Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 84 Spirit Pattern a.s.sociation

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 84 Spirit Pattern a.s.sociation

Qin Shuang just jumped on the wall and was soon discovered by Yuan Ye, the light in his eyes sweeping over. When he saw Qin Shuang, he wanted to stop, but Qin Shuang gave him a gesture to continue, and Yuan Ye continued the Formless Phase sword style.

Qin Shuang just glanced over, and her eyes showed a happy look. At this time Yuan Ye’s body fluctuations are clearly in the middle of the Martial Warrior stage.

“It’s a breakthrough!”

She concentrated her attention on Yuan Ye’s sword style, observing his flaws.


Yuan Ye finished the last move of the Formless Phase sword law, and greeted Qin Shuang: “Seeing Her Royal Highness the Princess.”

Qin Shuang took a step forward, and fell from the wall. In front of Yuan Ye’s body, she reached out her hand:

“Hand me the sword!”

Yuan Ye looked surprised, hurriedly clasping the sword hilt in his hands towards Qin Shuang.

“Yuan Ye, you observe! The most important thing about the Formless Phase sword law is nothingness!”

Qin Shuang’s body moved. Yuan Ye concentrated his attention, and a look of shock appeared in his eyes. To tell the truth, although Yuan Ye has great respect for Qin Shuang, he sees her as a life-saving benefactor for removing their slave status, but the cultivation realm of Qin Shuang is too low, only in the sensing period, and he is in the Kai Dantian period. Regarding cultivation he really did not put Qin Shuang in his eyes. Although the Formless Phase sword law was imparted to him by Qin Shuang, but he believed that Qin Shuang received it from her master Liu Meiruo. She probably didn’t practice it. Even if she has, she can’t be better than him.


Now observing Qin Shuang’s sword momentum, it was only then that he realized what is called ‘Formless’. Qin Shuang’s sword style interpretation suddenly cleared away his confusion.


Qin Shuang collected the sword and stood, looking at Yuan Ye, she asked: “Do you understand?”

In Yuan Ye’s eyes appear admiration, he bowed in respect: “Thank you to Her Royal Highness the Princess for demonstrating.”

Qin Shuang handed the sword to Yuan Ye and said: “You practice first, and after understanding come to me, I will tell you about the Formless Phase sword law.”

“Thank you, Your Highness!” Yuan Ye is very happy, he has a lot of places he is confused about.

“Tomorrow morning, follow me to Tianqin City.”

Yuan Ye’s expression became respectful: “Do you want the guards to accompany?”

“They don’t have to go all the way, you arrange it!”


Qin Shuang returned to her room, thinking for a while, then she walked and stood in front of a wall, stretching out her finger on a few places on the wall, and a layer of spirit pattern appeared, then that layer of spirit pattern disappeared, showing a door. Qin Shuang pushed the door open and went in. Inside is a stairway, Qin Shuang went down the stairs. This chamber was designed by Qin Shuang herself, when the Princess Manor was rebuilt.

Into the chamber, there is an underground pa.s.sageway with several doors inside. Qin Shuang placed her finger on the second door and traced the spirit pattern and then opened the door, into the chamber. This is a storage room, where Qin Shuang places her most precious things. The jade cream and the jade liquid are placed here. She reached out and took 3 bottles of jade and returned to her room, sitting down and calling:


“I’m here, princess!”

Qin Yunxia pushed the door in, toward Qin Shuang she bowed and called: “Princess!”

“Go and bring Nai niang and Qinbo.”

“Yes, princess!”

Qin Yunxia hurried away. Qin Shuang put 3 bottles of jade liquid on the table, she is ready to give these 3 bottles of jade liquid to Nai niang, Qinbo and Yunxia. These 3 people followed her all the way from w.a.n.gdu. When others turned their backs on her, only these 3 people did not abandon her, the three of them are eligible to get special treatment from Qin Shuang.

Even Yuan Fei and his son have not yet received jade liquid.

Soon, Qin Ying, Qinbo and Qin Yunxia came to her room, they respectfully called out:

“Seeing the princess!”

“Rise!” Qin Shuang pointed to the jade bottles on the table: “These three jade bottles are filled with jade liquid, one bottle for each of you. Remember, don’t let anyone know. Be sure to keep it a secret when using it to cultivate.”

Qin Yunxia still has a confused look, but Qin Ying and Qinbo have lived long enough and have heard of the preciousness of jade liquid. The two of them were completely shocked.

How can the princess have jade liquid?

Ever since they’ve arrived in Tianqin town, why has the princess become more and more mysterious?

“Princess…This……Is it really jade liquid?” Qin Ying asked in trembling tone.

“Yes!” Qin Shuang nodded: “Nai niang, Qinbo, Yunxia, you guys did not abandon me in my most difficult time, after, whatever I have, I will not let you be short of.”

“Princess, we can’t accept it, it’s too precious, or leave it for the princess’s cultivation!” Qin Ying hurriedly said.

“Nai niang, I still have. Once your cultivation realms are higher, that also helps me out, right?”


“Don’t listen?” Qin Shuang is angry.

Qin Ying and them glanced at each other, then they all bowed together: “Thanking the princess for her gift!”

A smile appeared on the face of Qin Shuang: “Remember, you must not reveal that you have jade liquid, otherwise you will bring a scourge of disaster upon us, even I cannot be spared.”

“Yes!” The three were all solemn.

“Take it!”

The three people came forward to take a bottle of jade liquid each, and then expressed their thanks once again and retreated.

The second day.

Qin Shuang rode in a carriage to Tianqin City, followed by only six people. Originally Yuan Ye was thinking of sending two hundred people, but the princess has only six horses, and finally they followed Qin Shuang’s decision with six people to escort. These six are Martial Warriors, including Yuan Ye.

The whole journey to Tianqin City was safe. Qin Shuang did not visit Wei Zhenyue, but went directly to the Spirit Pattern a.s.sociation.

Standing in front of the Spirit Pattern a.s.sociation, gazing at it. This is a plain, prominent and derelict building. It can be seen that the Spirit a.s.sociation is not well off in Tianqin City.

Qin Shuang merely paused for a bit, then stepped toward the door. Entering the door, she sees a counter, sitting behind the counter is a young girl. Presently she is holding a book looking at it with great interest, she did not even notice Qin Shuang walking in. Qin Shuang bent her finger and tapped it on the counter three times, and the girl suddenly looked up, then closed the book and placed it on the counter:

“Miss, are you going to purchase a spirit pattern?”

The eyes of Qin Shuang fell on the book, she saw the t.i.tle “Spirit Foundation”, and then smiled:

“No, I’m here to a.s.sess!”

The girl looked surprised, and then measured Qin Shuang up and down and asked: “You have not come to a.s.sess before?”


“So you’re going to a.s.sess as a spirit apprentice?”


“100 silver taels for the a.s.sessment fee.”

Qin Shuang nodded, and Yuan Ye, behind her, handed over a 100 silver taels. The girl put the silver taels away and said:

“You wait a minute, the President is in a meeting.”

Qin Shuang nodded, and went to the hall inside to sit down on a chair, while Yuan Ye and them stood behind her.

In the last chapter I put Yuan Ye’s sword law as wu xiang, but now I’ve changed it to Formless Phase. Not totally sure about this term, but if you know the correct term please let me know.

I was really busy today so just 1 chapter. Happy Halloween guys!? Hope you had a good day!