Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 12 Gathering Spirit Tool

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 12 Gathering Spirit Tool

This problem is not impossible to solve, if there is a Martial G.o.d willing to spend a lot of energy, can clear the meridian of this cartilage to go, but the entire Martial continent of the Martial G.o.d how rare, a kingdom does not have a Martial G.o.d. There are countless children in the family, how can it be for Qin Shuang to go seek a Martial G.o.d?

I don’t know how much money to spend to request a Martial G.o.d to help, and the Martial G.o.d is how proud, money can invite?

Qin Shuang shakes her head, there is no solution at the moment. Fortunately, this does not affect her refining body, the influence of the meridian to the pulse period. Lying sideways in bed, tired, Qin Shuang quickly went to sleep.

The day is not yet dawn, Qin Shuang is awake. Since she entered the opening period, her sleep has begun to become less and less, but the spirit is stronger than before. This is especially true after breaking through to the opening eight.

Qin Shuang sat up, the heart flashed a thought.

“It seems that in the future I will take time to practice Daoism every day, this art is really wonderful, it can make people so energetic, but also let people look internally.”

From the bed, the oil lamp lit, washed a bit, this is at the table to sit down, the carving knife and a piece of jade out, began to depict the spirit tool.

At dawn, Qin Shuang carved a piece of the spirit device. The spirit tool needs eight components, and now she has successfully carved out three pieces. Hearing the sound of footsteps from the outside, she knew that this is nai niang went out hunting again, gently sighed, will be carved knife and jade pieces put away. She got up from her chair and stepped out of the house.

Deeply took a breath, began to practice the Phoenix one-style. The three postures run quickly, and when the last pose is completed, the s.p.a.ce sounds a "bang” sound, Qin Shuang stands with joy on her face.

There are seven styles in the refining period of the Fire Phoenix, each with three postures, from the Phoenix one-type to the Phoenix seventh-type, corresponding to the refining skin period to the refining meridians period. When practicing in one style, a sound will erupt. When the seventh-style is completed to Dacheng, it will burst out seven times in a row. Only then will it be proved that Qinshuang has already cultivated the first type and entered the refining flesh period.

Qin Shuang standing silently, the mind shows the three postures of the Phoenix two-type, about ten times, she will be Phoenix two-style push over. She found that since she opened up, her comprehension and deduction ability has increased greatly.

Breathing gently. Breathing between intervals.

Qin Shuang moved, the body stretched, but the movement is extremely slow, every move an inch, as if holding a kilogram of huge objects, sweat on the forehead, when she began the second position, the entire shirt in an instant wet, pale, and finally the second posture has not yet finished, then “pah” fell to the ground.


Standing on the side, Qin yunxia hurriedly ran over, she clearly remembers that the last time the princess fell in practice, and then fainted. Seeing Qin Shuang is struggling to sit up, Qin Yunxia breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly helped Qin Shuang to stand up.

Qin shuang in the Qin Yunxia’s support in the courtyard slowly walking, to restore their physical strength. After about a quarter of an hour, Qin Shuang stopped and began to practice the Phoenix two again. When practicing to the second position, the body’s strength in an instant consumed, the body’s muscles came a severe pain, “pah” a sound, again fell to the ground.

Qin Yunxia quickly ran over, holding Qin Shuang in the courtyard to walk, and then restored the physical strength of Qin Shuang again to practice.

Fall, climb up, practice again, fall, climb up again…

One hour pa.s.sed, Qin Shuang stopped practicing, in the service of Qin Yunxia took a bath, and then ate breakfast, then went to school.

The life of Qin Shuang into cultivation, every morning will practice a time of Fire Phoenix Treasure, and then go to school, the school management is very relaxed, so she went to the school after reading a book of the times, and then returned to school, will not understand the place to ask the teacher.

The teacher was initially reluctant to explain, but then found that the question asked by Qin Shuang is not childish, and gradually became serious. He found that the understanding of Qin Shuang is very strong, the depth is very thick, the heart praised the royal origin is truly extraordinary at the same time also happy to answer questions for Qin Shuang. After all, met a good mind, and the learning is good, the extraordinary insight of students, are willing to seriously teach. Its a good reason to teach.

As a female Martial G.o.d, the previous life bent on martial arts. Even if there is no research in Confucianism, but also heard a lot of knowledge. Just did not systematically learn, now has this opportunity, and as a princess, Qinshuang nature will not give up this chance.

In the afternoon she will practice in the manor, first to practice the Fire Phoenix Treasure, and then to practice martial arts, her memory of the past to find out three suitable for her current stage of martial arts.

One is the footwork, called the Cloud step, practice to Dacheng, it is like a cloud in the sky, no trace can be found. With the experience of the past, has already been the cloud step of the meaning to understanding through, just because the reasons for this body has not been refined to the realm of Dacheng, but also only practiced to the realm of xiaocheng.

One is the boxing method, called the Chaos Cloud 9-style, fist like the wind and clouds, the same practice to the realm of xiaocheng.

One is the sword method, called the Floating Cloud 18-style, this Floating Cloud 18-style display is not only ethereal, but also very beautiful, like a fairy dance.

In the evening she will continue to carve the spirit tool, and then practice dao, and then go to bed.

The third medicinal bath has been completed, the third bath played a low effect too much, but she was pushed to the peak of the refining period, and did not expect to breakthrough to the refining muscle period. Later, Qinshuang will be the last of some silver taels to buy some herbs, refined three potions, but only used a bottle, no longer used, this soil potion has lost its effect.

She did not want to try other attributes of the medicine, when the Dan master divided the potion into five attributes for five attributes of the martial artist, but he did not say that the five potions cannot be used on the same person, but the ultimate goal of the Dan master is five potions can be used on a person’s body.

It’s merely that now Qin Shuang is short of money, she is unable to buy herbs.

Fortunately, on the seventh night of her awakening, she finally succeeded in carving out the eighth piece of jade, and the eight components of the spirit tool were finally completely carved out.

Qin Shuang takes the other seven pieces of jade out of a small wooden box, places the eight pieces of jade into an octagon, and constantly adjusts the position and the distance between each other. Finally at a moment, heaven and earth yuan force to those eight pieces of jade poured in, that eight piece of jade on the spirit lights up…..

Dacheng means great/major success/achievement. Xiaocheng is small success.