Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 214

A succubus’s bloodline essence, as its name implies, comes from the Abyss Succubus.

As for the role of a bloodline essence, the foundation of a wizard should first be explained.

The purpose of the blood branch in the wizard’s three major structures is essentially to a.s.similate a bloodline of powerful creatures. Doing so achieves the purpose of evolution. For a blood branch wizard, as long as they a.s.similate with a bloodline. Everything can be inherited from the bloodline. Regardless of whether it is from a demon beast, warcraft or even a magic plant bloodline, human beings can a.s.similate with them.

Of course, the three major structures for a wizard are not exclusive to the blood branch. Wizards outside of the blood branch can also absorb a bloodline to strengthen themselves. But generally speaking, after a blood branch wizard a.s.similates a bloodline. It will take years of self-study of their bloodline to integrate and realize the power and abilities that have a.s.similated into their body. When the wizard reaches the acme of bloodline realization, a blood branch wizard can prepare to a.s.similate a new bloodline.

Instead, most non-blood branch wizards don’t take the time to delve too deeply into their a.s.similated bloodline. They usually inject a bloodline to strengthen their usually frail physique.

In short, the elemental and mystical branch wizards use bloodline injection as a means to strengthen their physique.

However, the injection of a bloodline used by blood branch wizards is a c.u.mulative process. Each kind of bloodline can give them the greatest of gifts. Even the special inheritances contained in a bloodline can be wielded to the extremes. A wizard in the blood branch will become more and more powerful in the latter stages of promotion. Because in the latter stages, they will a.s.similate more and more bloodlines, making their body stronger and allowing them to acquire more special inheritances.

At the same time, however, the a.s.similation of a bloodline comes at the risk of death. The more complex their bloodline becomes, the lower the success rate of a.s.similating a new bloodline. This is also one of the main reasons why there are relatively less blood branch wizards in the latter period promotions as compared with the other branches.

Of course, for a wizard which pursues the path of knowledge and truth as their lifelong pursuit. There are solutions or ways to bypa.s.s the vast majority of the risks a.s.sociated with bloodline a.s.similation. Its just Angel presently doesn’t know any of them yet.

The above summarizes what Angel knows about bloodline a.s.similation.

“a.s.similating a succubus’s bloodline will strengthen your physique, and you may even receive a special inheritance from the bloodline.” Nisi gave encouraging words nearby and said: “Think about it, once you a.s.similate a bloodline as a junior apprentice, won’t your combat capabilities double?! If one of your peers speaks rudely of you, with your strength, you can go up to them smack them around. Just think of how great that would feel!”

After pondering for a moment, he realized this was a.s.similating a bloodline, ah…! Angel had thought Nisi wanted to do harm to him at first, but now this doesn’t seem to be the case. Because, as Nisi said, the bloodline essence of any kind of powerful lifeform is more valuable than an ordinary apprentice.

The thought of a.s.similating a bloodline had never crossed Angel’s mind before. Because he felt that bloodline a.s.similation was too far away from where he currently stood. This was not something he could dream about at this point on his journey of becoming a wizard. But now a hypodermic syringe filled with a bloodline essence is placed in front of him, how can he be unmoved by the offer?

Although Angel is also willing to a.s.similate a bloodline. However, he still hasn’t forgotten what Nisi has done up until now.

“Lord Nisi, you said you wanted to inject a succubus’s bloodline essence into me in order to do a small experiment and record the experimental results. What would be the expected outcome of this experiment?” Angel inquired.

Nisi grunted and said: “The experiment hasn’t even started yet. How would I know what the outcome is?”

“Then, what are the results the Lord expects from the experiment?” Angel asked again.

Nisi vaguely said: “I won’t know until I get started.”

It seems Angel can’t get any more information from Nisi, so he has to turn to his cheap mentor: “Mentor, if I want to a.s.similate a bloodline, will there be any risks involved? What bad side effects will happen if I a.s.similate a succubus’s bloodline?”

Sanders did not immediately give Angel an answer but looked towards Nisi. Nisi gave Sanders a flattering wink and spoke to Sanders through voice transmission: “Please help me out, I urgently need this experimental data! If you choose to send your apprentice over, you’ll be doing me a huge favour. He won’t die anyway.”

