Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 262

The pace of the auction is very fast, especially in the early stage. The value of the items auctioned wasn’t initially very high, only taking a few minutes for batches to be auctioned off.

In the first ten auction pieces, there were more than 66 people continuing to bid from the Out-House area. But in the early to the middle stage, each auction piece had increased the minimum bid to more than 500 magic crystals. Since then, there were no more bids from the Out-House area.

During the current bid, a gaseous material which could be used as a catalytic subst.i.tute was being auctioned. Angel gave his bid, but he was outbid later by another bidder. Because the material wasn’t a necessity, Angel didn’t try and win the bid in the end.

Promi made bids and spent 400 magic crystals to buy an alchemy dish for blending. Angel was actually interested in this item as well. But since Promi made the bid, he was too embarra.s.sed to compete against him for this item and had to give up.

From the beginning of the auction until now, the people were still relatively harmonious and rational during the auction. Only when the 30th item did a small wave of ** begin in the auction.

This item is the a.n.a.lytical equation for < Energy Compression >.

When this little book was brought out by Twilight. All the wizards witnessing this were shocked. The a.n.a.lytical equation for Energy Compression isn’t very precious to major Wizard Organizations. Even Angel’s < Basic Collection of Primary Alchemy > has an Alchemy Diagram for an Energy Compression Device which happens to record the a.n.a.lytical equation for Energy Compression.

The reason why it can cause such a shock was that this equation had always been monopolized by those large-scale Wizard Organizations. It is not a simple process for an individual wizard without any background to obtain it.

This Twilight Auction wasn’t only able to obtain it. But they also put it up for auction, which is why most of the people present were so shocked.

Every wizard on the first floor was bidding. On the second floor Silver Card VIP area and third floor Gold Card private rooms, no one offered up a bid. Angel even heard a sarcastic remark from a female voice coming faintly from a private room in the middle of the third floor: “Even this kind of rubbish was put up for auction? The standards for Twilight Auction House is getting lower and lower. It seems there is no need for me to come next time.”

If even Angel was able to hear this female voice, there would be no need to mention the others.

At the same time, there was also a voice of approval heard from several other private rooms on the third floor.

There was an awkward expression on the face of a wizard who was still bidding on the first floor. However, no one dared to object to this statement. These people, when thinking of the other person’s ident.i.ty, bowed their heads and dared not speak up.

Twilight’s face also became a little unnatural, but she was not angry. Instead, she waited until the < Energy Compression > a.n.a.lytical equation was auctioned off before faintly saying: “Don’t worry, Lady Red Lotus. I believe today’s auction will not leave you disappointed.”

The witch who is known as “Lady Red Lotus” scoffed softly: “Oh, is that so? Then I will wait and see.”

Twilight stopped her thoughts and forced her attention to move away from Gold Card VIP private room No. 1 to continue auctioning off the next item.

When the auction reached the 44th item, Angel’s eyes brightened up as he finally saw an item which made him excited.

This is a box filled with “Dark Inscription Demon Diagram of Clapper Lichen Blood”, which is extremely precious demon blood. It cannot only be used to cultivate Dark Gold Demon Blood Ore but can also produce a strange effect when used by enchantment alchemy wizards.

With some auxiliary materials matched along with this blood, a special ink can be produced: Stone Demon Diagram Blood Ink.

This is a rare Blood Ink that can be dipped with a carving pen so as to depict magic patterns. Magic patterns depicted with this ink have a chance of bringing out the maximum effect of a given material. Even to the point of producing a unique effect.

For example, Mithril, a kind of magic metal material, has extremely strong magic power conduction properties. Alchemy products made from Mithril can achieve an ending effect of very low magic power consumption. If Stone Demon Diagram Blood Ink is used for enchanting, there is a chance for the item produced with Mithril to wield its maximum effect when produced with alchemy. With Mithril’s maximum effect of magic power conduction and reducing magic obstruction to zero. It can also cause an item to automatically adsorb Ancient Magic from the air. This effect will produce ten times the item effect by consuming an extremely small portion of magic power.

This is equivalent to only consuming magic power of a level 0 spell and casting a level 2 spell. It can be said the profit of Mithril will be amazing if the maximum effect can be wielded.

As far as the possibility of directly generating a unique effect is concerned, Angel didn’t care too much about it. Compared with the probability of wielding a material’s maximum effect, the probability of directly generating a unique effect is as frightening low. Moreover, even if the Stone Demon Diagram Blood Ink isn’t used in the enchantment process. As long as the alchemy item is produced using special materials, it is also possible to generate a unique effect.

