Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 265

“What’s happening, is someone casting an illusion spell?” A wizard asked.

Some of the apprentices were on full alert. But most formal wizards didn’t move at all. Some even mocked in a low voice:

“The magic array isn’t responding. This definitely means it isn’t an aggressive fantasy world, so why be nervous?” Another wizard said.

When Twilight completely lifted off the black cloth. The surrounding water lines completely transformed into a real fantasy world. At the same time, the perfect sound quality is also integrated into the fantasy world, which makes everyone in the hall surprised.

Can music be viewed with the eyes? This is the confusion that emerges in the minds of all those present.

Is it possible for a music box to play music like this? This is the question in the minds of Promi and others who understand alchemy.

As far as music is concerned, there is no doubt this is a masterpiece. Although it isn’t necessarily a cla.s.sic handed down from ancient times. But this kind of peaceful and melodious music, combined with the tranquil magic pattern promotes both works. The tranquil magic pattern combined with the fantasy world has achieved the pinnacle of music. The peaceful music adds new vitality to the tranquil magic pattern as it coruscates in the hall.

Lydia immediately fell into a trance and was intoxicated as she listened to the music. She likes listening to music and appreciate various genres of music. Although this musical piece is melodious and moving, it wasn’t the most beautiful piece she has ever heard, but it was the most beautiful of its kind.

The tranquil magic pattern coupled with this cloud fantasy world. For the first time, thoughts of buying rose in Lydia’s mind in this auction.

On the other hand, Flora was shocked by the music box. But her focus wasn’t on the music, but on… On the fantasy world which enveloped the entire In-House area.

As one of Sanders disciple, even though Flora isn’t part of the illusion system. But under Sanders teachings, she was extremely familiar and had a strong vision for illusion spells. She could tell at a glance the entire music box was based on the “Rewind Sound Illusion” spell.

The arranger not only has to have a very solid illusion foundation. But also has extraordinary microcosmic illusion spell control, which is by no means what an ordinary illusion system wizard can do.

Most importantly, this music box refiner doesn’t use complex illusion spells. Instead, they simply integrated a spell and music, coupled with this novel and ingenious idea for enchantment alchemy. This can definitely be regarded as a textbook application of a “sound fantasy.”

However, Flora didn’t fully praise it. Although the “heavens and flowing clouds” are very realistic. But looking from the top down, some flaws have been revealed.

In the fantasy world, one can see the vast gra.s.sland and mountain ranges by looking down. Although one is in the “air,” one cannot clearly see what is in the distance. But precisely because of this distance problem, the fantasy world will be flawed.

At least Flora is sure that the music box refiner absolutely hasn’t had much flying experience. Otherwise, this obvious mistake will not occur in the view of “the line of sight.”

Of course, this small flaw will only be noticed by someone like her who knows a lot about illusions.

Overall, Flora’s evaluation of this music box is: Alchemy work of art that has certain functions. Excellent and very creative.

Those who like this will like it very much. Even those who don’t like it, won’t give too many bad comments regarding this music box.

This is Flora and Lydia’s initial impression of the music box.

However, how can a fantasy world which can astonish Mirror Ji be so simple?

In the Silver Card VIP area on the second floor, Promi was also immersed in this cloud fantasy world. The music is gentle and melodious, while the fantasy world is warm and carefree.

“What a ingenius idea! The work of a genius!” Promi looked at Angel with deep emotions. As far as the music box is concerned, he feels inferior.

David was also full of admiration for Angel at this moment. His expression flashed a trace of regret. Had he known Angel’s “music box” was such a great work of art, how would he have refused Angel’s invitation at the beginning?

For the moment, the music box is well received by the audience.

Twilight stood on the high platform, her eyes drifting towards private room No. 1, and her mouth showed a smile as she thought: It is already well received by the audience, but the real ** is only just beginning.

The fantasy world suddenly changed when people thought the potential of the music box was over.

Suddenly, thick layers of dark clouds appeared ahead to block out the sun.

Electric snakes, like bundles, danced wildly in the dark clouds.

“Looking at the current rhythm, something is about to happen with this fantasy world!” Someone whispered.

Everyone has noticed the changes in the fantasy world which also attracted Lydia and Flora’s attention.

At the same time, in a Gold Card private room, a figure concealed in the darkness also gently raised his eyebrow.

The music continues playing, but everyone looks on curiously as their “self” in the fantasy world plunges into the dark clouds full of dancing electric snakes.

Not to mention the adventure in the dark clouds. When the dark clouds reach the end, the fantasy world and music reach a wonderful harmony at this moment. There is a faint fog covering the front, and behind the fog, there seems to be a vague shadow…

“What is that?” Someone pointed at the shadow and exclaimed.

With the intermittence of the minuet, the fog slowly lifted away and everyone could see… The floating island behind the fog. An island floating in the sky.

“No wonder this music box is called On Cloud 6. It turned out to be a floating island.” It suddenly dawned on someone.

“What’s so unusual about a floating island? It’s not really rare to see… Hey, what’s that?!” Someone was ready to mock the island, but they had suddenly seen the island clearly. After, their mind seemed to freeze at this moment.

