at once.

When Angel peeked out the door, he only found a small bridge connecting to the top of the opposite mountainside near the wizard tower. At the end of the bridge was a cave.

“I thought the laboratory was in the wizard tower. I didn’t think it was on the other side of this cave.” Angel said silently.

The maid took the lead in walking on the bridge. Before she took a few steps, her ap.r.o.n was blown about by the violent winds and danced with the mountain haze above her. Thinking that she was wearing only an ap.r.o.n and completely ** underneath. Angel was ashamed just thinking about this image.

After crossing the bridge, the maid did not take a step forward but said: “The master is inside.”

Before arriving at the cave, Angel heard another man respectfully calling out: “Good afternoon, Lord Sanders…”

Angel looked up and his face suddenly froze and became stiff.

He didn’t think he would meet Saka here… But he unexpectedly did. Standing at the entrance of the cave, dressed in an elegant outfit and accompanied by a coy-looking soul of a beautiful woman. It was one of Saka’s Soul of Stars who fought against Angel in Sky Tower battle arena!

Sanders ignored Saka and entered the cave on his own.

Saka’s expression also remained unchanged, and he continued to bow respectfully.

Angel followed Sanders impa.s.sively. Anyway, he didn’t show his true face during their match. He thinks maybe Saka won’t recognize him.

However, after Angel walked into the cave, Saka seemed to feel something and suddenly looked up at Angel’s back.

He silently pondered for a moment, frowned for a bit. Exchanged a few words with Sylvia near him and then scattered some magic power from his hand.

After a long silence, Saka’s eyes suddenly brightened up, and a gentle and sweet smile sprang upon his handsome face.

“So you are Lord Sanders apprentice, my… Treasure Star.”

That lingering tone made Sylvia’s beautiful face show a trace of envy and jealousy.

Saka put away the expression on his face, smiled slightly at the corners of his mouth and gave a low chuckle as he also entered into the cave.

After Angel walked into the cave, he saw the huge cave surrounded by all kinds of various tools. Only the middle was empty. This was where a little grey-haired old man was working on the central workbench with a knife.

And the object of his work is… The body of a young girl.

“Sanders, why did you come to me? However, you come at the right time for me to show you my new work.” Nisi raised his head and waved him forward with his hand. The wound on the girl’s body was quickly sewn up with some sutures, revealing smooth ** skin underneath.

Next, Nisi stuffed a soul ma.s.s that clearly did not look like a human’s soul. But looked more like a female humanoid soul into the body of the young girl.

The young girl opened her eyes the next second. She saw Sanders not far away as her first sight. The next second, her eyes were flooded with the spring of love.

A faint enchanting fragrance spread from the young maiden.

With a hint of fragrance, the girl slowly approached Sanders, and she winked to flirt with Sanders.

The girl is very beautiful, and her meaning of courtship was obvious to all. But Sanders didn’t pay attention to her advances. Instead, he frowned and directly pushed the girl to the other side with his cane.

“The soul of a succubus?” Sanders said faintly: “Did you follow that group of people to the Abyss Plane?”

Nisi shook his head and responded: “Of course not. Am I the kind of person who bullies the weak? Saka got me this succubus soul.”