Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 256

The prosperity seen in Shadow Demon City is rare in the world.

After Angel arrived in the scope of Shadow Demon City, he realized how much he still underestimated the wisdom of mortals.

Unlike the capital of Canary Empire or any other city that Angel has been to. Shadow Demon City’s prosperity lies in the fact it is a small area piled up with many unimaginable things.

For example, the most commonly used theme in Shadow Demon City’s architecture is the aerial staircase.

In a narrow street two or three meters wide at the top, there are buildings on both sides on which it was made up of sheet metal and wooden boards. The aerial staircase connected these two buildings. This aerial staircase is just a small microcosm of the whole city. The streets of Shadow Demon City aren’t wide, but almost every street is covered with aerial staircases decorated with flowers and plants. Having the plants seems to bring a delicate sense of security.

Angel has seen similar buildings in Earth’s metropolises, such as

Similar buildings are also seen in the Savage Grottoes, such as the air corridors.

However, the aerial staircases of Shadow Demon City are different from those seen on the surface. This is because they are generally short and not up to the standard of what can be called a “bridge.” They are built up just enough to can connect two buildings on a narrow staircase, so the requirements for the architects aren’t too demanding and don’t have much technical content.

But no matter how low the technical level, if the whole city is full of these aerial staircases, then it will become another wonderful scenery.

Like the doc.u.mentary < One Person, One City > seen by Angel. There was a simple cathedral in a modern city. Angel glanced at it and didn’t notice how special it was in a city with so much diversified architectural designs. But then Angel watched another film later. In the film, there was a small town with cathedral buildings with domed roofs, spires and exquisitely crafted walls. This unified style stunned Angel and gave him an amazing sense of novelty.

The same can be said about Shadow Demon City. The aerial staircases by themselves aren’t very beautiful. But when Angel looked up, he is staggered by the number of aerial staircases strewn at random. The different materials all come together to bring a different sense of style.

From time to time, he can see someone coming out of a building, holding pieces of laundry and basking them on the railings of the aerial staircases. These colourful clothes were blown by the wind and look like colourful flags from afar.

Angel’s first impression of Shadow Demon City: This is a prosperous and vibrant city full of life.

It’s a nice view when seen from a distance. But a close-up view often shows a dirty scene under the beautiful appearance.

Angel’s good mood when entering Shadow Demon City slightly sank after seeing the citizens quarrel and fight over trivial matters for the nth time.

This is worthy of the regional norms for Lower Sian Sub-Human as confrontation and struggle are happening at all the time.

For mortal disputes, Angel didn’t ask more about them. He just slightly sighed in his heart, and then headed to Twilight Deep Well with Promi.

Along the way, Angel has found many interesting places and things in Shadow Demon City.

Although the Lower Sian Sub-Humans are the true owners of Shadow Demon Kingdom, there are still a variety of strange races in the underground world. Some members of these races are even born with natural talents. Angel saw many bizarre-looking members of different races. These races more or less have humanoid forms. For example, there are no few numbers of pink-skinned dwarves with lion heads. They are half a head shorter in height than the average mortal and had long tails and strange feet.

“These races can only be regarded as humanoids. They are different from true human beings.” Promi said.

Angel asked some questions: “I heard that there are humanoid groups on the surface of the plane, Master Promi. Do you know the differences between them and these humanoids?”

Promi thought for a moment and said: “I haven’t studied this in-depth. There should be a difference. At least for these different humanoid races in the Wizard Plane. Although this practice will still be criticized by the Extreme Sect. But in some places, these humanoids can learn methods from wizards. On the other hand, exotic plane humanoids are absolutely forbidden from learning any wizard methods.”

Angel suddenly asked: “Is it true exotic plane creatures entering the Wizard Plane are naturally excluded by the great will of the world?

“This is true. I have seen an exotic plane creature whose flesh and blood have dried up due to being excluded by the will of the world. They looked just like a mummified corpse after being excluded and their ending appearance was very terrifying.” Promi said.

“Then is there any way to eliminate this force of exclusion by the great will of the world?” Angel asked.

Although Angel looks as light as a cloud flowing with the spring breeze on the surface with his curious and inquisitive expression. In actuality, his heart was slightly tense.

The last time he wanted to ask Sanders. He missed his opportunity wasn’t able to seek an answer. This time, he finally asked with great difficulty and was hoping to get an answer.

Angel’s expectations are very high. He thinks Promi should know something after all these years in the Wizard Plane. However, it is said that the higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment. Promi didn’t even think about this question and said directly:

“I don’t know, why do you ask this?”

Angel’s expression stagnated as he smiled stiffly and said: “Just curious.”

Promi also didn’t care why and said: “There should be a way, but it can be guessed that only formal wizards know these secrets. How can apprentices come into contact with it?”

Angel gave a “squeak” and didn’t ask further.

On the way to Twilight Deep Well, as they pa.s.sed a quiet alley. Angel suddenly felt loose around his waist. As soon as he bowed his head, he immediately realized his purse was gone.

He looked around and saw no other figure in the alley.

“What’s the matter, Angel?” David asked doubtfully. There was a solemn expression on Angel’s face.

“My purse is gone.” As soon as Angel’s voice dropped, David suddenly exclaimed: “My purse is gone, too!”