However, Angel has tried many times through alchemy to produce a unique effect, but he has never had fortune smile upon him. It is better to study enchantment honestly than to count on the chances of this occurring.

Because of the irreplaceable function of Blood Ink, Angel couldn’t wait to make a bid when Twilight said: “The bidding can now begin.”

Angel directly offered 500 magic crystals, instantly cutting off the Out-House area members thoughts on this material.

“No. 187 made a bid of 500 magic crystals, anyone else? Each price increase must not be less than 50 magic crystals. If no one else wants to bid, start the countdown.” Twilight’s voice spread throughout the In-House area.

Dark Inscription Demon Diagram of Clapper Lichen Blood is most meaningful when used in enchantment alchemy. But it doesn’t mean this material doesn’t have any other uses. For example, cultivating Dark Gold Demon Blood Ore, refining Dark Inscription Virus Transformation, making alchemy potions and so on…

So after Angel made a bid, he still felt a little nervous. He was worried someone would compete with him.

“500 magic crystals going once.”

“500 magic crystals going twice.” Twilight’s voice was flat, but with a hint of haste.

At this moment, the screen number in front of Twilight jumped, she smiled as she said: “No. 35 bids 550 magic crystals!”

No. 35! This is the number for a Gold Card private room!

Angel’s brows wrinkled as he thought: Gold Card VIPs are formal wizards, and these cardholders are also rich and powerful formal wizards. Should I compete against one for a bottle of Blood Ink?

While Angel was thinking about it, Twilight began counting down: “550 magic crystals going once… twice… three…”

Just as she was about to call the final bid. Angel grit his teeth and increased the bid price to 600 magic crystals while David and Promi stared on with slightly compa.s.sionate eyes.

When Twilight saw the number changing again, her brow slightly raised as she said: “No. 187 increases the bid price again to 600 magic crystals!”

Silver Card VIP area No. 187 and Gold Card private room No. 35.

Silver Card VIP and Gold Card VIP In-House members have competed for the first time in today’s auction!

Shortly after Angel increased the bid price, the price from No. 35 jumped out as Twilight quoted loudly: “No. 35 bids 750 magic crystals!”

Now there is a head-on conflict, Angel felt emboldened and did not hesitate to raise the bid price to 800 magic crystals.

As a result, the audience members showed surprise and amazement in their eyes. This almost useless “Dark Inscription Demon Diagram of Clapper Lichen Blood” had unexpectedly skyrocketed to 1100 magic crystals!

At this time, No. 35 placed another bid again. Perhaps wanting to reach Angel’s psychological bottom line, they directly raised the price to 1500 magic crystals.

“1500 magic crystals!” When Twilight said the price aloud, the In-House and Out-House area both set off a wave of discussion since this was today’s highest bid in Twilight Auction!

If this item were something else, maybe there won’t be so much discussion. But this item can also be found in the regular auction. Although extremely rare, the price is generally 1000 magic crystals. Now that it has reached 1500 magic crystals, it has reached the limit in Twilight Auction for such items.

“These Gold and Silver Card VIPs are in a bidding war, which is somewhat interesting.” The whispers of discussion spread from one place to another.

“I’m a little confused. Doesn’t this Dark Inscription Demon Diagram of Clapper Lichen Blood seem to mostly be useful to enchantment alchemy wizards? So, are the two people who are fighting enchantment alchemy wizards? I remember few people have studied enchantment alchemy near our Shadow Demon Kingdom.” A wizard said.

In the midst of the public discussion, Angel began seriously considering whether to continue increasing the bid price. 1500 magic crystals for this auction house is already regarded as a very high price.

Even if this item were used in enchantment alchemy, it would still be considered a bit too high. However, if it is only “too high” and if an alchemy item produced truly wielded the ultimate material effect, then this will be considered no small profit.

Angel’s biggest concern isn’t the price, but the att.i.tude from this Gold Card VIP member.

David also quietly persuaded: “Forget about it. The price is way too high.”

Promi followed with a nod as he said: “Angel, you have to be clear about this gamble, the odds of this being a bottomless pit are high.”

The two were right, Angel felt it was time to give up. However, he still felt a little unwilling. Few Blood Inks can be used for enhancement. Although Stone Demon Diagram Blood Ink is not an outstanding Blood Ink, it can bear high-quality enchantments, ah. The “Dark Inscription Demon Diagram” and “Ancient Tomb Stone Demon Diagram” when refined together is called Stone Demon Diagram Blood Ink. Although both are called Blood Ink, the quality is definitely far beyond the one auctioned here.

