Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner

Chapter 17

Posted on February 16th, 2018Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner: Chapter 17

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Caaaammmm rweeeeeedddddd iiiiiiiiit atttttttttt *insert zombie claws*

Mysterious Beautiful Youth (2)

She clenched her teeth, turned around, and decided to cast the technique herself.

If he could be saved then it"s his luck, if he can"t then that"s his fate.

She adjusted her breath, stood beside the beautiful youth, and concentrated a few minutes. She raised both hands before her with thumbs connected, her body slightly leaned forward, formed the lion seal, and recited the incantations……

The surrounding greenery rustled even though there"s no wind. A ma.s.s of white qi mist swirled within her body like a whirlpool, continuously devouring the black mist overflowing atop the beautiful youth"s head……

After absorbing the last strands of black mist, Yang ZiMei had consumed much of her qi. She collapsed on the ground, unconscious.

When she woke, Yang ZiMei found herself wrapped in someone"s arms in a curled-up posture, lying on top of a comfortable black bed.

This is……

She raised her head to look. What entered her eyes was a handsome and delicate face like the ones right out of an anime. A slightly sharp chin, cherry red thin lips in a small smile, both eyes shut in a relaxed expression, and breathing evenly, he was asleep.

She turned her head to look again but only saw the front of his robes opened while her small body was tightly held to him. She could even clearly feel the small trembles of his lungs between each breath and the beats of his heart.

In an instant, her face burned with heat.

Although her present body was only that of a five year old, but she has the mature soul of a 28 year old young woman.

In the previous life, due to her vagrant situation where even food and shelter became hard to tackle, matters of love were not essential. Of course, she had liked someone before but it was a humble kind of like. Each time, she could only stealthily look at his form as he hastily pa.s.sed her by and she couldn"t even hope for him to stop.

And she"s never had any intimate contact between a man and woman, sadly, not even the joy of holding hands together.

Now, she"s unexpectedly lying in the arms of a male even though he looks to be around 15 years old.

Sensing her movement, the beautiful youth"s thick, long eyelashes lightly shook and opened his long, narrow phoenix like eyes.

His pupils were jet black like lacquer, a slight blue drifted across as if stars in the sky, giving off an indifferent chilly sheen.

When he lowered his head, he saw Yang ZiMei"s pair of eyes looking at him with sharp contrasts of clear bright water-like pupils. The chilly sheen from the depths of his eyes gradually receded and they became warm and soft.

Yang ZiMei was attracted by those pair of eyes and marveled at them.

The beautiful youth curved his body a bit and the arms that originally circled her, drew her in more. Her soft and little body was now snuggled even closer to him, giving him comfort.

Yang ZiMei recovered from her admiring and quickly extended her little hands to push him, trying to sit up from his hold.

He didn"t let her and held her more tightly, even using his chin to block her head. Taking a deep breath, as if smelling a fragrant flower, his face had a look of intoxicated indulgence.

This…… was really too ambiguous!

Even Yang ZiMei"s ears were now burning as she anxiously called: "You let me go!"

"Not gonna!" The beautiful youth mumbled out. His arms hooked around her even tighter, even using his long legs to weigh down her little ones.

Your mother, the h.e.l.l, why was she only five years old with little hands, little legs, and little strength. There"s no way she could resist. [1]

She just couldn"t understand why he was so bent on hugging her so firmly. Could he be a pedophile?

However, in her mind, pedophiles were usually those few wretched uncle types while she couldn"t detect that same air around the youth in front of her who was as pretty and delicate as cherry blossoms.

Author used 2 slangs here. If you"re interested in more click

TL: The things that go on in my head translating this chapter… *ksshssh* "Extraction required. Send in the cavalry to rescue a Yang ZiMei. Over."  *ksshssh* "No cavalry but chopper sent. T minus 15. Over." *ksshssh* "Nvm, chopper down. You"re on your own. Over."

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