Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 75 Control

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 75 Control

“Didn’t you see the princess allowed you to go over?” Yuan Fei yelled disdainfully.

“Yes, yes!”

Wei Zhenyue repeatedly answered, he ran towards Qin Shuang, in front of her he “putong” kneeled and said:

“Meeting Her Royal Highness the Princess.”

A hint of disgust appears in Qin Shuang’s eyes, she faintly said: “Get up!”

“Thank you princess!”

Wei Zhenyue climbed up from the ground, looking at Qin Shuang. She outstretched her finger pointing to the man strapped on the door board and said:

“Wei Zhenyue, do you see the spirit pattern on his body?”

“Look at…See.” Wei Zhenyue said nervously.

“Do you know this spirit pattern?”

“No…..I don’t know.”

“It’s a mother-child spirit pattern. Engraved on his body is a child-spirit, and in my hand, this jade card is the mother spirit.”

Qin Shuang said while taking out the jade card that has the mother spirit pattern to show Wei Zhenyue.

“This mother-child spirit pattern is amazing, and if I put this child-spirit pattern on you, it won’t affect your cultivation, it won’t affect you in battle, basically, it won’t affect you one bit. But if I simply send a trace of spiritual power into this mother spirit card, the child-spirit will explode.”

“Gegege…” Wei Zhenyue’s teeth began to tremble and hit each other, he now understands Qin Shuang’s idea. She faintly glanced at him:

“Let’s step back!”


Back nearly ten meters away, Qin Shuang stopped, the jade card is handed to Yuan Fei on the side. Yuan Fei naturally knows what Qin Shuang wants him to do, he took the jade card, and immediately injected a trace of spiritual force to the center of the jade card.


The spirit pattern depicted on the martial arts man exploded, the man was blown to flying pieces of meat. Wei Zhenyue’s body is shaking, he collapsed on the ground.

“Stop him!” She said coldly.

Yuan Fei immediately stretched out his finger on a few of Wei Zhenyue’s body points. Wei Zhenyue’s body is rigid, flatly lying on the ground. Yuan Fei quickly and effortlessly lifted Wei Zhenyue’s upper body. Qin Shuang took out the carving knife and crouched in front of Wei Zhenyue’s body. Wei Zhenyue’s eyes are full of fear and prayer, but the expression of Qin Shuang has not changed in the slightest, the hand of the knife is fluttering about, carving the child-spirit pattern in his heart area.

She stood up and walked toward Xiu niang. Behind Yuan Fei stretched out his finger on Wei Zhenyue’s body points. Wei Zhenyue’s cultivation resumed but he still did not get up from the ground, but sat there crying.

Qin Shuang ignored him, and went straight to Xiu niang’s side. Xiu niang struggled to sit up from the recliner, but was held down by Qin Shuang, she gently said:

“Heal properly, no one can hurt this palace’s people without due punishment.”

In Xiu niang’s eyes appear tears of grat.i.tude, she sobbed with emotion and said: “Thank you princess!”

Qin Shuang patted her on the shoulder, and then turned to the main hall, pa.s.sing Yuan Fei’s side she said:

“When he’s done crying, bring him to see me!”

“Yes, princess!” Yuan Fei looked disdainfully at Wei Zhenyue, who was lying on the ground, and immediately stopped crying, climbed up from the ground and said:

“This lowly one……won’t cry.”

But he did not get the slightest response from Qin Shuang. The figure of Qin Shuang has disappeared, Yuan Fei was disgusted and kicked Wei Zhenyue, yelling:

“Not seeing the princess yet!”

Inside the main hall.

Qin Shuang sat on the main seat, Yuan Fei stood on the side, Wei Zhenyue stood in the middle of the main hall, looking at Qin Shuang in fear. His man was blown to pieces just now, and he was so frightened.

Qin Shuang looked at Wei Zhenyue and faintly said: “Wei Zhenyue!”

“Here!” Wei Zhenyue’s body trembled.

“You try to see, is that child-spirit limiting you?”


Wei Zhenyue’s face became pale, but also dare not disobey Qin Shuang’s words. He was afraid of running his spirit, then exploding and dying. He very carefully ran the body’s spirit, but found that nothing happened, at this time the voice of Qin Shuang again sounded:

“You can try to attack with spirit force.”

“Don’t dare!”

“I let you try, you try!” Qin Shuang’s voice is cold.


Wei Zhenyue’s face has been sweating, he carefully controlled the spirit to the chest of the spirit pattern, hitting it, then he let out a long sigh of relief.

As Qin Shuang said, it did no harm to him.

“But don’t try to destroy that spirit, like cutting it with a knife, if you cut that piece of flesh off, it will only cause the spirit to explode.”

In Wei Zhenyue’s eyes appear despair. With this sentence from Qin Shuang, even if it killed him, he dare not try.

“Do you know what to do in the future?”

“Know, this lowly one knows, afterwards I am the princess’s dog, you let me bite who, I will bite who!”

“The income of Tianqin City, in addition to the kingdom and normal expenses, the remaining 80% of resources are sent to the Princess Palace, leaving you 20%. I will send someone to your city house.”


At this time Wei Zhenyue’s mind has completely changed. His life is in the hands of Qin Shuang. Originally he thought Qin Shuang would deprive him of everything, he would be Qin Shuang’s dog, but he didn’t think she would leave him 20%, which cannot help but make him feel grateful towards Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang left him 20%, because there is no way to let Wei Zhenyue be too poor, if that is the case, then sooner of later Wei Zhenyue will show a crack.

“Oh yes, in a few days I will set up the Princess’s House Guard, you send a measuring device over.”


“Give me a few more spirit measuring pillars.”


“Also, after going back you will inform everyone that I am recruiting guards, specific time to ask Yuan Fei.”


“Go back with your men!”


Crescent Moon City.

Wuzong Temple Dan Shop.

Tianci is sitting cross-legged on the bed, absorbing the Dan Dao heritage, his expression is full of joy. He felt that his brain was much more intelligent, whether it is memory, or reaction ability, and even his ability of understanding martial arts and Dan Dao was not the level he could have achieved before.

And through these days of understanding, he felt that he has fully understood the ten levels of Dan apprentice, at least in theory he understood thoroughly. In his heart he is itching, hard to endure. Because he knew that once he could refine Dan himself, his pace of cultivation would have a minimum guarantee, and even his status would be different.

In the Martial Arts continent, in addition to martial arts, there are four major occupations. Namely, the Spirit master, Dan master, Refining master and the Confucian master. These four professions have a transcendent position on the Martial Arts continent.