Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 87

“I remember Miss Flora mentioning that both of them arrived back in the early hours of morning late last evening.” Angel thought to himself, “Will there be any relationship between the spots of lights and Mentor coming back? And I also noticed that since last night, the thunderclouds that had previously covered the entire Devil’s Sea domain have begun fading on a large scale, this may also be another noteworthy point.”

Angel wrote these points down onto a piece of paper and then recorded it onto the Holographic Tablet. As he is now, it is difficult to connect the dots between these points, but writing them down and waiting for the day when he does have enough ability to solve these riddles is a good practice.

Angel takes back the Heavenly Eye pendant and then places it under his shirt, close to its usual spot on.

Maybe the Heavenly Eye unexpectedly changed after last night. Whether the change is good or bad, Angel has accepted the fact that it is impossible for him to throw away the Heavenly Eye in order to save himself from a potentially bad outcome, in so believing, he can only keep it on him.

Angel put this topic aside for the time being.

Seeing that the time had shifted from noon to dusk, he headed off for some food, after having dinner, Angel had nothing else to do, and began reading the novels section within the Holographic Tablet until he fell asleep.

During dawn the next day, a huge steam airship came from afar and moored itself near the hills. There are magic lines for concealment on this airship, which look very similar to the magic lines on the black shadow servant’s cloaks, which also have a kind of concealment.

The door of the airship opened and a little gray haired old man stood at the entrance, suddenly there appeared two more figures beside him.

It was Sanders and Flora.

“Oh my G.o.d, only 10 Talents have been received this time? When we get back, Wallace’s department is going to make trouble again.” The little old man closed his eyes and sensed for a moment, as if he could see everything in the Savage Grottoes temporary residence.

“I’m not worried. These group of academics, knowing our style, will surely know that the Talent selection was bound to have such a result, making a scene is just to keep face.” Flora said in an uncaring manner.

Recruiting Talents is an inherent task for every Wizard Organization, but for most wizards, it is a hot potato. If they don’t do this task, they won’t have a source of apprentices; if they do this task, they waste their valuable time. Generally speaking, this kind of thankless job is pushed back and forth, and in the end, it is left in the hands of a wizard apprentice. At first, when Sanders took over the task, it surprised a large number of people in the organization.

At that time, the representative of the academic department, Wallace, firmly opposed Sanders testing the Talents for admission, because with Sanders character, he will certainly adopt the most extreme form of testing, the “Nine Bloodbath Cabins Trial”. Talents are already small in number, but after consumption by the “Nine Bloodbath Cabin Trials”, how many apprentices can be recruited in the end?

These apprentices who have been recruited, will be a.s.signed under their command! For them, these new apprentices are the same as a free labor force! If there are fewer apprentices, there are fewer free labor workers! With this being the case, of course they would not want Sanders to recruit Talents at all.

In fact, Sanders mainly went out in order to search for Gloria, as for recruiting Talents, this was just a convenient task to take. Seeing the strong opposition coming from Wallace, Flora remembers that Sanders only asked him one simple question at that time: “Well, why don’t we leave the task to you?”

This sentence is comparable to the greatest killer move. All wizards, whether they are in the fierce combat department or elegant academic department, refused one after another, and then scattered themselves among the birds and beasts. Even Wallace was embarra.s.sed by not answering for a long time, and then ran away on the grounds that it was inconvenient for his old legs to run around.

So in the end, the task of recruiting Talents fell on Sanders shoulders.

“Oh my G.o.d! What a surprise! If Wallace were here, it would just be gratifying if Ms Flora would not call him a ‘dissident’.” The little gray haired old man said with a flamboyant expression.


Flora spread her hands and said: “No way, who dares badmouth my dear Mentor, this time, we did not give any face to the academics when looking for apprentices in order to prepare ourselves for when they will not give us good face in the future, the ‘dissidents’ like him can all go to h.e.l.l! By the way, we almost forgot to correct Mr. Nice. This time we received not 10, but 8 new apprentices. ”

Flora points to the direction of Angel’s room: “That is Mentor’s new official apprentice, Angel, he does not count as part of this group.” After that, Flora pointed in another direction: “The exotic plane hybrid over there is also not included in this list.”

