Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 243

Instead of continuing to infuse magic power into the Crystal Ball. Angel went to “Saka’s” head. Enduring the smell of blood, he pulls open the already tattered hood.

As he had expected, the man he killed wasn’t Saka. But a stranger he didn’t even know.

Angel examined the other body pieces and found nothing else useful. Of the three people, he pulled out some small things and a few purses on Naru’s body.

The purses were tucked away, and the corpses were lit on fire.

In the distance, some apprentices saw Angel’s actions. But no one came forward to ask questions. Even if they meant to go through this path, they took a long detour and were unwilling to approach the area where fighting took place.

Close to here in the central area of Tree Spirit Court. Apathy permeates the bones of almost every apprentice present. If they can stay out of trouble, no one is willing to be contaminated by this mood.

Angel didn’t turn his head away to leave until the flames had burned out. At this time, the moon was at its zenith, and the ground was littered with the remains of broken bone fragments.

Angel’s mood was very complicated. He went through too much misfortune today. He saw too many cold realities and killed a stranger who was obviously innocent but was treated as a p.a.w.n by a higher power. With these mixed emotions in his mouth, Angel felt as if he gained a clearer understanding of some truths in the world.

As he left Grud Town and travelled far away from Old Land, Mainland. Angel reminds himself to be wary of human nature and saw many examples of the dark side of human nature described in the books he has seen. Angel thought he had been fully armed from the inside out. But the books had been shallow teachers. Some truths must be experienced personally to reach a deeper understanding. He has understood this is real life.

What he heard from others and what he has seen in books is from the perspective of other people. His own life needs to be measured with his own feet. “We all know the truth, but we still can’t live a good life.” This sentence seems reasonable. But in fact, what one understands is only the truth of others. The truth handed down by elders, the truth of hearsay. After all, this truth is not his own at all.

On a long road with a quiet lamp, the light fades into the night. As Angel came home with a slightly tired heart, he saw a figure leaning on the front of his courtyard gate. This figure is silently studying the metal parts held in his hands, using scattered light from the oil lamp on the gatepost.

Angel smiled when he saw this scene. The Wizard Plane has a cold heart, but also a tireless pursuit of knowledge to reach one’s goals. Darkness and light always exist intertwined together. If there is no darkness, how can one know if the light is worth searching for?

“Angel!” The figure under the gate was awakened by the sound of footsteps. He looked up and waved to him with a smile: “You came back just in time. I just had a genius idea! Look at this. I call it the Mechanical Wizard Eye! Using mechanical alchemy, we can simulate the Eye of a Wizard, look at here…”

David took the metal parts in his hands, walked directly to Angel and began talking about his idea.

Angel smiled and nodded, expressing his opinions to David from time to time.

When the discussion was almost over, David realized that Angel’s face was pale and there was a faint smell of sweat and blood.

“What happened to you…? Were you?” David borrowed the light scattered from the gatepost and saw that Angel’s clothes were a little bloodstained.

“It’s nothing. I just met a few nonsensical people. Then I took an act of small revenge for you.” Angel casually said, opening the gate and welcoming David in: “I’ll go and wash up a little. This smells really bad.”

David seeing how relaxed Angel’s words and expression was, the worried look on his face was put away as he asked: “Small revenge for me? What kind of revenge would I have?”

In the bathroom, Angel undressed and ran the hot water from head to toe: “The one named Naru. He brought the two people, Tesla and Queena to make trouble for me. I took care of it.”

“Crazy Demon Blade, Naru?! When you mentioned small revenge, you don’t mean you’ve killed them, right?” David said in wonder.

“Something like that.” Angel scrubbed his greasy head of hair and said vaguely.

David let out a cry: “I said that when I refine my weapon, I will go and fight with him personally!”

David has no doubt that Angel can beat Naru. He has reached the top of Sky Tower. How can he fail to beat Naru? The only thing that made him regret a little was that he didn’t get to fight Naru himself.

“I didn’t want to kill them either, but they wanted to kill me.” Angel said.

After washing, Angel returned to the state of a “fresh and handsome young boy” and came out with his wet golden head of hair: “I just went to Mission Hall to take over several alchemy tasks. Are you ready to start these tasks with me today?”

Angel threw his bone card to David to show him which tasks he has taken on.

“Whatever. Anyway, I’ll help you out. I have hardly ever refined weapons before, and the materials required were too expensive for me to start.” David said.

“You can use whatever you want today.” Angel pointed to several alchemy tasks, which are about refining sword weapons. There is no limit to materials: “You can come and refine these blanks, and I will come in and add the final enchantment, which will be a faster process. If there’s something wrong with the blanks, it doesn’t matter. The materials aren’t expensive anyway.”

Hearing Angel’s heroic words, David’s eyes lit up. His alchemy theory was already very profound. But unfortunately, he had no money and too little practical experience. This time Angel asked him to let loose and practice. This gift was a timely rain! Even if this time he learned nothing about Angel’s alchemy thinking, just adding more alchemy experience is already a big harvest!

The next time the two men came to the underground laboratory. Each occupied an experimental platform and began working with their hands.

