Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 62

Your talent is special.

Angel smiled helplessly at the mention of his talent. So far, he doesn’t know what his talent is. He asked his cheap Mentor about it, but he was still silent. He said he wouldn’t tell him until the day he becomes a wizard apprentice.

But the premise of becoming an apprentice is a guidance method! He didn’t even know which choice he should make.

Well, Angel always felt that, given the situation, he is very worried about his future. He could not understand whether his talent was good or bad, and what good it could bring to himself, or what benefits he could bring to Sanders.

Angel thought a lot as he lay on the bed, a long time later, he turned over, faced the empty room, and he sighed deeply.

In fact, in retrospect, when he thinks about it, it is not difficult for Angel to come up with an answer to the various statements made by Sanders.

Sanders gave him three choices, but can he choose the first two? Or does he dare choose the first two choices?

Isn’t it clear that “your talent is special,” shows how much his magic has to do with the Nightmare Plane, “that place” you have to choose carefully, “Isn’t that what Sanders is saying?

Thinking a little more positively, perhaps Sanders really wants to give him only the third choice, there is no other choice, but Angel must be certain, Sanders wants most for him to make the final choice.

Angel doesn’t know what Sanders would do if he hadn’t chosen it.

Disappointment? Would he give him up? Or treat him like he doesn’t exist? Maybe this is the best-case scenario.

Or maybe let him fend for himself, or even force him to do something, these possibilities are not small.

So, if he doesn’t want to be the bane of Sanders, no matter what, he must choose the third choice.

Nightmare Plane. Ah Nightmare Plane! Angel said with emotion, as decided not to think about it any longer, and went to Sanders library tomorrow to carefully inquire about information regarding the Nightmare Plane.

For now, he has to go to bed.


A quiet night

In Sanders’s library, Angel sits on the ladder, with scattered books below the bookshelves next to him.


From the History of Alien Trail, written by Bazer, about a traveler wizard thousands of years ago, to The Pros and Cons of Solicitation, that speaks about a rise in disappearances nearly a hundred years ago, to the Mysterious Branch s.p.a.ce Wizard Fivenda who wrote The Strange World and The Reversed s.p.a.ce Journey. There are also more than a dozen copies of a newspaper chronicle called “A Survey of Desolation by Pale Moon” published by Frost Moon Alliance.

Traveler Wizard Bazel wrote more about a reflection of his journey, Angel turned down over the pages, one after another, and saw a lot of magical planes. For example, the Burning Plane, this plane, which is all lava, is as vast as the Wizard Plane, has a kind of intelligent life covered with purple crystals, strung together by fibergla.s.s-like strands.

“This heat-resistant crystal creature is a lot like silicon-based lifeforms.” Angel thought to himself.

In addition to the Burning Plane, Bazel also records a Gaseous Annihilation Plane, filled with various demons of the Abyss Plane, as well as a maze-like Swirling Planes, as well as a plane where sound can not spread called the Silent Plane. This strange plane is an eye-opener.

Angel’s brother Leon, often told him that his greatest wish was to travel and see a world so big that there was no end in sight, where he can go to different regions. See the different regional scenery, look at different cultures. If Leon were here, he might be a fish in water and swim to far reaches.

Unfortunately, he’s Angel, not Leon. However, he hopes that one day he will be able to take Leon, and show his Mentor Jon around.

He hopes for this day to come.

After reading the Legendary Wizard Bazel’s book, Angel did not see any mention of the “Nightmare Plane” at all. Perhaps, the Nightmare Plane was not seen thousands of years ago?

That’s not right. According to the historical record of the Wizard Plane, a crusade was launched tens of thousands of years ago against other planes, and it took less than 10,000 years for the planar wide war to complete, the Wizard Plane had been left with heavy traces of elemental damage by their army of wizards.

Then why wasn’t the Nightmare Plane been mentioned? Is the Nightmare Plane far away from the Wizard Plane?

With doubt, Angel picked up Frost Moon Alliance’s book, “The Book of Pale Moon”, which looked like it has an explanation.

This is a journal, written once every hundred years to the layman, so far There have been 16 issues published, just corresponding to the establishment of Frost Moon Alliance. 1600 years ago, Frost Moon Alliance was founded in the eternal frozen ice sheet of the Northern Kingdom on that year long ago. There were 13 wizard organizations under each branch, which is the main force in the southern region. Every hundred years, they will be on the plane collecting of a variety of content to publish.

Angel looks down at the first issue.

According to the directory, Angel turned one by one. One after another, it was not until the 14th issue, which is 200 years ago, that the Nightmare Plane was officially included in the book.

And now Angel, for the description of the Nightmare Plane, there are only two pages in the book “A Record of Desolation by the Pale Moon”! Of the thousands of pages of thick publications, there are only two thin pages! This is completely contrary to the “plane news” as the core of the Frost Moon ideal. Any other planar war, whether it is successful or not, is full of small articles attracting many heads of the flies. It is hoped that even a small encounter between several people will have enough content to write about the feeling of “confrontation between the two countries.”

Angel turned directly to the two pages describing the “Nightmare Plane.”

Soon Angel finished browsing.

After reading it, Angel’s expression became weirder and weirder.

According to the book, the Nightmare Plane is an extremely erratic plane, so far there is no stable channel to the Nightmare Plane. At present, the only way to enter the Nightmare Plane is to enter by chance through a randomly opening s.p.a.cial tear that periodically opens and closes connecting to the plane.

Unstable potential plane, random channel, accidental entry, three words to be mentioned in a row, which directly corresponds to the positioning of the Nightmare Plane.

The marked level of “uncertainty”.

In addition to the uncertainty of the potential plane channel, the Nightmare Plane is also an extremely dangerous potential plane. According to the book, because of the contingency of its plane channel, so far, the wizards who enter the Nightmare Plane and return in good condition, can be counted on two hands, which ill.u.s.trate the horrors of the Nightmare Plane.

What is even more puzzling is that the people who return from the Nightmare Plane can not recall the Nightmare Plane, or even if it is recalled, it is mentioned occasionally with very obscure descriptions, which clearly shows their deep fear of the Nightmare Plane. But at the same time, they are filled with greed for the Nightmare Plane, often when people hear rumors of the Nightmare Plane channel in opening in the world, these people flock in first, and no one knows whether or not they are robbing someone.

Such an act makes the rumors of the Nightmare Plane even more incomprehensible. What exactly is in the Nightmare Plane that scares them and makes them yearn for it?

Of course, the above is all data from 200 years ago, and Angel does not know whether there has been any recent changes.

Angel opened the books written by the wizard Fivenda, who was more of an elegant bard than anyone from an “academic” college.

His book is not filled so much with popular scientific language but is more of a travel book, or a strange novel.

For example, in his book “The Strange World,” it is all about Fivenda’s travels, from the elven plane full of tall green leaves a colorful sea paradise, which Angel even thought to be a fairy tale if it were not for Fivenda’s authority.

Fivenda’s choice of words and sentences is also quite literary and artistic, without killing the breath, it is an aristocratic fan’s choice of words and sentences, allowing people to appreciate it at the same time, and also admire his literary style.

Angel flipped through it quickly, and after a while, he finished Fivenda’s book.

In Fivenda’s book, there is no mention of the Nightmare Plane, but he has repeatedly mentioned that he wants to travel to the Nightmare Plane, and he has only one sentence to comment on the Nightmare Plane:

“Project Reality, Reveal Illusion, Create Truth.”