Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 178 A Bright Idea

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 178 A Bright Idea

After nearly two minutes pa.s.s, Qin Shuang hears the sound of the leaves shaking violently, and she knows that it should be a member of the inspection team climbing up the tree. At this time, the member of the inspection team moves a tree branch and is standing on the edge of the hole, but its too dark at night. He didn"t notice that there is a tree hole under his foot, but he moves his eyes. Looking at the branches in the moonlight, he wants to see where the martial artist is hiding.

"Did you find him?" Someone shouts from down below, and the people in the inspection team don"t hide, they know that the martial arts man who is cultivating must know that they are coming, and all they have to do is find him as soon as possible, interrupt his cultivation, causing him to be heavily injured, and then grab him.

"Don"t worry, let me check again!"

The Confucian above replies, and then narrows his eyes to look at the trees around him, but he doesn"t see a shadow, in his mind he cannot help but wonder, then his foot moves a step.


There is a scream in the trees, and the Confucian steps on air and falls from above into the hole.


A dull sound comes out of the tree hole, and the Confucian has already fallen and fainted, he fell in front of Qin Shuang, only a foot away from Qin Shuang.

"Zhinan, what happened to you?" The five men outside the tree call loudly, but no one answers.



The people outside the tree shout a few more times, and then quiet down, the moonlight shines on the faces of the five people, each person"s face has a very unpleasant look.

They are not martial artist, no martial arts physique and no martial arts. Although they have great vital energy to refine their bodies, but they are still far from being comparable to martial artist. So they inspect the martial artist in the Confucian Academy, taking advantage of the martial artist cultivating, not being able to move, they interrupt their cultivation and seize them. Once the martial artist restore their freedom of movement, they are not opponents at all.

And just now they all heard Zhinan"s screams, what does that mean?

This probably means that the martial artist has finished cultivating. The restoration of freedom makes them nervous. The small captain of the inspection team hurriedly takes out the compa.s.s from his arms and finds that the compa.s.s is still trembling, and he breathes a sigh of relief. This shows that the martial artist on the tree is still not done, and he immediately says:

"Put the signal out, call people!"

Another Confucian hurriedly takes out a signal, and pulls the line.


A loud bang, a signal flare flies up into the sky. A huge bang sound rumbles over the whole Confucian Academy. All the Confucians are awakened from their sleep, one by one, they rush out of their houses.

But faster than them is a Confucian teacher who speeds away to the dense forests in the Eastern District. And those Confucian students are very disciplined, it seems that such a thing has happened more than once in the Confucian Academy. Its just that when An Shicheng was arrested, he was blocked in his room, he didn"t cause such a sensation, nor did they need to release a flare.

Those Confucians stand in a circle around their own living quarters, each with a distance of no more than three meters between each other. At this point, if someone wants to get in from the outside, it"s impossible, they will certainly be discovered by these Confucians.

All this is not known to Qin Shuang, she just knows that today she is in a lot of danger, her heart is very tense.

Hurry up! Hurry up!

Qin Shuang vigorously urges the Fire Phoenix Treasure, as long as she has a few more breaths, she can complete the breakthrough.

"He"s finished cultivating!"

At this time, the Confucian, who has been observing with a compa.s.s, exclaims by the tree. He saw that the pointer on the compa.s.s was no longer quivering and back to its original position.

inside the hole.

Qin Shuang quickly puts away the two jade bottles, and then takes out a headscarf to cover her face, her body leaps up. Feet on the wall of the tree, her body stomps on the tree stump, feet with force, her body flies out.

"There!" There is a shout from the ground.

"Catch up!"

But, the shape of Qin Shuang has disappeared into the night. The five men are desperately chasing on the ground in the direction that Qin Shuang disappeared.

Qin Shuang has already fallen on the ground at this time, shuttling through the forest, flying away from the dense forest. Her footsteps suddenly change direction. Less than three breaths after she left, footsteps come from that direction, a crowd of people pour in.

Qin Shuang has successively changed her direction, twice. Finally out of the dense forest, her figure moves rapidly. But she soon turns pale, because she sees rows of Confucian students standing around in the Eastern District, she immediately realizes what they are doing.

If they don"t catch her, they"ll check the residences one by one to see who"s not in their room, and those who aren"t in their rooms are the suspects. Under this close surveillance, Qin Shuang doesn"t have the opportunity to return to her room.

"What to do? What to do?"

Qin Shuang anxiously thinks, and suddenly her mind is enlightened, and her figure disappears into the shadows.

After a while, she appears under the wall of the Eastern District in the Confucian Academy. All the teachers in the Confucian Academy are gathering in the dense forest of the Eastern District. They are also monitoring each other. At this time, no Confucian scholar dares to leave secretly, because the situation is not clear, and the consequences will be very serious. So when Qin Shuang appears under the wall, its silent, no one is here.

Qin Shuang looks around carefully, then leaps forward, and flys out like a big bird, landing outside the Confucian Academy. Then she flys in the shadows, going around the main entrance of the Confucian Academy, and then she sits crosslegged in front of the gateway building.


Qin Shuang exhales a long breath, and then she immediately thinks and sends a message to the paper man who stays in the dormitory.

She and the paper man have a kind of connection through the power of the Sea of Knowledge. At this time, in the room of Qin Shuang, Qin Yunxia is like an ant on a hot pot, she naturally knows that Qin Shuang is out to breakthrough, as long as Qin Shuang leaves, that is to break through. Needless to say, this disturbance must be caused by Qin Shuang.

"What can I do about this? What can I do?"

Qin Yunxia anxiously walks back and forth in the house, from time to time she looks outside the window. Seeing the situation outside, she knows that its simply impossible for Qin Shuang to sneak back in. She is at a loss, then she sees a palm-sized paper man come in, and then it grows larger, picking up a pen it writes a few words on a piece of paper.