This is a floating island.

But it’s not just a floating island. Every trace, every detail, a piece of moss or tree contained so much vitality. It seems to carry some magic power that people desperately want to understand.

Time solidified at this moment.

“Love, I remember this feeling. This is the feeling of love.” Someone wept silently: “For decades after she had died, I thought I had forgotten this feeling. Why with just this uninhabited island and a few extinguished bonfires, has allowed me to feel the love which should have washed away with time.” Some wizard said.

“It’s not just love, there are many… I don’t really see it, but it does exist. That remnant, as if showing me a great story.” Another wizard said.

“That steel building, how was it broken? Why, why should I ask this question?” Another wizard wondered.

“This is an island full of stories.” A wizard said.

The feeling of being fixed by time, beyond all the senses, just directly shoots straight into the heart.

Gentle music, at this moment, has become a medium of emotional explosion. It whispers in a low voice, telling people the past at the end of the clouds…

Lydia’s eyes flashed with a Complex Mood at this moment. This fantasy world actually vaguely touched the memories from… many years ago. The ones almost washed away by time.

After a long time, Lydia took a deep breath and said: “On Cloud 6, I’m going to win the bid!”

On the other side, Flora is also shocked. It is difficult for others to see what is contained in this fantasy world, but she knows it clearly.

Where is the stagnation of time? This is simply the feeling in the Nightmare Plane!

Why is there a sense of the Nightmare Plane in this fantasy world?

In addition, Flora was shocked that her mood was also affected. Although she was still in control of her emotions. But when she looked at the things on the island, even if it was just a stone tablet or a withered flower, her emotions will slowly rise and fall.

Flora knows this wasn’t someone else’s emotion. It is still her emotions. These emotions have been hidden away for so many years, and some of them were even unbearable memories from before she was adopted by Sanders. But in this fantasy world, they were easily pried open.

Those scars which have been hidden for many years. Have even inexplicably been soothed by this gentle music as the time solidified.

“Who exactly refined this work?” Someone asked.

On the third floor of the In-House area in a private room where no one spoke from beginning to end. The hidden figure in the dark suddenly “eyed” this item.

“Music, Enchantment Alchemy, Rewind Sound Illusion, the Nightmare Plane, Augustine and Margaret… Also, the ubiquitous clouds, blue sky, and the gathering of dark clouds… So this is the Cloud Whale?” In a low husky voice, he spoke the elements he had seen one by one.

He put question marks on the back of several elements.

But the combination of several other elements has the shadow of his lovely little apprentice. He was so unwilling, and the thought was lonely as it jumped out from his mind.

“My emotions which haven’t fluctuated for a hundred years, ah. Have they been drawn out by these traces…? So, Angel, is this your work?” This hidden figure wondered.

Between the shaky light and shadow, the full edges and corners of the handsome angular face also flashed away.


Angel, who was in everyone’s mind, does not notice the outside world’s reaction at all. Instead, he gently stroked Toby’s feathers while the effect the tranquil magic pattern was on. Taking away uneasiness and worry in his heart and giving him a bit more courage.

Bathed in the gentle music and tranquil magic pattern’s effect, Toby’s impetuous heart gradually settles down.

“Thanks to my sudden whim at that time with wanting to depict a tranquil magic pattern on the music box. Otherwise, this would have been a close struggle today.” Angel was deeply touched. His usual att.i.tude towards Toby was absolute trust. He allowed him to move freely, as he released Toby and felt truly rea.s.sured him.

But like a big burly man who never cries. Once he begins crying, he can’t stop crying. Toby was held in the palm of a hand from the beginning of his birth. His journey through life so far has been very smooth. This is the first time he has suffered this kind of double whammy of injustice. It is reasonable he doesn’t have a way to cope with what has happened.

At a time like this, he needs a “father figure” to come out and comfort him.

By the time the surrounding fantasy world came to an end with the music, the ethereal island was once again hidden in the clouds as Toby’s mood stabilized.

Angel even joked with him, and Toby was able to respond timidly.

After seeing this, Angel truly put down his heart.

At this time, when the fantasy world disappeared along with the music. This was the first time there was such a long silence in the In-House area. It seems everyone’s mind was still reverberating with the distant music in the sky, as well as their thoughts with the looming island.

“Angel, I don’t even know how to describe how I feel.” David lamented as he looked at Angel: “Why do I think every day of your life is worth one year, five years and even ten years of mine? Are you still the Angel I knew yesterday?”

Angel was speechless and rubbed his temple as he said: “Yesterday, I didn’t know the you of today.”

“That’s good. At least the Angel even I don’t know, exists. So this music box must be made by the Angel which I don’t know.” David decides to comfort himself with a spiritual victory.

David’s words left Angel and Promi completely speechless.

At this time, Promi also looked at Angel and said with complicated eyes: “It seems that tonight, I have thought of something to communicate with you…”

Angel remembered yesterday’s agreement between both of them, said nothing and nodded.

When the crowd slowly recovered from the shock, Twilight on the stage smiled and said:

“As you can see, this is the effect of ‘On Cloud 6."”