During the alchemy process, Angel paid attention to David. In the beginning, he saw that David treated his work carefully and strictly. Even if he made a mistake in some moments, these were also considered minor mistakes, resulting in very small material loss. On the other hand, when he reflects his actions, he felt he was too casual. As long as Angel made a refining mistake, it almost absolutely results in a complete mistake. At which point he has to overthrow the whole process and start all over again. This made Angel feel very ashamed.

Angel was driven to improve by David’s strict att.i.tude. The two tasks in their hands were originally supposed to take two nights to complete. However, due to their high concentration of mental force and the comparison made by the two individuals, they had actually completed these tasks overnight.

When the night fades and the sky floats with white light.

Angel held two alchemy weapons in hand. A broadsword and a rapier have been successfully refined by him. The magic pattern shines with a little glow. With the edge of the swords, it gives off a kind of cold feeling. Apart from the lack of artistry, the two weapons are superior to the sickle sold yesterday.

At the same time, David, after many failed attempts under Angel’s guidance. Finally refined the blanks for a scimitar. Under the control of the Heat Blend Art, the blanks have begun shining with a weapon’s sharp edge.

“I succeeded! Angel, I did it!” David’s face was filled with uncontrollable excitement. Even though he hadn’t yet officially become an alchemy apprentice, he was able to refine out an alchemy weapon. Even without advanced cla.s.s weapons, it was enough to solve his money problems! One has to know that when Angel refined a tang knife, even without any enchantment, it can also be sold for 20 magic crystals. The cost of the materials is at most 1 or 2 magic crystals! Netting a profit of 18 magic crystals. This is already close to his monthly salary!

“Take it easy, don’t get too excited. You have to continue controlling the Heat Blend Art, don’t stop. I’ll come over and begin enchantment.” Angel made David tone down his excitement. He feared magic power fluctuations the most when casting Heat Blend Art. David doesn’t have the Universal Axis, so it was easy for David to suffer stagnation when inputting magic power.

David nodded fiercely, took the weapon blank with Magic Power Hand and placed it in front of Angel.

Angel has also begun depicting magic patterns. The magic pattern to be depicted on this scimitar is a frost magic pattern. Angel has long become proficient at depicting these basic magic patterns and can directly depict them without the holographic projection.

A long-time later, an advanced cla.s.s weapon was born under David’s presence.

David’s excitement is beyond words for the moment. Angel produced three alchemy weapons in one night. This is far beyond his imagination. According to this speed, wouldn’t he be able to complete the seven tasks in two or three days? This is a list of tasks totalling nearly 3,000 magic crystals!

Angel was still happy thinking about it until he heard a burst of snoring beside him. After working all night, David could no longer support himself and fell asleep on the workbench. But even when he was so tired, he still had a smile on his face.

Angel personally didn’t rest all night either. Although he ate a little, he was about to go rest until he saw David dragging out his tired body from the bas.e.m.e.nt as he said: “I have to go back to the shop first.”

Angel said: “Are you sure? It’s alright to rest here? I have some dry food. Would you like having some?”

David waved his hand and said: “No. Even if I want to rest, I have to go back to the shop. There will be an important order today, and it would be bad if I wasn’t there.”

“Also, thank you very much for last night. I’ve learned a lot.” David bowed very solemnly to Angel in thanks.

Angel waved his hands and gave a smile as he said: “We helped each other. I received these tasks, and the remuneration for them is not cheap. I will give you half of the credit for the tasks you have done. “

When David wanted to wave his hand to refuse, Angel blocked his words back by saying: “As you just saw, enchantment is much easier for me than refining blanks. I feel a little guilty about not sharing half of the rewards with you.”

David was too tired to refuse at this time. His brain was too confused, and he couldn’t think straight. With a few prevaricated words, Angel convinced him to accept. By the time he felt conscious of his actions, he has already been pushed out the door.

David could only express the grat.i.tude he felt in his heart and silently thanked him before heading back to the Underground Market.

Angel went straight back to his bedroom and slept in his cosy bed.

By the time he woke up, it had been already two o’clock in the afternoon, and Toby’s concert started again in the attic.

Angel hid in the quiet room for his routine meditation. After meditation, he remembered the Crystal Ball Contact Device he got from “Saka’s” corpse yesterday.

Angel still remembers when he met Saka yesterday, the other party said he was going to send him some news.

Angel infuses his magic power into the Crystal Ball, and a piece of the text emerges.

[My dear Treasure Star, kiss~.]

Angel just scoffs at the name “Treasure Star.” As he continued to look back, another row of words appeared:

[I a.s.sume that by the time you read this letter, you had already killed the flesh I possessed, right? What a pity, this choice for my body is the most suitable container for my soul. But it’s an honour for it to die by your hands.]

[I really want to send you a message that… Hooked.i.c.k has returned from Soul Earth. I know you have a feud with him. Isn’t this good news?]

When Angel saw this, he thought to himself: I have a feud with you as well.

[There is one more thing I want to tell you. My mentor handed the succubus bloodline to Hooked.i.c.k, and the fusion process of the bloodline was very successful. By the way, I’ll attach a picture of what Hooked.i.c.k looks like now. I hope you like it.]

Angel continues scrolling down, and a pink image appears in the Crystal Ball.

When Angel can see clearly the person in the image, his eyes widen instantly. Rubbing his eyes, Angel looked at the person in the image carefully again. Is this… Is this really Hooked.i.c.k?!