Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 128 Memory

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 128 Memory

However, on the last day, a person with 10,000 silver taels came to the Fortune gambling house to bet, and they bet on Qin Shuang winning first place. This is the second-largest bet received by the Fortune gambling house. The first big bet is the Princess"s bet, a full 100,000 silver taels. Regarding the princess"s bet, everyone thinks the princess is wealthy and willful, the princess life they do not understand, can only envy. Maybe they think 100,000 silver taels is a sky-high price, but to the princess it may be pocket money.

Although Yuan Ye"s bet caused a sensation in Tianqin City, it did not bring about a frenzy of betting on Qin Shuang. Instead, a lot of different voices appeared, and even some past events of Qin Shuang were dug out. There was a wave of ridicule about the princess in Tianqin City.

Laugh at the princess!

This opportunity is a once in a lifetime thing, how can they give up such an opportunity?

When Tianci heard the news, he couldn"t help but shake his head with a bitter smile, secretly thinking in his mind, the seventh princess is still as willful and reckless as before, regardless of the consequences.

He smiled bitterly and shook his head. Zhou Haoran had a trace of anger within his heart.

He is a man with a righteous nature, tolerating no sand in his eyes. After seeing Qin Shuang in the City Lord"s house, he had a good impression of her. Although the past rumors of Qin Shuang are very bad, but she can change into a good person.


Now he heard news about Qin Shuang again, Zhou Haoran"s impression of Qin Shuang became worse. How can such a reckless person truly change?

He didn"t believe that Qin Shuang could win first place.

You should know that he is a Great Confucian of Crescent Moon Kingdom, with students all over the world, wanting to understand someone is not difficult. In his understanding, Qin Shuang is still a person who doesn"t understand anything, no one has ever heard of her understanding spirit patterns, and Qin Shuang has never shown that she has talent for spirit patterns. She has never even carved out a first-cla.s.s apprentice-level spirit pattern. Such a person came to Tianqin City, this border town and suddenly understands spirit patterns? And the kind of talent that can take first place in the Spirit Pattern Compet.i.tion?

Do you believe that?

Anyway, Zhou Haoran doesn"t believe it, he is too lazy to go to the Spirit Pattern a.s.sociation to inquire, the facts are already in front of him. Although there is a rumor that Qin Shuang is already a 10th level spirit pattern apprentice, but Tianqin City still has Jie Du ah! Jie Du is a spirit pattern teacher, although only a first cla.s.s, but that is a spirit pattern teacher! Why would Qin Shuang win first place?

So he thought that the seventh princess started to play around again, and this is the evil fire that she released in Tianqin Town. He shook his head, and placed the folding fan in his hand on top of the writing table, and sighed.

"Truly, the smell of meat and wine drift out from the vermillion doors but the poor freeze to death outside.* A princess can casually take out 100,000 silver taels, in order to make herself happy. Alas…"

So, no one thought that someone would bet on Qin Shuang again, but also a bet of 10,000 silver taels. The person who placed the bet must"ve been a fool, or a man of the Princess Palace. But in fact this is a person everyone knows. This person is not a fool, but Tianqin City"s famous talent, the pride of Tianqin City, Liu Fei"er.

What"s going on?

Isn"t Liu Fei"er also going to partic.i.p.ate in the Spirit Pattern Compet.i.tion?

Why didn"t she bet on herself, but on Qin Shuang? What"s more, she didn"t place a bet on Jie Du, but on Qin Shuang. It"s simply incredible, it"s unfathomable.

Presently the eyes of the whole city are gathered on the Spirit Pattern Compet.i.tion, Liu Fei"ers sudden bet makes everyone pay more attention to the Spirit Pattern Compet.i.tion. Those who are not interested also come with strong interest to see the Spirit Pattern Compet.i.tion.

The location of the Spirit Pattern Compet.i.tion is located in the only square in Tianqin City, which is called Central Square.

The weather in early summer is very pleasant. Central Square is full of people, it can be described as a sea of people, not only are people from Tianqin City here, even people from the nearby villages are here.

Although Luan Feng only values five people: Qin Shuang, Jie Du, Zhao Chuan, Dian Jun, and Liu Fei"er, the significance of the Spirit Pattern Compet.i.tion is to promote spirit patterns, so it is impossible for such a compet.i.tion to involve only these five people. All those who study spirit patterns can enter the compet.i.tion as long as they sign up.

Needless to say in the whole Martial continent Spirit Pattern history there is really no shortage of dark horses. The unheard of, nameless people are flying up into the sky. That"s what makes the Spirit Pattern Compet.i.tion so appealing.

So this time in Tianqin City, a total of twenty-three people partic.i.p.ate, this is in Tianqin City this small town, if its in other larger cities, the partic.i.p.ants will definitely be over a hundred, and even in some of the largest cities the number of people will be more than a thousand, such as Crescent Moon Kingdom. Crescent Moon City will have thousands of people partic.i.p.ating in the Spirit Pattern Compet.i.tion, and sometimes even more than ten thousand.

The Spirit Pattern Compet.i.tion has three rounds.

