Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 101 The Big Bear

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 101 The Big Bear

Putting the book down he looked at Li Yan. Li Yan’s heart trembled, although he did not practice martial arts, but he often heard stories of people killing for treasure, seeing Tianci come over, he hurriedly handed over the Freezing Ice in his hands to him. Tianci looked at it and found that this method is not suitable for him, he then returned that method to Li Yan. Li Yan’s heart is surprised, he stammered and said:

“You, you, you…Don’t want it?”

Tianci said: “Li Yan, this cultivation law is the Frost Empire’s royal family cultivation law, although not the most advanced law of the Frost Empire, but still a prefect lower level cultivation law. If you have the qualifications to cultivate, you may as well practice this law. I’ll take this Heavy Earth cultivation law.”

“Thank you!” Li Yan hurriedly held the Freezing Ice book in his arms.

Tianci’s gaze fell on the two swords, one of which was normal in size, but the other was obviously bigger. Tianci put his hand on the big sword, and when he lifted it, he felt its heavy weight. He felt that the sword was at least five hundred pounds, and he did not know what material it was forged from. Pulling the sword out of the sword scabbard, the whole sword is black, on top of the sword there is a mysterious spirit pattern.

“It’s a spirit weapon!”

Tianci is overjoyed in his heart, currently he has not yet reached the opening period and cannot test this spirit weapon.

Returning the heavy sword to its scabbard, he pointed at the sword next to Li Yan and said:

“This sword belongs to you!”

“Thank you! ”

Li Yan hurriedly thanked him, putting the book into his bosom, then he picked up the sword, a touch of coldness radiated out, so that Li Yan cannot help but shiver.

Tianci fixed his attention and saw that sword was like icy jade, flowing with a mysterious spirit pattern on top, he could not help but blurt out praise:

“Good sword!”

When the words fell, he stopped looking at the sword and began to walk around the stone room to see if there was anything else that they had not discovered. Li Yan also hurriedly returned the long sword to its scabbard, carrying it on his back, he also followed Tianci searching around.

A quarter of an hour later.

Two people did not gain the slightest, Tianci then strode toward the the right hole. As soon as he entered the hole, the heart of Tianci can’t help but jump and his face revealed a happy look.

This is a dan refining room.

In the dan room there is a dan furnace, against the side of the rock wall there is a shelf, above the shelf there are hundreds of jade bottles. Tianci strode over, picking up a jade bottle, he opened it, and his face could not help but be disappointed, inside the dan medicine is completely ineffective. Tianci knows that this is because the quality of the jade bottle is not good, causing the dan medicine inside to become completely ineffective after 10,000 years.

One by one he opened the jade bottles, and found that all the dan medicine within has expired, the face of Tianci revealed a look of frustration. On the side Li Yan saw Tianci put the Dan medicine down, then he picked it up and softly asked:

“Elder brother Tianci, are these dan pills?”


“Then why did you throw it all away?”

“It’s all ineffective, and all that remains is dan poison. Eating it will kill people.”

“Ah?” Li Yan hurriedly threw the dan medicine to the ground.

Tianci looked around, his eyes suddenly moved, he found in the right side of the shelf there is a hole, the hole is very small, on the side of the shelf, he just didn’t see it, then he walked toward the hole. Within the hole, his face became joyful, its actually a herb garden, although not big, but there are about three acres of land. It has not been picked for ten thousand years, and the herbs inside are extremely lush.

Tianci walked around the garden and finally did not pick one, but retreated from the hole. Then he came back to the main hole, looking ahead, the front is still a pa.s.sageway, until he found a way to leave this place, he didn’t have the heart to pick those herbs. He walked along the pa.s.sage going forward.

About five hundred meters away, steps appeared in front of them, winding up. Tianci set foot on the stairs, all the way up, Li Yan followed closely behind.

The steps circled around and Tianci had walked a kilometer or so, and finally saw a stone door. Tianci’s heart is joyful, going forward, his hands pressed on the stone door pushing hard, the stone door did not move. Tianci again exhausted his strength pushing away, the stone door is still unmoved. And just then, behind him came Li Yan’s weak voice:

“Elder brother Tianci, what is this?”

When Tianci turned around to look, he saw an iron ring next to the stone door. Tianci firmly pulled on the iron ring then heard a sound of gears moving, in front the stone door slowly retracted to the left of the wall.


Before a smile could form on the face of Tianci, they heard a huge roar from the opposite side of the stone door. At this time the stone door has only retracted by a fifth, from the gap Tianci saw a giant tall bear, nearly four meters high, staring out from the door.

Tianci is shocked, hurriedly releasing the iron ring, the stone door slowly restored to its original appearance. Tianci frowned slightly and pondered, recalling through the door that scene, the opposite of the stone door should be a cave, where it should have become the residence of a giant bear. Just thinking about it, he realized that this cave has been idle for ten thousand years, don’t know how many beasts have used it as a cave dwelling. It’s just that it’s now occupied by a giant bear.

It doesn’t matter what beast occupies it, but now a giant bear is outside, so how do they get out?

Get out by the underground water current that they had washed up in?

Don’t joke!

Get out of there, and you don’t know if you can live! Being washed ash.o.r.e alive is G.o.d’s pity.

There is only one way, if you want to go out, you have to kill that big bear. But, to defeat that giant bear, Tianci thought, he is really not sure. Looking back at Li Yan, he shook his head, and with his appearance, the giant bear would slap him to death. Tianci’s b.u.t.t sat on the steps, his hands on his knee pondering the matter. Don’t know how long he thought about it, he finally thought of a way, that is, to stay here and cultivate, until he breaks through to the sensing period, see if he can go out and fight with that giant bear.

Standing up, he walked down the steps, Li Yan naturally also follows, where Tianci goes, he goes. Back to the cave, Tianci rubbed his empty belly, this back and forth toss, he is hungry with no strength. At this time, not only is his stomach grumbling, Li Yan’s stomach is also grumbling. Both men can hear each other’s stomach grumbling.