Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 170 Get-Together

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 170 Get-Together

Qin Shuang sees four slightly larger fonts on the pages of the book. Under the four large fonts, it introduces the paper-cutting spell and the method of practicing this spell.

Qin Shuang looks at it carefully. When she finishes reading, she shuts the book gently and closes her eyes.

This spell is not difficult, and from this spell, Qin Shuang learns that this should be a kind of spirit painting, but its a higher level, and there is a fundamental difference.

This spell is constructed with the power of the Sea of Knowledge.

But in addition to the power of the Sea of Knowledge, the rest of the process and tools needed should be the same as making a spirit painting, the need for a spirit pen, cinnabar, and spirit paper.

Thinking here, Qin Shuang cannot help but have some regret. Before, some spirit paper and cinnabar were found on the body of that demon sorcerer, and there was also a spirit pen, but Qin Shuang didn"t know their purpose at that time, so she didn"t collect it. Now she has to buy it with her points.

In the middle of thinking, she suddenly hears a knock outside the courtyard door. Qin Shuang immediately puts away everything, then gets up and walks outside. At this time, Qin Yunxia has opened the courtyard door and she sees a Confucian student standing outside, looking at Qin Shuang who just came out with a smile.

"Qin Shimei* today Brother w.a.n.g has invited everyone to eat a meal, lets go together?"

This person in front is called Jiao Huang, she is in the same cla.s.s as Qin Shuang, and the Brother w.a.n.g in her mouth is also Qin Shuang"s Confucian cla.s.smate, who is called w.a.n.g Song. w.a.n.g Song has the highest prestige in cla.s.s because he has the highest knowledge. He often holds some get togethers, but because Qin Shuang"s time has been very tight, she never took the initiative to partic.i.p.ate, but she didn"t expect that Jiao Huang would come and invite her today. Qin Shuang naturally will not refuse, she may refuse in the future, but she mustn"t refuse when she is invited for the first time. These human relationships Qin Shuang naturally understands, so she smiles:

"Happy to come!"

Jiao Huang nods with a smile: "This time, Brother w.a.n.g invites guests to Cuiya restaurant, they do a great job of wild goose meat there."

Qin Shuang hasn"t eaten goose meat for a long time, recalling the goose meat that she had eaten in the w.a.n.gdu Princess Mansion she can"t help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. Seeing Qin Shuang"s appearance, Jiao Huang doesn"t make jokes. She also can"t afford goose meat at all, and its only when w.a.n.g Song invites guests over that she can eat it, its not something that can be eaten everyday.

A gathering between Confucian students is naturally not appropriate for Qin Yunxia to attend. After all, it"s not outside the city here, everything needs points. She turns her head to Qin Yunxia saying:

"You stay at home and eat in the canteen later."

"Yes, Miss!" Qin Yunxia answers. Her throat unconsciously swallows a mouthful of saliva, in w.a.n.gdu she also recalled the days when she ate meat, thinking of that taste, she can"t help but drool.

Qin Shuang knows her thoughts, but ignores her. If she took her, she would be regarded as inconsiderate. She follows Jiao Huang out of the door and walks towards the Eastern District. All the restaurants are in the Eastern District, and Cuiya is no exception.

On the road they encounter two Confucian students, also going to w.a.n.g Song"s gathering, one is called Tong Wenchao. The other is called Zuo Qu Yu. Tong Wenchao is a man in his twenties, while Qu Yu is a woman under 20.

Four people greet each other and walk with each other toward Cuiya. Qu Yu"s eyes reveal admiration, worship and envy, saying:

"Brother w.a.n.g is about to rise to Cla.s.s B!"

"Yeah!" Tong Wenchao on the side nods, with strong envy in his tone: "Brother w.a.n.g"s knowledge has reached the best stage, and he can prepare for the imperial exam."

Jiao Huang also sighs, "Brother w.a.n.g is still under 25 years old, right? He has the potential to graduate before the age of 25. Wait until the imperial test begins, he will become a genuine success."

"Yeah! At that time, we won"t be able to call him Brother w.a.n.g, but Senior w.a.n.g."

"Cherish the time you spend with Brother w.a.n.g now, we"ll have one less brother later on."

The three of them sigh, showing pride on their faces. A prideful look.

Qin Shuang has been very silent, just smiling and listening to the discussion between the three people. About 30 mins later, four people arrive at Cuiya restaurant in the Eastern District. Directly walking to the second floor, in the room, they see five people already sitting inside.

Sitting in the head seat is a tall but thin young man, about twenty-five years old, with a young face. Two eyes brighten, Qin Shuang"s intuitive impression is that he has a kind of temperament, a kind of great vital energy.

"Qin Shimei, you are really mysterious! Never attending our gatherings." w.a.n.g Song stands up with a warm smile on his face.

Qin Shuang feels a kind of affinity from him, and he really gives off the feeling of an elder brother. Although Qin Shuang has been in the Confucian Academy for more than ten days, she didn"t speak much with w.a.n.g Song at all, but now she can feel his sincerity. A smile appears on her face:

"I just arrived in the Confucian Academy, and my schedule is a bit tight. In order to not fall behind, I spend my time studying."

Jiao Huang on the side smiles: "Everyone is like this when they first enter the Confucian Academy. No matter how good we are outside, we will see the gap as soon as we enter the Confucian Academy. This is why the Lucheng Confucian Academy is the sacred land for scholars in the Kingdom. I used to be the same."

w.a.n.g Song laughs: "I remember what you looked like then, haha……Here, Qin Shimei, have a seat."

Qin Shuang sits with a courteous smile on her face, w.a.n.g Song glances at Qin Shuang:

"Qin Shimei, don"t be rigid. We are in the same cla.s.s in the same year, in the future we"ll enter the Imperial Court as officials, its important to mutually support each other."

"En!" Qin Shuang gently nods and then says: "I feel you have a kind of temperament. Although I can"t see it, I can perceive it, is this the great vital energy?"

w.a.n.g Song just nods: "Right! The scholars in my generation not only study the cla.s.sics of seniors and apply them to governing the country, we also cultivate the soul. Its the so-called torture the bones to exhaustion. The more you pay, the greater you gain."

"How do you nurture the great vital energy?"

"By constantly reading books, you will naturally nurture the great vital energy."

At this time, the wine and dishes come up like running water, and each dish is very fine, with all kinds of colors and aromas. When she was in the capital, Qin Shuang learned that Confucian students are most proficient in eating. And every dish is carefully chosen. Now looking at the food here, its not worse than that of w.a.n.gdu, and its actually even better.

The last dish is the goose meat, and Qin Shuang also has a small bowl, and everyone eats to their hearts content. During the gathering, they exchange their experience with each other. Qin Shuang doesn"t speak much, most of the time she is silently listening, only occasionally will she insert a few words in.


Qin Shimei- Younger sister Qin

Great vital energy- A type of energy/qi unique to Confucian scholars.