Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 74

Poku, let everyone present know about the other side of the plane, which everyone is looking more forward to.

On the other side, “The Boundless Road” has slowly come to an end, while the white cyclone in the middle of the black field is getting bigger and bigger, and the point of the ‘tail’ at the edge of the cyclone is turning faster and faster.

Looking at it, the cyclone will completely overlap with the black domain! When the cyclone completely covers the black domain, this represents the official arrival of the Moment of Plunder.

This period is also the maximization of the Source from the division of world consciousness. The great power of ‘Source’, that came out of nowhere, poured itself into the black world, building blocks for the pa.s.sage of The Boundless Road.

Source is the most fundamental force in the world. There are all these wizards in this place, but no one can see clearly what the power of ‘Source’ is.

These good people see the power of Source, understand that it is the nature of all things, the good; evil people, will feel that it is the most filthy or the best wine. But in any case, Source force contains too much content, it is not only a nail to secure s.p.a.ce, it is also a brush that traces history.

This huge and boundless force is not good or evil, good and evil can be defined, shackled to the world.

When it appeared, every wizard present was intimidated by the seemingly boundless power and felt small.

“This power of Source,. .,. Such a great power, too powerful! ”

“Can humans really control this power?” Someone sighed.

“Feels too strong, yes. But don’t doubt yourself! Because you are a wizard, don’t suspect the wizard system and keep your doubts to yourself. ” Some people retort: “Don’t forget the opening words of the Book of Wizards, use knowledge as a fulcrum, use spells as a lever, and you can move all that is impossible. The more knowledge acc.u.mulated, the stronger the power you can wield. Wizards can do so by pursuing the reality of the world, exploring the ultimate of domain, and mastering the birth and death of planes! ”

“As long as the road is not over, the future continues, and one day you will be able to see beauty at the end!”

The source power crazily suppresses the black world, but also aroused the hearts of wizards, the vast majority of people present, are quietly waiting for the cyclone to cover the black domain, Moment of Plunder is really ready to open any moment.

However, there are exceptions.

Sirius, who stood on the back of the giant board suddenly moved and whispered into someone’s eardrum.

Sirius suddenly ticked out a curve from the corner of his mouth and turned his head to the other side-.

There stood a group of men in black, thirteen in number. Everyone is wearing a ragged black burqa to cover their faces, and their fluctuations are dark and strange, standing in the front of them is a thin figure, the breath is even more wonderful, sometimes as strong as someone from the abyss, sometimes shackled like a prisoner, or sometimes as shallow as mortals, so that prying eyes do not clearly see their strength.

The black robed leader and Sirius looked at each other from afar. Sirius stretched out his hand and secretly made a few gestures. The black robe leader hesitated for a moment and nodded.


When Sirius saw the affirmation, he smiled even wider, and when everyone was attracted by the grandeur of the Source power, he suddenly yelled in a low voice:

“Do it!”

As this sentence fell on all the members of the Song of the Deep Sea, their bodies suddenly showed a bright watery glow, and countless water curtains came straight down the center of the scene, separating all the organizations present.

The water curtain blocked everyones’ view, and the scene was a bit chaotic.

“Sirius, what are you doing?!”

“How dare Song of the Deep Sea..! Are you going to war with all our organizations? “

Lady Dany is also angry: “Sirius, you dare use a Spell at this time, are you not afraid of the world consciousness troubling you? If you want to die so badly, rush into the dark domain by yourself, don’t pull us with you! ”

Whether the world consciousness has feelings or not, they do not know. But what Lady Dany is pretty sure of is that if anyone begins battle at this time, the world consciousness will certainly notice them, and then it will absolutely not mind turning them into Source, and there will be no possibility of reincarnation.

Note that this is “us” and not just “me”, Sirius will not be alone. Because the world consciousness will not care about the flies in the group, everyone receives equal treatment with such actions.

At this time, someone was turning their magic, and the waves of their spell hit the water curtain that cuts off their line of sight.

“Don’t use a spell! The s.p.a.ce here is extremely weak because of the Plane Fusion, once the Spell fluctuation exceeds the current limit, it will lead to a large area chain reaction! The world consciousness will certainly notice this side, the consequences will be unimaginable!” Lady Dany also sensed the fluctuations of a spell and cried at once.

Lady Dany, as an authoritative academic wizard, although some people are not satisfied with her strength, no one will be unconvinced by her experience. Hearing her reminder, everyone stopped their spells for the sake of their own survival.

“Lady Dany is quite right! Once you use spells, it’s easy to attract the attention of the world consciousness. I don’t want to be involved with any of you if it does come! ” Having possibly caused it to ‘come’, they do not need to look at the speaker, everyone knows that the speaker must be Song of the Deep Sea’s Sirius.

“You’re threatening us, why don’t you get rid of the spell first!”

Sirius’s innocent voice came again: “Spell? What Spell?? You’re not trying to set me up. ”

“You still want to argue! Look, I’m done taking to you… … ”

“Why, wait. Do you feel the magic fluctuations coming from the water curtain?”

“Let me try.”

“What! It’s really not there! ”

Lady Dany also stretched out her Mental Force tentacles and carefully touched the water curtain. Although she is a level 2 wizard, her Mental Force value is not high, and it took hundreds of years for her Mental Force value to reach 25 points, so when Mental Force tentacles touch the water curtain, she still feels a sense of pressure of being washed away by the current.

But there’s only a sense of pressure, no other feeling.

“There’s really no magic fluctuations. It’s not a spell.” Lady Dany said.

“That’s right. It’s not a spell… it’s Bridgett’s water talent!” Sirius smiled and patted the giant board under his feet. It was the Bridgett referred to by Sirius’s mouth. As a mysterious branch of the summoning wizard, Sirius name “Big Fish Wizard”, is not unfounded.

“What do you want? I warn you that this phase of The Boundless Road is coming to an end, and if you don’t remove the water curtain quickly, when the s.p.a.ce returns to stability, you will be the target of public criticism! ” Lady Dany gave a sharp rebuke.

“Don’t worry, I just have something to deal with. It will be over soon.” Sirius’s voice is like ink dripping in the water, slowly fading away.

… …

When the water curtain appeared in front of Flora, her eyes rolled in surprise. She had no idea that in the light of the world consciousness, someone dared to actually begin battle carelessly!

“Sirius, what do you want to do?”

“You have too much courage to start an act of war.”

“Sirius, come here!”

As Flora tried to open her mouth, Sanders mused, “Stop screaming. There’s a wall of absolute silence around you, so the sound won’t escape.”

“Wall of silence?” Flora wondered, “which branch of the spell is this? Could this be?” Is this a self-created spell…? ”

Sanders shook his head solemnly. “No, it’s the Winter Plane’s ability, Mind Power.”


Only a single persons round of applause spread to the ears of the two: “This is worthy of Phantom Master, to recognize Mind Power, you are really well-informed.”

In the middle of the water curtain, a figure slowly emerged, the current image through the curtain is a man with long silvery hair, a handsome face, that finally slowly appeared in front of the two.

It is the leader of Song of the Deep Sea, Big Fish Wizard Sirius!