Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 151 The Door of Demons

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 151 The Door of Demons

Qin Shuang, Yuan Ye and Qin Yunxia walk around the village, slowly circling, while carefully searching, Qin Shuang whispers:

"Yuan Ye, what do you think?"

"Miss, if we a.s.sume that the unknown is a human, that person specializes in digging up hearts, indicating that the person needs to replenish their qi and blood. Only those who are injured, and those who have lost a lot of blood, need to replenish their qi and blood. And this person should also know some refining art, he at least knows how to refine Qi Xue* Dan.

"However, the only confusing place for subordinate is how did this person enter the villager"s house?"

"I am also confused about this point. Is that thing not a human being?" She mused. "But what kind of beast?"

"No!" Yuan Ye shakes his head: "The wound on the dead body is obviously a knife wound, not a wound left by a beast, unless…"

"Unless what?" The eyes of Qin Shuang brighten.

Yuan Ye"s face shows a bitter smile: "Unless the legendary demons reappear."

"The demons?"

Qin Shuang looks distracted for a moment, then shakes her head and laughs: "How is this possible? The demons haven"t appeared on the Martial continent for thousands of years."

Yuan Ye also laughs: "But legend says that there is a demon door in a certain part of the Martial Continent, where it was sealed by an ancient almighty power, since then no demons have appeared on the Martial Continent. Miss, have you heard of this legend?"

"How can I not have heard of it?" She said with a laugh. This legend has been around since ancient times, but a legend, who has truly seen the door of demons? Or in what ancient book is it recorded in? This can"t be done by the demons.

On the other side of the Endless sea.

Leaf island.

Its named Leaf island because it looks like a leaf from the sky.

Half-Cliff Mountain.

This mountain ascends straight into the clouds, half the mountainside is shrouded in layers upon layers of clouds, with jade pavilions, a piece of paradise. It"s just that this huge mountain is split in half by a giant sword, a complete mountain forming two half cliffs, so it"s called Half-Cliff Mountain.

At this time, two figures fly over from the distant sky and land down on Half Cliff Mountain. At the top of Half-Cliff Mountain, an immortal daoist style old man stands, with snow white eyebrows and bright white hair. Looking at the two men who land from the air, he cups his fists in greeting and shouts:

"Lord Li, Lord Xiang!"

"Huyan Island Lord!"

Those two figures descend from the air, with the same old man appearance, and the same white eyebrows and white hair. Only Li Island Lord"s skin color is as pale as paper, Xiang Island Lord"s skin color is actually purple, and Huyan Island Lord"s skin color is a dark yellow.

While talking, the three men walk into a temple on Half-Cliff Mountain. The door of the temple closes behind them automatically, and the runes on the door flicker, blocking the breath and sound inside and outside.

Three old men sit down. There are only three of them in the Grand Temple at this time, and the Huyan Island Lord personally pours tea for the other two, and then looks at Lord Li and Lord Xiang:

"This time I invite the two island Lord"s to discuss what we last mentioned, don"t know what the two island Lord"s think?"

Lord Li slightly frowns and says, "Lord Huyan. If we find the door of demons in the future, and the island Lord can open the door of demons, once we release the demons, will it get out of control?"

Lord Huyan sighs: "I am not unaware of the serious consequences. But ever since we were driven overseas by those vulgar martial artist, for tens of thousands of years, our forefathers have been thinking of returning to the mainland one day, and we have been constantly fighting for it.

But……The results?

There have been several wars on the mainland, and today we still live on the islands, and the mainland is occupied by those vulgar martial artist. With our strength, I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve the hopes of our ancestors.

Find the door of demons, open the door of demons, then the mainland will be caught up with the war between humans and demons, and no matter what the final outcome is, those vulgar martial artist will certainly be severely injured, and then we can take advantage of their weakness and achieve the dreams of our forefathers. So opening the door of demons is our only way out."

The temple falls silent and the atmosphere becomes depressed. After quite a long time, Lord Xiang says:

"If the demons prevail and become the masters of the Martial continent, then wouldn"t we become sinners?"

Huyan Island Lord shakes his head and says, "Lord Xiang, don"t hold a torch for the demons. How powerful the demons of ancient times once were, but in the end, were they not driven away by humans, and sealed in the door of demons? Therefore, when we successfully return to the mainland, we will certainly drive the demons away and reseal the door of demons."

There is clear hesitation on the faces of Island Lord Li and Island Lord Xiang, and Huyan Island Lord sighs again:

"How can I possibly wish harm upon humans?I"m also a human being. But as you know, the environment in which we live in today is clearly not as good as the mainland. My Leaf Island, Elder brother Li"s Huang Lu Island, Elder brother Xiang"s Snow-Free Island is already the most reiki-rich island in this sea, but compared to the mainland? It"s still a lot worse. In such an environment, our Law work will decline more and more, and we"ll be left behind by those martial artist. As a result it will be impossible to return to the mainland, there is simply no chance. We can only use external forces, and demons are our best external forces.

Lord Li, Lord Xiang, all three of us have now reached the end of our lifespans, if not able to return to the mainland in our lifetime, practicing in this reiki environment, we can only exhaust our lifespan. Do you two old chaps really want to turn into sand in a few hundred years?"

The faces of Lord Li and Lord Xiang soon change and their expressions gradually become firm. The two men glance at each other and finally nod resolutely:

"Ok, let"s do something big together, let"s go back to the mainland."

"That"s great! Come on, let"s have a drink, pray for our return back to the mainland. Return the pain those vulgar martial artist gave us by a hundredfold! Cheers!"


After the three people drank and reached a consensus, the atmosphere between the three people became harmonious. Huyan Lord looks at the two main Island Lords and says:

"Now we"re going to have to find the door of demons first."

"That"s right!" The Li Island Lord and the Xiang Island Lord nod.

"According to my studies of the ancient records, the door of demons is in the mainland. So the first thing we have to do is send our disciples into the mainland and secretly search for the door of demons. This requires the joint cooperation of our three islands."

Qi Xue- Qi and blood.

Ok, so the demons they refer to here are not the demon sorcerers/daoshu cultivators/law cultivators with the magic spells n stuff, but demon beasts that can cultivate into human form, a completely different race.