Super Male God System [Fast Wear]

Chapter 3

Publishedat 1st of October 2019 06:13:37 AMChapter 3

News of Fat Iron Head"s death spread out before the end of the night . Area A is quite volitaile, so it was normal for people to die alone at regular intervals .

The prison guards arrived at the scene after hearing the alarm and checked to see if Fat Iron Head was truly dead . They found that the right eye of Fat Iron Head was pierced through and the arteries in both wrists were slit . Even if the deceased had wanted to call for help, he would have died before help arrived .

If the average person were to have cut the arteries of the human body, the victim would usually be able to hold out for half an hour . However Xiao Qingrong"s techique was precise and unique, leading to an increase in artirial blood flow rate in Fat Iron head . Ultimately, he could only holdout for ten minutes before he lost his life .

The police station has a saying . It is said the truly powerful prisoners were not ordinary people, but doctors and policemen . It was because these people were not only proficient in the human body struchure, they could kill people in the most subtle way . Even if they were suspected, it was likely the chances of confirmation were slim .

Xiao Qingrong was locked in the dark house that night . The prison guard first found a doctor to check Fat Iron Head . They found he had died from excessive blood loss and teh cut in his eye way most likely from a sharp blade . According to Fat Iron"s Brother, the last one to have seen Fat Iron Head before death was Xiao Qingrong, number 7543 .

Even if no one cares how Fat Iron Head died, 7543 was the last one to see the deceased, therefore he was locked in the small black house .

In District A, for a prisoner who made a mistake such a small fight or murder, the handling method is simple - shut them in the small black house .

The black house in forty square meters, completely empty with only themselves . For any person who had to stay there for the three days without food and water was bound to be torture . It was very severe punishment which had run some newcomers mad .

At this time, Xiao Qingrong, who sitting in this very same small room, is not uncomfortable nor bored . Instead, he was learning a bit more about his so-called Super Male G.o.d System .

"618, before you said I had 300,000 male G.o.d points . How much are these male G.o.d points worth?"

Money is definitely not it"s deciding factor . If it is, his male G.o.d value would not be at 300,00 . It"s also not just his looks . Although his appearance in his last life was handsome, he would say he was only worth much as small handsome guy .

Therefore, this Super Male G.o.d System must have it"s own standard .
618 was more then happy to answer it"s host"s question .

[ Host, Male G.o.d value is generated by the host"s contribution to society . According to the Super Male G.o.d System test, in host"s original life, you raised a big company and provided many jobs . For society, the host"s contributions have created a total of 300,000 Male G.o.d Points ]

Upon hearing the answer, Xiao Qingrong felt this system was quite offical . The value of a male G.o.d was not based on fame or personal ability . It turned out to be the value of social contributon . . . It seems that the person who created the system must be looking out for the state of the country .  
Advertis.e.m.e.ntHe had a billion dollar enterprise in his life, giving him a total of 300,000 male G.o.d points . Still, it seems that male G.o.d value was difficult to determine .

"So, I came to this world to make this body a male G.o.d?Then I get male G.o.d points from that?"

Xiao Qingrong liked a challenge . Times had been extremely boring for him in his last life . At this moment, he was even more curious about these new and exciting challenges .

610 quickly adjusted to the latest task layout, explaining to clearly to it"s host .

[ Yes, the original body should have been the greatest scientist of the century but has been framed and sent to prison . This eventually led to the scientific decline of this world for more then three hundred years . So host was sent to this body to make him a super male G.o.d once again! ]

Speaking of the task, 618 inevitably got a little excited and jetted out a few electronic sounds, making Xiao Qingrong furrow his brows .

The greatest scientist of the century? He tried recalling the original"s memories . This body was like any ordinary child and was liked by his parents . Later, his parents died in a car accident . He lived with his sister from then on . His grades in school were average . How could such a child be the greatest scientist of the century?

"What did this body create? Why was he the greatest scientist?" Since he was hailed as the greatest, what is it that he created that would change the world .
618 rushed to adjust to the information, reading through the scientific and technological progress created by the host"s body .

[Host, you"ll create the first medical warehouse to treat cancer . The first intelligent pupil scanner used to fight offenders and saved countless abducted children . The first fully automatic car created huge benefits for the country . There"s is also the first real smart housekeeping robot . . . ]

Listening to 618"s chatter, Xiao Qingrong did believe that was likely something the greatest scientist of the century would do, but something he could not .

After 618 finally finished the long list of achievements from this body, Xiao Qingrong laughed and said .
"618, since this body was so powerful, and could create so many achievements in the future, how could he have died? And do you think I am a scientist?"

This was not something Xiao Qingrong would study . He preferred the dissectable human body over everyday research .

618 felt awkward . It seems his host had not engaged in any scientific research . But he didn"t know what to do, as this was the task, to be a super male G.o.d .

[ Then what should I do? ]

It couldn"t help but cry, but it sounded particularly strange through it"s electronic voice .  

If the host couldn"t complete his task, then they would continue to stay in this world until host died and reincarnated .
"Isn"t this something you should think about?" Xiao Qingrong was now in prison and couldn"t do anything . Even if he went out, Xiao Qingrong did know what he was going to learn so that he could make so much .  

First . . .

What medical warehouse? What intelligent pupil scanner? What automatic driverless car? Where he could he go to research such a thing? Is it something just any could make?

Xiao Qingrong feels that so many inventions couldn"t have been created by only one person, not to mention the technology needed for these things could not have even been though of .

