Super Male God System

Chapter 1

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Between square, dark and mottled walls was the restless stench of blood. This was the Anyang City Third Prison. All the prisoners in it"s walls stay for life, not just four or five decades. It"s the kind of prisoners that most can not leave in their lifetime.

In room 405, there was teenager dressed in blue stripes, sitting thin and tell on his bed, and he did not look happy.

He had a beautiful face, obviously very eye catching in this prisoner environment. The important thing was that this prisoner arrived today. No had ever lived in room 405 until prisoner 7543 came along.

And what was prisoner 7543 doing? He was cold faced, ready to curse out the system in his mind.

"618, you better give me a good explanation, you are a super male G.o.d system, and this? This is the "male G.o.d" you choose? A 17-year old murderer?"

This prisoner is of course Xiao Qingrong, the man who was chosen by a system to travel through s.p.a.ce and time.

618 is the administrator of the Super Male G.o.d system. It had chosen Xiao Qingrong among the millions of people in these worlds. It was because Xiao Qingrong"s self improvement and ability to adapt to the environment were strong, that he chose to bind.

[ Host, I promise your body is a male G.o.d. His  future achievements in science will make this world go crazy! ]

As a Super Male G.o.d system, 618"s task is to pick a host and travel through 3,000 worlds, let his host become stronger and get experience. Right now, Xiao Qingrong is personally worth 300,000 points, making 618 very satisfied. 

Even though he heard 618"s word, Xiao Qingrong was still upset. He glanced at the environment around him and snorted.

"A scientist? Have you seen any scientist living in heavy prison? Do believe that if I didn"t take this body, this scientist would live past tonight?"

Along his way to his cell, from d area to a area, those around him in their cells were watching him like prey, to tell the truth Xiao Qingrong was disgusted. In the past, he had used this gaze to look at others, but he"d never been on the receiving end.

This body was only seventeen years. He was in his senior year. The reason he was even sent to prison was that he happened to near as someone was murdered, seeming an accomplice.  As  result, he was arrested without even knowing why. This body"s family was poor, with only a little sister at home. So after the trail, he was sentenced to two years in prison and was shipped off to Anyang City Third Prison.

You should note, that as a minor, he should have only gone to reform. Even if this body had commited a crime, it shouldn"t have been enough to go to Anyang Prison. The prisoners there are murderous and cold. Even if it was an adult, being sent there would still equal death.

[ Host, calm down...]

618 looked at his host"s cold look and shivered. The system just received information about the host"s new body and knowledge that he was indeed set to die in this cell tonight. No, his host can"t die!

"Now you know? How do you want to live here? I can either sell a.s.s or fight. In this small body, I"ll definitely loose."

Xiao Qingrong"s voice was full of irony. This system was definitely useless.  He was too timid. Except for chatting with him, it would be useless for all else.

Before meeting the system, Xiao Qingrong was an orphan. He grew up in an orphanage. Xiao Qingrong fought to survive. Then, one day, his biological parents came to find him, saying he was the child of their large amily. By that time, he was already twenty. Knowing he couldn"t really afford the love of his mother and father, he merely asked a million yuan. He started his won company with that money. By the time the system found him, he was already  a billionaire. 

It was because Xiao Qingrong was boring that he agreed to sign a contract with poor system 618. Then, he came to this body.

618 didn"t know Xiao Qingrong"s dislike of it. For the words "selling a.s.s", it had to think a long time before it could answer. He had to check online for the meaning and came back shivering. 

[ Host, I"d never let you sell a.s.s! I will give you a strength pill, will that work? ]

Cautiously, 618 tries to please his host. This was it"s first host and it did not want to loose him.  It did not want it"s host to give up on it, if it can, it would try it"s best.

"Pills? A medicine that will make me stronger?"

Upon hearing such a thing, Xiao Qingrong instantly spoke up as there couldn"t possibly be such a thing. Xiao Qingrong can guarntee that he will be fine in this prison no matter the body, but the pleas of his system made him wonder if it could actually be of any use.

The Strength Pill can be found in the Super Male G.o.d Mall. After consumption, it can increase the users strength by a hundred. It could be said that anyone who ate it would immediately gain the strength of a Super Saiyan. Of course, the price isn"t very high, just 500,000 points.