Nisi saw how unmoved Sanders was by his impa.s.sioned speech. After biting his teeth, he decided to give up inducements and continue to use voice transmission to say: “Just think about it. I will owe you one!”

When Sanders heard this, he smiled with satisfaction.

Sanders turned to Angel and explained: “a.s.similating any bloodline will have its inherent risks. But at the same time, there are also ways to mitigate or avoid these risks altogether. The Venus Stinger Scorpion Flower, Essence of Charm plus other magic materials combined will make your two pheromones increase sharply. At that point in time, injecting the succubus’s bloodline will reduce the risk to a minimum and increase the success rate of a.s.similating the bloodline to probably above 80%.”

When Nisi heard Sanders speech, he nodded with satisfaction: “Don’t think the success rate of 80% is not great. Without special means, the success rate of a.s.similating a secondary bloodline is well below 30%.”

Angel asked: “So If I succeed in a.s.similating this bloodline, will this produce any negative side effects in me?”

When Sanders began answering this question, Nisi secretly gave a “you know what to do” expression to Sanders. Sanders nodded slightly and then said to Angel:

“Similarly, a.s.similating any bloodline, even a humanoid bloodline has certain impacts on the individual. Let me give you an example. For example, a.s.similating a demon bloodline may cause your skin colour to change, head to sprout a horn, skin to lose elasticity, and so on. If you don’t care or pay attention to appearance. These are not bad side effects. Of course, it is also possible nothing will change after a.s.similation.”

Although Sanders was telling the truth, Nisi kept using voice transmission to say to him: “Speak less of the truth and more of the possible benefits!”

Sanders continued: “But if bloodline a.s.similation is successful, the benefits will far outweigh the negative side effects. For the elemental branch and some mystical branch wizards, their biggest headache is a weak physique. Bloodline a.s.similation will strengthen your overall physique. Once you receive a special inheritance, you will most likely gain an innate special ability similar to Trickle of the Resting Stream.”

Nisi encouraged again: “How about it, what do you think? It’s awesome, right?! Don’t hesitate now, how can a man be so slow and bother with so many details! I will also be examining your soul during the experiment. So, don’t delay and waste time thinking about it!”

As Angel listened, his heart was moved. But he still had an inexplicable uneasiness in his chest and asked: “Will injecting a succubus’s bloodline also change my appearance?”

Before Sanders could answer, Nisi interjected by saying: “What are you worried about? A succubus is also a humanoid, and all of them are extremely beautiful females. Even if it will change your appearance a little bit, you will end up looking even better!”

Angel doesn’t believe anything Nisi says and turned to Sanders. The person he trusts the most between the two is Sanders.

Sanders gave a faint smile and said: “I don’t know what will happen either.”

Nisi is very satisfied with Sanders response. His “human favour” card is still very effective.

Sanders continued by saying: “But—”

Nisi hurried to interrup with his voice transmission: “Don’t ‘but’! Come on! I’ll owe you one!”

Sanders ignored Nisi’s protesting voice transmission: “But I can give you an example. Liana has been injected with a succubus’s bloodline, and her body shape has not changed much after the injection. At the same time, as Nisi said, she has become more beautiful… and has become more ‘feminine.’”

Sanders still didn’t explain the harm behind a.s.similating a “succubus’s bloodline.” But when he said that last sentence, he especially emphasized the last word “feminine.” Nisi didn’t notice this point, but Angel did.

Angel thought: “Become more feminine? Mentor’s potential underlying meaning is that… the estrogen in my body will increase?” The Wizard Plane has made no statements about s.e.x hormones, which is usually expressed as pheromones. But Angel, who has studied Earth’s knowledge regarding medicine, was clear about the relation of how “femininity” will suddenly increase. The main culprit behind this increase is the increased secretion of estrogen.

For women, secreting estrogen in a certain measure can increase their personal charm and attractiveness. However, for men. Excessive secretion of estrogen may lead to breast enlargement, ** decline, atrophy of male features and so on.

Basically, this process is what is referred to as “feminization.”

Angel shuddered at the thought of this outcome. The so-called “feminization” is the fate of becoming a half man, half woman, a s.h.e.m.a.l.e! This would simply be a nightmare for him!