Just as the whole audience was waiting for Angel to raise the price again. Suddenly, there was an extremely eerie female voice from the Gold Card private room where No. 35 was located that said:

“This box of Clapper Lichen Blood will definitely belong to me. No matter how much you offer. Hee hee hee~.”

People in the Out-House area who are watching the big screen were still thinking about who the woman in the private room was. But people in the In-House area were shocked. Most people who can enter the In-House area are well-informed people. Coupled with the extremely recognizable voice, how can they not guess who No. 35 was?!

“I’m going to faint. It’s this Lord!” A wizard said.

“No. 187 dares to bid against this Lord. Who is No. 187?” Another wizard asked.

“Who is the Lord you’re talking about?” There are also people who don’t recognize the ident.i.ty of the voice.

“What, you can’t even recognize her voice. You are so ignorant!” A wizard reprimanded.

“This is the b.l.o.o.d.y Witch—Lord Flora, who has been crowned in the Southern Region and made a name for herself through creating seas of blood!” A wizard exclaimed.

“The meaning behind Lord Flora’s words already carries a clear threat. It means that Lord Flora will not let go of this item even if it is won by No. 187. I just want to know what thoughts are going through No. 187’s mind.” A wizard said.

“My guess is they’re now trembling in their boots!” Another wizard said.

So how is No. 187 really feeling?

Fear, worry, perhaps trembling? Angel felt none of this. But his mood is still extremely complicated. The person he has bidding so long against was Flora?! If she had spoken up earlier, he wouldn’t have bid against her!

Now with the price being so high. If others were learn his ident.i.ty, it will definitely turn into another typical case of Bidding Internal Conflict, ah… It can be guessed that the headline from Twilight Deep Well’s gossip magazine will read tomorrow as < A Great Shock! Southern Region’s G.o.d of War’s Two Disciples Fought with Each Other, The Reason was Actually for an… >.

Angel wanted to cry but had no tears, and David and Promi did not know whether to laugh or cry at the situation.

David pretended to be the mature elder and patted Angel on the shoulder as he said: “Alas, my child, this situation really harmed you. The most important thing to do now is to hide your ident.i.ty and pretend you’ve never been here. Let the thought of No. 187 become a pa.s.sing floating cloud…”

Angel nodded in tears as he asked: “Then, can we change numbers?”

David’s mature expression suddenly stopped as he said: “Forget about it. I have found a prophecy wizard who gave me a prediction. Today my lucky number is 186 and my unlucky number is 187. I have to avoid this number for my bright future.”

Now knowing that No. 35 was Flora. Angel naturally also gave up the battle. Unexpectedly, Flora, who had left the Savage Grottoes for nearly half a year, has appeared again in Twilight Auction.

Now that Flora is here, is Sanders here, too? Angel thought curiously.


After Angel gave up his bid increase, Flora naturally won the “Dark Inscription Demon Diagram of Clapper Lichen Blood.” However, Flora was very angry at the thought of spending so much more money to buy this item, so she couldn’t help but give a cold hum.

This cold hum once again spread throughout the audience members.

When Twilight was about to introduce the next item, she only heard a playful laugh from private room No. 1: “Flora, when did you learn to bully the small by acting big?”

It was the witch who Twilight called “Lady Red Lotus” that spoke.

“I was wondering who has been shouting. Is Lydia burning with desire?” Flora giggled as she said: “When did I bully the small? Do you have a crush on No. 187? Why don’t we let No. 187 go out for a walk and see if he suits your tastes?” Flora said.

Lydia wasn’t angry but continued to tease by saying: “This Lady is very single-minded, except for Lord Sanders. I can’t see others.”

“Maybe No. 187 is my mentor?” When Flora argued with Lydia, she didn’t forget to drag No. 187 into this muddy water.

Angel quietly laid down his gun and shrunk himself even tighter.

“It turns out you’re not even with Lord Sanders. So, there’s nothing left to say. It’s truly a waste of this sister’s saliva.” The battle between the two Witch Lords ended with Lydia’s exasperating words.

However, Lydia did not stop here, but this time her word targeted Twilight as she said: “The auction is happening, and the things you said which would not disappoint me hasn’t appeared. So, were those empty words meant for my amus.e.m.e.nt?”