[ Yes host, it"s a strength pill. You definitely won"t have to sell a.s.s. ]

While 618 was entangled about his host selling a.s.s, Xiao Qingrong is shocked. He was just a little angry, made a little joke, and this silly system was still true.

"Okay, I won"t sell a.s.s. If you give me a pill, will you be hurt or punished?"

Sensitively thinking, such a powerful pill must cost something. Or at least, it has to by the way that Xiao Qingrong thinks. Nothing in this world is free, everything must be paid in return.

[ No, the Strength pill only costs 500,000 male G.o.d points in the  mall. I"ll talk to another system to see about getting one secretly. ]

The mall does not give credit and 618 isn"t willing to have his host sell a.s.s. So it planned to buy black goods from another system.

"How many points do I have now? Is it not enough?"

Xiao Qingrong knew this stupid system wasn"t smart enough to lie. Even though he was just playing, he is still curious about this strength pill.

[ Host has 300, 000 points. It takes one million male G.o.d points to unlock the mall yourself. ]

Upon hearing this, Xiao Qingrong figured 300,00 "male G.o.d points" must be the worth he had in his last life. He had a.s.sets of around 10 billion at that time. Was that really only worth 300,00 male G.o.d points? Xiao Qingrong still felt the value of these points was unclear.

However, the value of these male G.o.d points can be learned slowly in the future. It is imperative now to see if this stupid 618 can help him.

"Is there anything else in the system mall? If I want you to buy me a scalpel, would you buy it for me?"

He was more inclined towards the precision of a scalpel rather then raw strength. Not to mention, this body still had use. Although it was weak, it would be enough to handle a knife well enough to let him rise to the top of this prison.

618, duty bound to help his host, rushed off to the mall to see if it could find it"s host a scalpel.

[ I can! A set of scalpels is only worth 10,000 male G.o.d points. Does the host to get this? ]

It"s voice is excited, happy to help it"s host, just like a child. 

For the low price of 10,000 points, Xiao Qingrong is satisifed. He let 618 immediately buy it. By the time dinner rolls around, war will have already started. He only needs a weapon to get through it all.

Soon, the whole set of scalpels was purchased by 618 and placed on Xiao Qingrong"s bedside. Whatever the system chose to give, it must be good quality. 

"Shield the monitoring in this cell."

On the order of Xiao Qingrong, 618 immediately blocked the monitor for this cell. It was not hard.

Xiao Qingrong, who was sitting in cell, picked his scalpels and carefully opened the top to find a row of neat silver knives. Seeing those knives made his heart beat fast, even in his own world, there was none alike. His research on scalpels went as deep as his bone marrow.

Scalpels were different from ordinary knives. They were more slender and sharper the the average knife. In fact, for murderers, they are the perfect tool of destruction. Unfortunately, not many use them. The scalpel set provided by 618, each one a perfect silver, was like a work of art. They were arranged neatly from small to large, each oen waiting to be used to it"s utmost potential in the hands of Xiao Qingrong. A perfect killing weapon.

Picking out the smallest, he stuffed it into the pocket of his prison uniform and then asked. "The rest of these things, could you save them somehow?"

After the words were finished, the scalpels that were placed on the bed all disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

[ If needed, Host, I would have offered first! ]

618 comes with a system s.p.a.ce that can store a mult.i.tude of things for it"s host. Of course, these things are limited to items bought from the system mall.

This time, Xiao Qingrong found his system to very useful, and even praised it for the first time.

"It seems you"re actually useful, 618~!"

After hearing it"s host"s praise, 618 was extremely happy. If it had a human body, it definitely would have a run few laps in joy!

After 618 picked up the scalpels, the monitoring was resumed. As time went on, night finally rolled around and the dinner bell was rung.

An announce echoed down the halls. "Attention all district prisoners! All are to report to the canteen. You have a thirty minute limit."

The broadcast sounded over and over again while the iron doors of the cells all automatically slide open. The lights of the opening the doors momentarily dazzled Xiao Qingrong.

Of course, he didn"t foolishly think he could easily arrive at the canteen because in the next second, the light was covered by a shadow. The dark shadow revealed the figure of a fat man with a knife scare raked across his face. When the man"s eyes fell on Xiao Qingrong, they revealed a hungry light. It was as if he wanted to stripe Xiao Qingrong bare and...