The first is a basic question and answer on spirit pattern knowledge, each partic.i.p.ant gets a test paper, with a hundred questions. There are a hundred questions from the spirit pattern apprentice level 1 to the spirit pattern teacher level 10, each level has five questions. The top ten will pa.s.s, and the rest will be eliminated.

The second round is the identification of spirit patterns, they will send ten carved spirit patterns to everyone, allowing partic.i.p.ants to quickly identify the spirit patterns, and write out the names of the ten spirit patterns, as well as their functions and characteristics. This round will eliminate five people, the rest remain.

The third round is the actual carving of spirit patterns, and it is also the event people most like to see. President Luan Feng of the Spirit Pattern a.s.sociation will personally judge the five contestants spirit pattern depictions, and then rank. The first three will represent Tianqin City in the Crescent Moon Kingdom Spirit Pattern Compet.i.tion.

At this time, Tianqin City Lord Wei Zhenyue and Luan Feng have both finished speaking. One by one the contestants follow the steps towards a huge platform above. Twenty-three crafting stations have been set up on that platform, each with a number, and the contestants walk to their own crafting station according to their number.


A dozen people in front of the platform did not get much cheers, but when Liu Fei"er, Dian Jun, Zhao Chuan and Jie Du took the stage, there were huge cheers all around. These people are the pride of Tianqin City, Tianqin City"s most esteemed, they can be said to be a household name. And all four smiled and waved from the stage, arousing even more enthusiastic cheers.

As a national princess, no matter what her spirit pattern realm is, there is no doubt that her ident.i.ty is the most n.o.ble, so she is walking behind Jie Du, that is, the last appearance.

Today"s Qin Shuang is not wearing the clothes of n.o.ble women, but a moon white Confucian robe. On the Martial Continent there is equality between men and women, women can learn not only martial arts, they can also learn literary arts, and even become officials, so Confucian robes are a kind of clothing worn by both men and women. But not anyone can wear a Confucian robe. Only two types of people can wear it, one is a well-known scholar, and the other are the royal n.o.bles, like Qin Shuang.

At this time, Qin Shuang is wearing a moon white Confucian garment, smiling, one hand holding her robe and slowly stepping on stage, walking calmly, with a kind of luxurious temperament from the inside out. Going to her own crafting station and standing there quietly.

At this moment, the twenty-two people above the high platform seem to have set off Qin Shuang, becoming her backdrop.

All the people under the high platform are quiet, those mountain and selike cheers for Jie Du disappeared instantly, everyone cannot help rubbing their eyes, secretly thinking in their minds:

"Is this the Seventh Princess? Oh my G.o.d! How can a person have this temperament? Today I didn"t come in vain, just a glance at the Seventh Princess, this life is worthwhile."

Its strange!

The Seventh Princess is wearing an ordinary moon white Confucian robe, not that kind of n.o.ble silk, just a common Confucian robe, how can it reveal a warm as jade temperament on her?

Wei Zhenyue looked at Qin Shuang on the high platform, and there was a voice in his heart shouting:

"Is this still the cold Seventh Princess?"

Luan Feng looked at Qin Shuang with a little regret in his eyes. He feels regret for Qin Shuang"s qualifications, such a magnificent and outstanding individual is limited by their qualifications in martial arts, it truly makes one sigh. Because his heart is very clear, in the initial stage of spirit pattern art the requirements for martial arts is not high, but with promotion the relationship between martial arts becomes more and more close. It can be said that the spirit pattern realm of Qin Shuang has been limited, because her martial arts repair is stagnant, her blockage in her meridians makes it impossible to break through to the opening period, it is impossible to become a Great Spirit Pattern Master.

A Great Spirit Pattern Master needs soul strength and cultivation strength. Without a strong soul it is impossible to achieve the heights of a Great Spirit Pattern Master, even if Qin Shuang can practice her soul to the Great Spirit Master realm, but her repair and yuan force limit her, because in the Great Spirit Master realm, the carving of spirit patterns becomes more complicated and mysterious, requiring strong strength to master the stability of the sharp golden knife, if your strength is not enough, when your hand begins to shake, how can you successfully carve spirit patterns?

So the qualifications of Qin Shuang not only restrict her martial arts, but also limit her spirit pattern realm. How can Luan Feng not sigh, how can he not regret?

Tianci grabbed his head, he cannot match the Qin Shuang before him with the past Seventh Princess in w.a.n.gdu. Not the changes in size and appearance, but the temperament …

Its simply not her at all…


In Tianci"s mind emerged the appearance and scene of Qin Shuang before the age of seven. That memory has long been deeply buried in the depths of Tianci"s consciousness, but at this moment it surges out vividly.

"It"s those eyes…It"s that look…"

Tianci muttered to himself, as if the gentle girl was back. Before the age of seven, Jian Mo often went to the palace with Tianci, and because the two were of similar ages, they often played together. At that time, Qin Shuang was a gentle beauty, innocent, and well educated.

That memory was pleasant…


(1*) the smell of meat and wine drift out from the vermillion doors but the poor freeze to death outside.

From Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu"s "From Beijing to Fengxian 500 words."

I didn"t translate it 100% correctly but basically it means life is hard to sustain and it describes the social phenomenon of the disparity between the rich and the poor.