Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 120 Finishing

Chapter 120 Finishing

Spirit pattern teacher 1-10th level carries a huge amount of information. In Tianqin town, Qin Shuang has been busy with the Princess Palace affairs, therefore there is no time to study and review, so now she is here to quietly understand. This is the library of the Spirit Pattern a.s.sociation. It has existed here for thousands of years. It has an underlying charm, staying here is the best place to understand spirit patterns.

As time pa.s.sed, the sun outside the window gradually set, and the room became dim. The management staff lit the lamps. People who study spirit patterns are unaware of day and night. If they encounter any problems, they will come and read the books at anytime, so the library is open day and night, as long as you can afford the points.

However, at this time, the people in the library are very scarce. Jie Du stood up from his corner, stretching out, and looking around, his eyes paused. He saw Qin Shuang holding a book, maintaining her sitting posture. Standing up, he closed his book, walking to spirit pattern teacher bookshelf, pa.s.sing the side of Qin Shuang, he saw Qin Shuang just turn the first page of the book. Glancing at the contents of that first page he knew it was the “Spirit Pattern Teacher Guidebook”, a must-read book for those that want to go from the spirit-apprentice to the spirit teacher realm.


Why did she read only one page today?

Jie Du thought for a bit, perhaps before she was reading other books, only to find this “Spirit Pattern Teacher Guidebook.” Jie Du shook his head, it took half a day to find the right book, I really don’t know how she reached the spirit pattern apprentice 10th level?

Going to the bookshelf to put his books away, then walking outside. At the door he saw a person delivering food to Qin Shuang, then he shook his head even more, secretly thinking:

“Learning spirit patterns relies on insight, it can’t be promoted through hard work.”

The next day.

In the early morning Jie Du came to the library, eyes involuntarily glancing at Qin Shuang’s place. He couldn’t help but look slightly stunned.

“So early?”

Going to the bookshelf, taking yesterday’s unfinished book up, pa.s.sing from the side of Qin Shuang, he couldn’t help but stare blankly.

“How can she still be on the first page of the Spirit Pattern Teacher Guidebook?”

He looked at Qin Shuang, seeing Qin Shuang’s serious look, he cannot help shaking his head, his face with a confused expression. He left, going to yesterdays seat to sit down. However, he was a little distracted today, always looking at Qin Shuang from time to time. But she always maintains her posture, only at noon, did she change her posture. But during Qin Shuang’s meal time, she also has an absentminded appearance, there are several times where she put her spoon in her mouth forgetting to take it out, not chewing, foolishly sitting there with a spoon in her mouth, and she was unaware of the porridge soup dripping out from corners of her mouth.

Day three.

Qin Shuang is still looking at the first page of the “Spirit Pattern Teacher Guidebook”, and today there is an additional person concerned about Qin Shuang, it is the spirit pattern apprentice 10th level Zhao Chuan. On the fourth day, Dian Jun and Liu Fei’er also came.

The Spirit Pattern a.s.sociation library has a collection of books that their home does not carry, so they also come here to study. Originally they wanted to go forward and greet Qin Shuang, but seeing her enthralled appearance, they didn’t bother her. But in the following days they were as confused as Jie Du.

If Qin Shuang is there to pretend, its not necessary at all. If you say Qin Shuang is there to study, then why has she been staring at the first page of the book for several days?

Gradually, Qin Shuang became a scene in the library. Later, Luan Feng learned about this and also ran to the library to look. Seeing Qin Shuang’s appearance, his heart became anxious. However, Qin Shuang is clearly in a state of epiphany. Although he has not seen an epiphany, it is very similar to an epiphany.

Saying its very similar, and not quite certain, because Qin Shuang also remembers to eat, although eating her meal is also an enthralled appearance, but as long as you know to eat, this is not an epiphany.

“What the h.e.l.l happened to her?”

Everyone is very worried about Qin Shuang, but they dare not disturb her. For nine days in a row, several hairs of Luan Feng turned white. Finally, the posture of Qin Shuang changed, sitting straight up, her eyes also became alert. It took her nine days, and she finally fully understood the spirit pattern methods imprinted in her soul, becoming her own instinct, and what she had to do now was to practice and achieve the intention of unity.

When she looked up, and looked around her, she saw a group of people sitting around, far and near, but without exception, all staring straight at her, even Luan Feng sat near her, looking at her with concern.

“Why…Why are you guys…Looking at me like this?” Qin Shuang asked weakly.

“Are you all right?” Luan Feng’s eyebrows are still full of worries.

“I’m fine!” Qin Shuang said somewhat puzzled.

“So what were you doing these nine days?”

Qin Shuang suddenly realized what, and she explained: “I’ve sorted out the things I’ve learned in the past few days. I didn’t realize I became too absorbed, hehe…”

At this point, Qin Shuang smiled shyly.


Luan Feng breathed a long sigh of relief, and his eyes showed an appreciative look. This is the true state that a spirit pattern teacher should have, forgetting everything for the sake of spirit patterns. On the side Jie Du, Dian Jun, Zhao Chuan and Liu Fei’ers eyes also reveal their admiration.

“Take a good rest, although learning the spirit pattern art is important, but you also need to take of yourself.” He said kindly.

“Yes, thank you, Sir.”

Qin Shuang stood up, then felt a burst of dizzyness, her body cannot help swaying. On the side Liu Fei’er stepped forward to support Qin Shuang’s arm. Qin Shuang stabilized her body and took a deep breath. She knew that she had exhausted her mind. If she hadn’t had a soul in the realm of Martial G.o.d, then I am afraid her soul would have already been wounded by now.

“Thank you!” Qin Shuang said weakly to Liu Fei’er.

Liu Fei’er shook her head and said, “No need, I’ll help you back to your room.”

“Thank you!”

Qin Shuang thanked her again, stepping forward, but she found her body stiff, taking a step makes a clicking sound. With a bitter smile, and Liu Feier’s help, she walked out of the library and came to the room prepared for her by the Spirit Pattern a.s.sociation. Helping Qin Shuang lie down on her bed, Liu Fei’ers lips moved, and finally she asked:

“Seventh princess, when you make the spirit patterns, can you let me watch?”

“Sure!” Qin Shuang did not refuse.

“Thank you!”

Liu Fei’er bowed to Qin Shuang, running out cheerfully, then closing the door gently. After Liu Fei’er left, Qin Shuang closed her eyes, and slept all day and all night, until noon. From the bed down, she stretched out her waist, her body up and down like a firecracker, crackling, exhaling a breath, the face of Qin Shuang restored its lively look.