Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner

Chapter 24

Posted on March 25th, 2018Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner: Chapter 24

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Caaaammmm rweeeeeedddddd iiiiiiiiit atttttttttt *insert zombie claws*

First Pot of Gold (3)

"Mr. Huo, are you still willing to buy this tree?"

Yang He was in a hurry to get money so he"d have it to venture in Shenzhen in a couple days and impatiently asked Huo WenHua.

"Naturally, I want to buy. If you"re alright with the price, I"ll pay you first. Afterwards, I"ll call someone to chop it down and take it away." Huo WenHua looked at the old zhennan in front of him, thought of his father, and the sadness wells up again.


Yang ZiMei said to Yang He, "Uncle, this tree is a Phoebe zhennan, an extremely valuable species. Since olden times, it"s been used by royalty and it"s the best material for coffins. A thousand kuai is really too little.

Yang He feared Yang ZiMei"s words would scare off this G.o.d of wealth so he drew her over and quietly said, "Sweetie, what nonsense are you spouting? A thousand kuai isn"t little, usually a tree could only fetch a couple tens of kuai. Your uncle has to depend on this for his funds!"

"Uncle, trust me. This tree is at least ten thousand kuai or more." Actually, Yang ZiMei also didn"t know how much a Phoebe zhennan was worth. She only remembered that in the previous life, she"s heard someone say Phoebe zhennans are extremely valuable, almost equivalent to the price of gold.

This was an old tree, it"s at least a hundred years old. So, using 1992"s material costs as a basis, ten thousand kuai should be about right.

Hearing this startled Yang He and thought Yang ZiMei was demanding an exorbitant price. At the time, to construct a building in the village also wouldn"t cost much more than ten thousand kuai. You could even buy a hundred sqm apartment in the city. [1]

The one tree, how could it be worth ten thousand kuai?

When Huo WenHua and Hua ShaoGuang heard her say that, they both looked at each other.

Because the Phoebe zhennan was extremely valuable, its material robust and luxurious. Moreover, it wasn"t found on the market, to see one here is like a miracle. Huo WenHua is a businessman, seeing that Yang He didn"t understand the true worth of the tree, his offer of a thousand kuai was considered his sincerity.

He didn"t think the true value of the tree would be seen through by a few years old girl.

"Mr. Huo, if you want to make a good coffin for your father, this would be the most fitting. In addition, a properous feng shui location where it contains the wind and gathers essence, would bless your Huo family with wealth and for you to become a generation"s tyc.o.o.n. Therefore, without fifteen thousand kuai, we won"t sell this tree to you." Yang ZiMei evenly said.

"You also know feng shui?" Huo WenHua"s eyes lit up. In the last few days, he and Hua ShaoGuang have gone to many places but could not find an appropriate location.

"Hm. My master said I had innate feng shui eyes." Yang ZiMei nodded. She currently only five years old, facing her family"s difficult situation, she really doesn"t know what she should do. Now that she"s seen Huo WenHua, she naturally wouldn"t let go of this wealthy master. However, he had Hua ShaoGuang beside him so she knew she would look inferior and he wouldn"t trust her. Then, she"ll revealed her supernatural power so that he"ll ask her to search the feng shui location himself.

"Innate feng shui eyes? Humph!" Hua ShaoGuang coldly snorted, "Such a young age and already talking big. In the future, the most you"ll become is a charlatan."

In the previous life, she"d often be chided as a d.a.m.n charlatan. Therefore, when Yang ZiMei hears the word charlatan, it brings forth a kind of emotion within her, a very uncomfortable one.

"Aiyo, sweetie, don"t quarrel, I still have to sell this tree. Mr. Huo, what do you think?" Yang He saw that Huo WenHua and Yang ZiMei"s topic had soured so he worried it would affect his deal and quickly interrupted.

Huo WenHua looked at her, nodded, "Okay, fifteen thousand kuai, deal." [2]

"1……5……000?" Yang He felt his tongue were making flips. Just then, he almost said a thousand kuai, "Re……Really?"

"If you"re still unsatisfied, we can discuss again." Huo WenHua said.

"Satisfied, satisfied, very satisfied, deal." Yang He worried Huo WenHua would back out and hurriedly nodded his comply.

1. This is talking about a building of 2 or more stories. For the city, I"m pretty sure it"s an apartment instead of a house cuz 一套 was used to describe it. I can always change it if someone knows how dwellings were like in 1992 China.

2. No sure if Huo WenHua looked at ZiMei or Yang He but a.s.sumed he was considering the girl.

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