The little old man, Nice, after listening to Flora’s explanation, did not care about the difference between 10 or 8 people, but did not believe the expressionless Sanders had actually accepted an official apprentice. “Lord Sanders accepted an official apprentice? And an academic one at that?! I can’t believe my ears. Am I just daydreaming?”

Sanders glanced at Nice with a plain, unchanging expression, but this made Nice instantly put away his grandiose expression and tremble a little.

“Don’t waste our time, just start.” Sanders said plainly.

Nice nodded: “Well, now that The Barren has reached its destination, let’s get this years Talents on board!”

… …

Angel boarded The Barren with the other Talents.

Perhaps they were too attached to the tents these days, because after boarding the ship, they all gathered on the deck of The Barren ship, facing the cold wind, each in their own personal battles, and simply enjoying this rare moment of release.

Almost everyone saw a steam airship for the first time, and there were differing opinions about how it could be flying in the sky. Some thought it was a spell, some mentioned alchemy, others said it is magical energy, but all are clamoring about it.

“I don’t think so.” Shalem said solemnly while holding his thick beloved book.

“Then why do you think it is able to fly?” Nausica leaned against the railing on the deck, smoking a long pipe and inquiring lazily. The cold wind blew up her long hair as the scales on her shoulders rustled.

“I don’t know for certain, but my guess is that it is probably flying through some kind of mechanical mechanism, just like a clock.” Shalem said.

Nausica turned and ask: “What do you think Angel? ”

Angel replied nonchalantly, “Maybe Shalem is right.”

But not completely right. The steam airship does have some mechanical branch aspects, but if it wants to maintain such a stable and high speed, there must be some mysterious branch involved, Angel thought.

Nausica recognized Angel’s perfunctory words, but no else seemed to care. Everyone gathered on the deck to blow off steam, there was no intended purpose, and the topic was nothing but casual conversation.

“Achoo~” Shalem gave a big sneeze and said. “It’s so windy, if we stay here, we’ll get sick.”

Looking at Shalem, Nausica, who sees his nose start dripping, shakes her head. “Looks like you and Angel both need to exercise more.”

Angel also felt very cold as well, but he couldn’t help but feel a little embarra.s.sed at hearing what Nausica had said.

Angel took out an embroidered handkerchief from his shirt pocket that has his family crest, a lion’s head with a heart as a logo, and handed it to Shalem: “Wipe your nose. It is a little windy. Why don’t we head back first.”

Shalem nodded and wanted to go back to his room and continue reading rather than stay on deck. Angel does not want to continue staying on deck as well, regardless of whether the wind is strong or not, the ubiquitous chatter by the surrounding Talents, whether malicious or not, makes Angel feel uncomfortable.

“I’m not going back. It’s rare for me to have a look around. It’s no fun to not seize the time to enjoy this moment.” Nausica said.

After Angel and Shalem left, they shuttled through the mechanical corridors. In the past, the Talents enrolled by the Savage Grottoes amounted to several people to one room, but this time, apart from Angel, the Talents enrolled by Sanders were only nine people. So there were a lot more rooms available on The Barren, allowing each person to have their own room. The rooms for Shalem and Angel are on different floors, Angel on the upper floor and Shalem on a lower floor.

After saying goodbye to Shalem at the stairwell, Angel saw a small shadow standing in front of the door to his room.

At closer inspection, it turned out to be a young falcon.

This young falcon has a golden beak, black feathers, and looks very beautiful. Angel was about to observe why it was standing at his door when he heard a familiar voice coming out from the Falcon’s beak:

“Angel, this falcon is my alchemy pet. Follow it to my room.”

The voice belonged to Sanders. Angel didn’t know why his Mentor was looking for him, but he didn’t dare to snub his invitation at all. After placing Toby back in his room, Angel hurried off to follow the Falcon.