Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 107 Crying under the Moonlight

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 107 Crying under the Moonlight

“Great Spirit Pattern Master? How many levels?” asked Qin Shuang, in amazement.

“Level four!”

“Hiss…” Qin Shuang inhaled a breath of cold air: “So strong?”

“The other one is even better, he’s called A Ào!”

“A Ào? Man or women? What’s the last name?”

“Man, Xing A!”

“Xing A?”


“Oh, then go on.”

“He is one level above Xuanyuan Ling, and is now a Great Spirit Pattern Master of the fifth level.”

“They’re only two people, maybe the third person is me ah!” Qin Shuang said looking around, while lowering her voice.

“Ha…” Lan Ming Yue scoffed while whispering: “Just you with your 10th-level spirit apprentice realm?”

“Isn’t there time? I will first win a place in Tianqin City’s Spirit Pattern Compet.i.tion, the Crescent Moon Kingdom Spirit Pattern is still a year away. This year I may be a spirit teacher.”

“Ha…” Lan Ming Yue scoffed and whispered again: “You must not forget, we are far away from Crescent Moon city, from here to Crescent Moon city needs at least 3-4 months time, that gives you only 9 months to study spirit patterns with a calm mind. Don’t forget, my father is a Grand Scholar Spirit Master, and I’m not unfamiliar with spirit patterns, and I haven’t heard of a person who could go from a spirit apprentice to a spirit teacher in 9 months.

Even if you’re now a 10th level spirit apprentice. That is, A Ào has improved very quickly in the spirit apprentice realm, but it still took him 3 years to break through from the 10th level of the spirit apprentice to the spirit teacher, and from spirit teacher to Great Spirit Master, it took 5 years. Now he’s been stuck in the Great Spirit Master 5th level for 3 years and no ones heard of him showing any signs of breaking through.”

“Oh! How old is he?”

“25, four years younger than me.”

“Only 25 years old, this is a genius ah!”

“Of course, you don’t even know how strong he is, much better than you.” Lan Ming Yue turned his head and curled his lips.

Qin Shuang also turned her head and curled her lips: “Its still too early to say that, I will first get a place on behalf of Tianqin City, then we’ll talk.”

“Right, every time there is a Spirit Pattern Compet.i.tion, there will be gambling at the casino. Don’t know how much your odds are?” Lan Ming Yue suddenly got excited.

When Qin Shuang heard this sentence, she is also excited, what is she missing now?


Turning her to head to Yuan Ye, she asked: “Do you know my odds?”

“Know!” Yuan Ye whispered, “Tian Yi came back and told me.”

“How much?” Both Qin Shuang and Lan Ming Yue looked curiously at Yuan Ye.

“Your Highness, the odds of you winning third place is 1 to 5, the odds of getting second place are 1 to 10, and the odds of getting first place are 1 to 20.”

The eyes of Qin Shuang sparkled, then said: “This must buy ah!”

“Hey, Yuan Ye, how’s the opponent?”

“One is the spirit teacher first cla.s.s level, and the other two are the spirit-apprentice 10th level, and a spirit-apprentice 9th level.” Yuan Ye answered truthfully.

“Shuang’er, you have no problem winning third place, right?”

Qin Shuang did not speak, just stared at Lan Ming Yue. A hint of embarra.s.sment appeared on Lan Ming Yue’s face, and then a bold look:

“Shuang’er meimei winning third place must be as easy as pie, I will bet on third place, 1000 silver taels.”

Seeing Qin Shuang still not speaking, just staring at him, he then said: “5000 taels…10,000 taels. Shuang’er meimei, I only brought this much silver, if this is in the Imperial Capital, older brother smashing a million, is no problem…”

“What if I lose?”

“Lose then lose, 10,000 is a drizzle of rain, a mere trifle!”

Qin Shuang cannot stand his sad appearance, then ignored him, turning her head to Yuan Ye asking:

“Yuan Ye, how many silver taels are there in the house?”

“There’s more than 20,000 taels!”

Qin Shuang cannot help but bitterly smile, raising 3000 martial artist is really expensive ah!

“You’ll take 20,000 taels to Tianqin tomorrow and bet on me winning first place.”

“First?” This time it’s not just Lan Ming Yue thats surprised, Yuan Ye is also surprised, and Lan Ming Yue can’t help but laugh.

“Shuang’er meimei, there is a spirit teacher among your opponents! You’re a spirit apprentice.”

“You don’t need to worry about it!” Qin Shuang stared coldly at Lan Ming Yue, then glancing at Yuan Ye she said: “Do you hear?”

“Yes, Your Highness, Princess!” Although Yuan Ye is surprised in his heart, but he is only the Head Manager under Qin Shuang, whatever Qin Shuang commands, he will do. But Lan Ming Yue is not.

“Yuan Ye, don’t listen to your princess, she’s crazy…”

Suddenly, the voice of Lan Ming Yue stopped, three people’s eyes looked in the direction of the gate at the same time. The gate of the w.a.n.g Family was closed after they left, and they didn’t open it, and now they heard a sound from the gate.


The gate was slowly pushed open, as the gate way door slit became larger and larger, the moonlight from the door sprinkled down, and a long and tall shadow of the person fell on the ground, some deformation, very thin.


The two doors were finally completely pushed open, by the moonlight looking out, they saw a person standing outside the door, compared to the elongated shadow on the ground, that person is not tall at all, wearing coa.r.s.e clothing, face full of wrinkles, eyes dull.


Although Qin Shuang cannot recall the name of the man who is standing at the gate, but she knows him, he lives in a house around the w.a.n.g family land. Already more than 60 years old, because his qualifications are not high, so only the refining flesh period of repair, a very honest and sincere person.


At this time his face did not look honest, he had a dull and lifeless expression, eyes soulless, as if sleepwalking.


In the middle of the night, the sound of footsteps, the man began to lift his foot into the gate.

“Ta, ta, ta…”

In the quiet late night, under the pale moonlight, a man mechanically followed the bluestone path forward, step by step approaching the house Qin Shuang and them were hiding on.

Three people with six eyes locked on the man tightly, holding their breath.

It’s all so weird, there’s no sound, there’s no one around, how can this man sleepwalk?

He seems to have some kind of goal, or something guiding him, not blindly walking around, but in one direction, toward the backyard of the w.a.n.g family land.

“Ta, ta, ta…”

The man had gone under the roof of the house where Qin Shuang and them were hiding. Just as the man had walked below their roof, the heart of Qin Shuang, Lan Ming Yue and Yuan Ye beat violently. The three of them heard a sound at the same time.

The sound is not that of the man walking “ta,ta,ta” sound, but a woman’s cry…