Supreme Magus

Chapter 2457 Breaking Point (Part 1)

Chapter 2457 Breaking Point (Part 1)

"I must say. Even without your steed and your equipment, you are still a worthy opponent." Windfell said after gaining some distance and healing the wounds of his host.

"I wish I could say the same about you. Were my host at the Violet and a bit more trustful, this fight would already be over." Dawn said with a thin smile while consuming one prism to regenerate her crystal armor and another for her crystal sword.

The gap in their equipment was so big that it took barely a few exchanges to shatter her own. Nyka"s Adamant armor was no match for the Davross scimitar and had suffered so many cuts that it was already useless.

If not for the Vampire"s undead body and the Horseman"s ability to regenerate her vitals, Nyka would have already died a dozen times over. Dawn used her own light element to fuel Nyka"s spells and bloodline abilities but she still needed to consume life force to heal.

At that pace, the Vampire would soon need to feed or Dawn would be forced to escape and abandon their companions.

"That"s where you are wrong. This fight is already over." The tip of the blade pointed behind the Horseman who didn"t dare to avert her gaze from the opponent.

Had she done it, Dawn would have seen Knightfall stop chasing Tista and Warp near Lith and Solus. Also, Windfell would have cut her body into dozens of pieces before blasting her away with the tier five Spirit Spell he had at the ready.

"From above!" Solus said after noticing the appearance of an exit point.

"And below!" Lith had kept using Life Vision in case Stargazer came back and saw her exit point in time to react.

Lith flapped his wings while Solus used her best flight spell, combining their strength to escape from the pincer attack.

"Why didn"t you just breathe any Flames into those?" She asked.

"Because of that!" Solus kept looking forward, allowing Lith"s seven eyes to scout the other directions.

Nothing had come out of the exit points which had exploded in unison a split second after appearing. Knightfall had actually Warped near Stargazer and was providing her the nutrients she needed to restore her host.

To make matters worse, they were both standing on the fringes of the mana geyser, feeding off the world energy to replenish their lost power and blocking the enemies" path in a single move.

"How did you know what would happen?" Solus asked as after the explosion two rifts in s.p.a.ce opened.

Had they remained there, the distortion caused by the dimensional spells collapsing onto each other would have torn them both to shreds.

"Because Friya." He replied. "I"ve seen her screw up her enemies" Life Vision with tricks like that more times than I can count. Also, if I was a dimensional mage, that"s what I would have done.

"Why get close when you can kill a half-dead enemy from a safe distance?"

"You are not half-dead! Don"t you dare even joke about that." Solus felt guilty for dragging Lith into that mess.

She felt like she was the cause of every drop of blood he lost and every wince of pain he experienced.

"If I didn"t take this stupid journey, if only I stayed home with him, those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds would have never dared come close to us. If not for me, Lith would be safe and sound at the White Griffon and Elysia wouldn"t be risking to lose her dad."

"I"m not talking about me but about you." Lith replied. "They know that the prolonged separation weakened you. That"s why they focused on you the whole time. They think that if you die, I"ll follow since that"s what usually happens to the host of a cursed object."

He avoided mentioning that if Menadion truly had put her daughter"s safety first that was also the most likely outcome to not make Solus feel more guilty but there was no helping that.

She could feel her broken body sucking on Lith"s vitality and mana faster than her Sky Blessing breathing technique could replenish them. Being that close was improving her condition at his expense.

Lith"s wounds grew deeper and his core weakened to the point that most of the Demons of the Darkness faded.

"I"m killing him! If anything happens to Lith it won"t be Night"s fault but my own." Solus circled around the geyser, trying to get past the two cursed objects but they antic.i.p.ated her moves and foiled her attempts.

Solus attempted to conjure a tower tier spell and a pain beyond what darkness fusion could suppress ravaged her body. Outside of the tower and in her weakened state, the necessary flow of mana to accomplish such a feat was akin to poison.

New cracks opened on her skin and some of the still-healing wounds burst open again, further increasing the burden on Lith"s life force. Her eyes became misted with tears out of frustration and remorse, blaming herself for both her helplessness and putting Lith"s life at risk.

Solus bit her lips in anger, using the pain the fight off the desperation while her brain spun at full gear in search of a way out.

"We can"t stay here. We must go help them!" Nyka said as the battle against Windfell was once again at a standstill.

The cursed scimitar had a superior host and mana core but Dawn had better spells and Nyka"s bloodline abilities.

"Agreed. Yet if we disengage from our opponent, we"ll allow Windfell to regroup with the other cursed objects. I can block him one-on-one. Three against one I"d be forced to sacrifice you just to stall for time.

"You"d be dead and Lith and Solus would follow as soon as I consume your life essence. Is that what you want?" The Horseman replied.

While the Vampire gritted her teeth in frustration, inwardly admitting that Dawn was right, similar thoughts plagued Tista"s mind.

"I can"t let them hurt Lith but what can I do?" The violet in her aura grew along with her frustration. "I couldn"t take on one of those things, let alone two. If I go there, I"ll be a liability for Solus.

"I could turn into a Divine Beast, but again, to what end? The cursed objects" hosts have a bright violet core whereas I"d have a mere deep violet. Lith could barely hold his ground against them and he is much stronger and more skilled than I am.

"G.o.ds, please, tell me what to do!" Yet no answer came and the Red Demon remembered all too well how easily Knightfall had deflected her Cursed Flames, making them not an option either.

Meanwhile, Lith"s condition was worsening faster than Solus" wounds were healing, forcing her to break the standstill.

"I can"t waste any more time. Lith"s life force is this close to bleeding and loses more of his lifespan. Here goes everything!" Making the tower emerge from the ground was off the table.

It would indeed create a diversion, but also expose Solus" secret. At that point, the cursed objects might have just run away, spread the news, and return with even more reinforcements.

At that point, they only had to wait for a moment when Lith and Solus were away from a mana geyser to strike.