David’s face turned pale all of a sudden.

Angel’s purse contains only a small number of magic crystals and a disposable s.p.a.ce capsule. What he carries with true value is in his bone card. This bone card also happens to be in a bag in his inner chest pocket which was below Toby’s foot. So Angel didn’t panic for the moment. However, David placed his bone card with his magic crystals in his purse, and it was completely over for him with this loss.

“Has the thief gone very far yet?” When Angel heard David’s voice, he immediately reacted by casting an Oil Slick Spell on the ground.

Sure enough, Angel heard a cry: “Oh, no, it’s a wizard!”

Then a series of black oil footprints appeared on the ground, exposing the thief.

When Angel was about to capture the thief. He saw David’s angry expression as a gleaming metallic edge flashed from his fingertips and headed straight for the thief.

Although the thief’s body is still hidden, the footprints in the oil were enough to reveal their location. David’s spell should be able to hit them. At least Angel thinks so.

But what he didn’t expect was when the attack arrived at the thief’s location. The spell went straight through and the attack didn’t land on the thief.

“Is there no ent.i.ty?” Angel said secretly.

During David’s attack, Promi also stepped in and cast a wide range Frostfall spell, making the surface freeze and appear white.

The sudden drop in temperature, as well as frost made crushed ice appear on the surface, which slowed down the thief’s pace. With the tracks visibly slowing down.

Promi’s next attack also came with several successive ice blades flying past. But just like David’s attack, it pa.s.sed through the opponent’s “invisible” body but didn’t end up hurting them.

“Immaterial Body?” Promi also frowned and said: “No, this is spell cast by formal wizards. If this person is a formal wizard, then they can directly crush us.”

Seeing the thief about to escape from the scope of the Frostfall, David burst into tears.

Angel at this moment casually stretched out his right hand and gave a snap.

With a crisp sound of snapping fingers, a snowstorm fantasy world was built on the basis of Promi’s Frostfall spell.

Angel pulls David and Promi out of the fantasy world and points to the footprints which occasional appear from time to time in the distance.

“He’s now trapped. With physical attacks, he seems to be able to turn into a state similar to Immaterial Body and escape. You see, when you attacked him just now, the footprints on the ground disappeared for a moment and reappeared the next second. Therefore, the duration of this state will not be too long. Only continuous sustained attacks are needed to hit this person.” Angel explained.

After hearing Angel’s words, David also saw something wrong with the oil footprints on the ground. He immediately understood how he was going to attack and cast a spell.

Angel stopped David’s action and said: “Don’t waste your magic power. He can’t escape from my fantasy world. He won’t be able to carry on for much longer with Frostfall still on the ground.”

As Angel said, it wasn’t long before they heard a trembling cry: “Wizard Lord, I was wrong. Please let me go. I will give the purses back, just please let me go.”

As the voice fell, two purses appeared on the ground.

Angel grabbed the purse directly with Magic Power Hand. David took his lost purse and checked it to make sure everything was there before he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the purses reappeared, the prisoner still did not show up. They just kept requesting in a trembling voice to remove the fantasy world and Frostfall spell.

All three paid no attention to the pleas, and after about five minutes. A figure in a robe suddenly appeared and fell onto the ground.

Angel said: “They seemed to have frozen.”

“Appearing now? Dare to steal my purse, just see if I don’t dare kill you!” David stormed to the thief, grabbed his robe and turned him over.

When David saw the true face of the thief, the hand he held in the air had stopped.

At this time, Angel and Promi also came over.

“It turns out to be a child? But the voice just now didn’t sound like it…” Angel now saw the thief with a pale face from the cold. This turned out to be a small boy, looking much smaller than Shalem. He guesses his age to be around seven or eight years old.

David originally intended on killing the thief. But when he saw it was a child, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Although his character is a bit treacherous and stingy. Since Angel is willing to socialize with him, they have similarities in some values.

At the very least, David also has some bottom lines. For example, he really can’t raise his hand to kill a child.

David held the thief for a long time before finally sighing and bringing him away from the scope of Frostfall.

“Forget it. I’ll just take back my wallet. It will depend on luck whether you live or not.” Although David didn’t kill him, he didn’t intend on saving him either. He just casually threw him into a corner and left.

“In fact, some children are more terrible than Lords.” Promi suddenly said.

“Because they have not yet begun to establish the concept of moral values, they don’t have a view of good and evil. This causes their evil to be truly pure evil without containing any evil thoughts.” When Angel heard this, he still had no intentions of arguing what is truly pure evil. These mixed and complex emotions regarding evil, whether minor or major are unimportant. What matters is whether this evil has affected him or not.

At this moment, Angel glanced at the child in the corner of the wall and now saw a strange pattern on his neck.

He leaned down to take a closer look, and his face showed a strange expression: “This is…”

Now, Angel noticed this pattern was similar to the dark demon shadow servant’s mask.

“The shadow servant family.” Promi also saw the pattern and directly pointed out his ident.i.ty: “And it’s a shadow servant with a special ability.”

Speaking of which, Promi’s expression was also a bit odd: “The shadow servant clan is the native clan of the Shadow Demon Kingdom. Because of their natural abilities, they are generally in a leading position. How this child be reduced to the point of becoming a thief.”