Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 176 3 Times

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 176 3 Times

Qin Shuang raises her head and looks up, when she sees the sky above the tree hole is still dark, she knows that its night again. But this doesn"t make Qin Shuang have the slightest relief. Because she knows that the night is no safer than the day, the inspection team seems to have a way of detecting the direction of the reiki fluctuations.

But now shes already riding the tiger, its difficult to come down, want to stop, can"t stop. And during her breakthrough she can"t move, once the inspection team discovers her, and then interferes, Qin Shuang might enter the *devil state, light paralysis, heavy death.

"Hopefully the situation in the Eastern District won"t be discovered by the inspection team!"

You should know that when Qin Shuang was breaking through during the sensing period of cultivation, it was a kind of soul breakthrough, won"t cause the heaven and earth reiki to flow, and now she is breaking through to the Qi-Intake realm, this will cause the heaven and earth reiki to flow.

But Qin Shuang has no choice now, she can only force herself to calm down and run the Fire Phoenix Treasure to make a breakthrough. The elemental force in her body begins to change, forming small vortexes. These vortexes are extremely tiny and cannot be seen, but they are extremely numerous in number. They start from her head and slowly spread downwards…

Qin Shuang knows that this is the breakthrough process. When the spiritual power contained in her body begins to turn into small vortexes from her head to her toes, the breakthrough is completed, then she"ll really step into the first layer of the Qi-Intake realm.

Although the body strength and power of Qin Shuang have reached the ninth layer of the Qi-Intake realm, the Qi-Intake realm is not measured by the strength and power of the body, but by the rotation speed of the small vortexes in the body. The strength and power of the body is only the general measurement, which is why martial artist in the first layer of the Qi-Intake realm, some have weak strength, and some have great strength.

Take Qin Shuang for example, can you use normal strength to measure her as belonging to the first layer of the Qi-Intake realm?

Now she has not yet entered the Qi-Intake realm, but she has the power of the ninth layer of the Qi-Intake realm, because she has been using jade liquid and jade cream to refine her body, allowing her to achieve this result that ordinary martial arts cannot achieve.

But Qin Shuang"s situation is the exception, and not the universal norm. Then there is the rotational velocity that generates those tiny vortexes. The faster the rotation speed of the small vortexes constructed by spirit within the body, the faster the body will absorb heaven and earth reiki, and you will also have a better refining effect.

This is related to each martial artist"s own physique, some people are born with a pure physique. Some people are born with an impure physique, this is the difference in qualifications. Pure body physiques will generate spirit vortexes that rotate at faster speeds, and the effect of absorbing heaven and earth reiki to refine the body will be even better, and martial artist with impure physiques will naturally be worse. So in the same realm, there is a point of difference.

Usually, one rotation of the spirit force vortex in one breath is the first layer of the Qi-Intake realm, when the speed is raised to two cycles in one breath, that is the second layer of the Qi-Intake realm. Nine cycles of the spirit vortex in one breath, that is the ninth layer of the Qi-Intake realm.

That is to say, in the Qi-Intake realm, the body will generate spirit vortexes with a total of nine changes, at the completion of these nine changes, there will be no promotion. Reaching the peak of the ninth layer of the Qi-Intake realm, followed by the Opening realm.

Remember, it"s nine changes. Not everyone can revolve their spirit power vortexes 9 times in one breath.

For example, when a person with a pure physique breaks through to the Qi-Intake realm for the first time, the speed of the vortex rotates at 1.5 to 5 revolutions in one breath, so each time he breaks through the cycle overlaps. For example, if she breaks through to the second layer of the Qi-Intake realm, she will rotate the spirit vortex three times in one breath. Then, in the ninth-layer of the Qi-Intake realm, the spirit vortex in her body will reach 13.5 cycles. It is 4.5 times more, so the effect of refining the body is naturally much better than ordinary martial artist.

This is natural for a good physique. Then there are poor physiques, martial artist who can"t even finish revolving a cycle in one breath in their breakthrough to the first layer of the Qi-Intake realm, this pract.i.tioners future achievements are reflected in his foundation. If you lose at the starting line, then in this life you can only struggle at the bottom. There are exceptions of course, but that takes too many chance opportunities.

Qin Shuang knows that her current power and body strength have reached the ninth layer of the Qi-Intake realm, she originally imagined that once she entered the first layer of the Qi-Intake realm, her spirit vortex speed would be nine times faster than that of an ordinary martial artist, in other words, nine cycles in one breath.


She took it for granted, the moment the spirit vortex appeared, Qin Shuang knew that the speed of the spirit vortex generated in her body is three times that of an ordinary warrior. This means that the spirit vortex in her body revolves three times in one breath.

After thinking about it, Qin Shuang can"t help but laugh. The human body should have its limits. If the spirit vortex in her body was nine times that of an ordinary warrior, she might be crushed into pieces by the spiritual vortex.

Three times is already a very shocking speed.

This speed naturally has a stronger effect on the body"s refinement, and the effect of attracting surrounding reiki is three times that of an ordinary martial artist.

At this time, around the big tree where Qin Shuang is located, the spirit of heaven and earth begin to gather, and the spirit power in Qin Shuang"s body is slowly generating more vortexes, spreading down her body.

This is a slow process. Although Qin Shuang is very anxious, she knows in her heart that if she wants to completely transform the spirit power in her body into a small revolving vortex, it will probably take about twelve hours. At this time it should be midnight. Qin Shuang has to wait until midnight the next day to complete her break through.

Eastern District.

Six people come out of a restaurant. Qin Shuang doesn"t know them. If Qin Shuang knew them, then she would know that they are the teachers in the inspection team who arrested An Shicheng. Today they came to celebrate in this restaurant. If they seize a martial artist who sneaks into the Confucian Academy they will all get a lot of points.

Now, these six people are eight points drunk, staggering out of the Eastern District, walking towards their residence. One of the slightly younger men, said somewhat unclearly:

"It"s a pleasure to grab An Shicheng, we"ve all gotten five hundred points, haha…"

The other five people also laugh excitedly, and another slightly older man sprays the air with a mouthful of wine:

"The best thing is that when we broke through the door, we affected his key qi circulation moment and damaged his meridians. I am afraid that its impossible to recover in three years, and even if he has recovered, his strength won"t be as good as before. Over the years we have caught a lot of martial artist who have infiltrated our Confucian Academy, and I cannot understand them. Since they have chosen to study martial arts, why run to our Confucian Academy?"


(1*) Qi Deviation (走火入魔 zǒuhuǒ rùmó) - also known as Qigong Deviation. Literally translates as "to catch fire and be entered [possessed] by devils". A state wherein the cultivation base becomes dangerously unstable, causing internal damage to the body and symptoms of psychosis. People who succ.u.mb to their Internal Demons, who practice cultivation/martial arts incorrectly, who rashly use forbidden arts and are disturbed during cultivation are all at risk of falling into this state. Credits to Wuxiaworld for the term.

Translating the cultivation part is a bit tricky, if there are mistakes feel free to let me know!