Just as Xiao Qingrong was lying on the ground pretending to die, the surrounding s.p.a.ce suddenly twisted and the sound of 618 spoke in his ear .

[ a.n.a.log learning s.p.a.ce is open! The simulation s.p.a.ce is open! ]

The mechanized voice was not exactly like 618, just as this silvery room was unfamiliar . Although it was completely empty, Xiao Qingrong immediately knew what this s.p.a.ce was for .

He closed his eyes and in front of, he imagined something . Then there was change in the s.p.a.ce . An operating table sat in front of Xiao Qingrong, there was even a person lying on it . It turned out to be Fat Iron Head that was already dead . Plus, there were all the needed tools right there on the table!

Reopening his eyes, and looking at ther operating table that sat physically in front of him, Xiao Qingrong finally felt that this system was indeed useful .

He could not help but pick up the scalpel with a smile on his face, ready to examine the anatomy of Fat Iron Head"s body .

618 saw the actions of it"s host and stunned into a quiet shiver . Even if it tried to look at what it"s host was doing, it could only see moasic .

[ Host, what are you doing? Why can I only see a mosiac? ]

By the time 618 had called, Xiao Qingrong had taken out the heart of Fat Irod Head and admired it as it beat ever slowly . Xiao Qingrong was even more excited . It was the first time he"d seen a still living heart . So the heart is like this . . .

"I am study medicine . Aren"t I going to make a medical warehouse in the future? Certainly I have to study hard . "

His answer made 618 happy . He still only say mosiac, but since the host said so, he must be studying hard! 618 of course unconditionally supported it"s host .

[ Host, you must work hard! I am sure you"ll become the greatest scientist of the century! ]

Xiao Qingrong didn"t even catch a word from 618 . He mind was caught in the thrill . The movements of his hands were kept on the body, carefully dissecting . If you look closely, even though Fat Iron Head"s heart was taken out, it was still beating . It was still phsyically alive!

That"s right! In this learning s.p.a.ce, Xiao Qingrong"s consciousness dominated . So if he wanted to dissect a living person, then Fat Iron Head was certain be alive, even if he was dead in reality .

After, Xiao Qingrong discovered time in the learning s.p.a.ce was still moving, even if it was slower . One hour outside was a month nside the s.p.a.ce . Plus, there was no hunger or need to solve the physiology in this situation . He discovered the most advanced books and equiment .

Xiao Qingrong did not study any medical warehouse, because he was obsessed with limbs, and the human anatomy, he began to hate those that were incomplete . His obsessive compulsive disorder made him put back all the organs every time he finished an experiment . So instead, he thought of another way to help human society .

With an idea in mind, Xiao Qingrong asked 618 to investigate the number of disabled people in this world . With this world"s total population of 5 . 8 billion people, there are one billion people disablities- 1/6 of the world"s population . If he wanted to contribute, wasn"t it better to help the disabled?

The three days in the dark house had only been three days for others, but for Xiao Qingrong it had been six years . One hour in the real world was one month of study in the s.p.a.ce . One day is equivalent to Xiao Qingrong"s two years . Three days later, when the guards opened the black house doors, they expected to see a terrible sight . What they did not expect was that he was perfectly fine .

Because in this world, there is nothing more important than his love of learning . Not to mention that the learning s.p.a.ce was extremely comfortable . In this six year period, almost all Xiao Qingrong did was study . Where would he have the time to go made? He just wanted to study every minute .

During the three days, Xiao Qingrong had become a legend . The new 7543 in district a had actually killed Fat Iron Head! Not only did he die, his eyes was destroyed . Although many people did not see the scene, just listening to these rumors was enough to make everyone feel this newcomer was not easy to provoke .

What"s more, when this newcomer came down to dinner, he dared to sit with Xin Ye!

Xiao Qingrong walked the long way back to his cell . This time, the prisoners looked at Xiao Qingrong with out an eagerness to approach . Instead, they were a little fearful . After all, such a minor easily killed Fat Iron Head, why wouldn"t they be scared?

Three Days later, Xin Ye and the others once again saw Xiao Qingrong who had come to the cafeteria for dinner . He wore a simple suit with his printed number - 7543 .

After getting his meal, Xiao Qingrong once again sat in front of Xin Ye . He smiled and said h.e.l.lo to the old man .

"Xin Ye is good~!*"

( A chinese greeting, I guess . )

Xin Ye looked at the little guy in front of him and smiled . He enjoyed the spirited Xiao Qingrong . Onon On the side

After killing, he stayed in the dark room for three days, and yet was still calm? How could this boy be ordinary?

"The child is good . I see you like braised pork?"

On Fan Yan Hui"s and Liang Xin"s side, such a Xin Ye looked odd . Still, they did not think a kid sent to this district would be useless .

"Well, I like it very much . " Xiao Qingrong nodded, continuing to eat . He was hungry for three days . He might not have had hunger in the learning s.p.a.ce, but eating now feels especially good .

Xin Ye just looked at Xiao Qingrong"s dinner and smiled like an elder . But today, his actions had proved one thing, the kid was not to be touched .

After today, no would dare provoke Xiao Qingrong . Even the younger brothers of Fat Iron Head before were already angered by the death of Fat Iron Head did not dare approach . They might be lascivious, but they did not want to die .

When eating, Xiao Qingrong saw that Xin"s left had fewer fingers and suddenly felt he had the perfect experimental object . His eyes practically shone . When he finished eating, he couldn"t wait to open his mouth .  

"Xin Ye, your left hand, can you let me see it?"