Angel suddenly remembered Nisi’s remark on his study of “gender issues.” He originally thought the content of this study topic was indescribable intimate behaviour between couples. But now he feels his mind is still too immature. Perhaps Nisi’s study will purely involve gender-swapping issues between both s.e.xes, such as male to female or female to male transitions…

“No! I don’t want to a.s.similate a succubus’s bloodline!” Angel immediately rejected after thinking of this possible outcome.

Just as Nisi eyes were filled with the hope of Angel saying yes and promising to inject the bloodline, he gave a sudden and firm refusal.

“Think about it again, it will be of great benefit to you!” Nisi urged anxiously.

Angel still shook his head and firmly said: “No.”

“Why not?” Nisi wondered.

“There is no reason, I just don’t want to!” Angel also doesn’t know whether his guess about “feminization” was the correct. But whether it was correct or not, Angel has made up his mind that this bloodline a.s.similation will not be considered at all for the time being. Even if he really wanted to inject a bloodline, he will have to personally study the bloodline before making an informed decision.

Angel’s strong refusal led Nisi to swear bitterly in his heart: “You don’t understand people with good intentions!”

“Since Angel has refused. Let’s forget about this discussion and replace the Venus Stinger Scorpion Flower with the Fragrant Blood Orchid to begin the experiment.” Sanders said.

Nisi was still angry and grumpily said: “I only have some Venus Stinger Scorpion Flower here, and don’t have any more Fragrant Blood Orchid.”

Nisi looked at Angel viciously and thought in his heart: Daring to refuse me! See if I don’t make you want to kill yourself! After the Venus Stinger Scorpion Flower turns you into a woman. I’ll call you the ugliest, oldest and fattest woman in Soul Valley. I’ll make you do this, that, some of those, all of that, and then record it all and sell it to some people with ‘special’ hobbies!

While Nisi was having a fun time with his fantasy, Sanders took out a bright hanging plant from his earring: “I happened to have a transplanted Fragrant Blood Orchid here, so we don’t need to go out and buy one.”

When Nisi saw the Fragrant Blood Orchid in Sanders hand, he was left completely speechless.

After a long time, he suppressed his voice and said this sentence: “I hate people with a Wizard Garden!”

Sanders paid no attention to his comment but laughed in a low voice and said: “Remember your promise. You owe me one.”

Nisi yelled to protest: “But he didn’t even agree to do it!”

Sanders said flatly: “I just promised you that I wouldn’t speak the disadvantages behind a.s.similating a succubus’s bloodline. I never promised you that Angel must agree to a.s.similate.”

“Do you want to go back on your word?” After Sanders spoke these words, the pressure of a second level wizard gradually emerged.

Nisi was suppressed by this fierce power as if he was a leaf floating in the wind, swaying left and right.

“Alas, I’ve promised to help you identify what is wrong with Angel’s soul…” Nisi said pitifully.

Sanders said: “Aren’t you also interested in special souls yourself? This is a mutually beneficial matter. This experiment will allow you to see an interesting soul. You should thank me for guessing your intentions.”

After Sanders had said this, he stopped paying attention to Nisi.

Nisi, on the other hand, was crying and gave a mourning expression as he thought: How did we get to the end and all the trouble lands in my pot?


The first step of separating the soul from the body is soul adaptation.

Some people’s souls are unsuitable for separation from the flesh. After separation, there will be various occurrences, such as amnesia, mental decline, disappearance, or even death in some rare cases once the soul has been separated from the body.

This is mostly found in mortals with lower mental force values, but it cannot be ruled out that it could happen to mundane apprentices.

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, it must be determined first whether a soul is suitable for adaptation or not when it is separated from the body.

The method of adaptation is very complex. Only a soul system wizard can determine the adaptation identification. However, the process of adaptation is very fast. Angel was brought into a magic array arranged by Nisi and only felt that all kinds of colours were floating in front of him. In a short time, Nisi let Angel out of the magic array.

“The adaptation results show no problem.” Nisi paused and looked at Angel with a slightly puzzled expression and said: “But one thing I find very strange. Just now, I identified Angel’s total soul container being similar in size with his peers, maybe a bit bigger. But the quality of his soul is surprisingly excellent, even purer than Saka’s soul quality.”

Speaking of which, Nisi asked Sanders: “Are you sure he is a part of the illusion system and not the soul system?”