Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 95 Her Royal Highness the Princess

Chapter 95 Her Royal Highness the Princess

After the expansion of the Princess Palace, the area it covers is very large. Anyway, Tianqin Town has a small population, and the least valuable thing is land. The barracks were built in the eastern part of the Princess Palace, and there was also a horse stable next to the barracks. Whether it’s the barracks or the horse stables they are both big.


Once into the stables, Qin Shuang is shocked by the abundant and spectacular sight in front of her eyes, numerous horses like clouds. Can’t help exclaiming:

“So much! How much is this?”

“5,000!” Lan Ming Yue charmingly flung his hair.

The face of Qin Shuang is bitter: “So many?Where do I have the money to raise them? How did you get so many horses?”

Lan Ming Yue’s face is stiff, his expression became embarra.s.sed: “When I spoke to a friend who ran a horse farm, to buy some horses, he said he had some left and he would sell it to me. How many, I asked. He said he had just sold half, not much remaining. I nodded and said yes, and didn’t go see. Who knew he had 5,000 left! I Lan Ming Yue nodded and promised things, how can I regret? So….So I bought it all. It’s okay, it’s no big deal, you can sell it again.”

“Who am I going to sell it to!” Qin Shuang faced Lan Ming Yue and roared: “In Tianqin City, this lousy place, such fine horses, sell it to whom ah?”

“This…” Lan Ming Yue also stared: “Isn’t it my gift to you? Don’t want your money!”

“But I have to spend money to raise them! By the way, you sold all the equipment I didn’t need in the Imperial Capital, right? The rest of the money you brought me, right? How much?”

Lan Ming Yue is slightly weak with no words.

“Don’t tell me you bought all the horses, and there’s nothing left!” Qin Shuang raised her voice again.

“Didn’t spend it all on horses, I also bought arrows!”

“Is there money left?”

“Not much!”

The eyes of Qin Shuang light up: “How much is left?”

Lan Ming Yue stretched out a palm.

“500,000 taels?”

Lan Ming Yue shakes his head.

“50,000 taels?”

“5,000 taels!” The look of Lan Ming Yue is somewhat unnatural.

The shoulders of Qin Shuang sag, hearing 5,000 taels is a lot, but once used, what to do? Putting aside a princess who has to raise 3,000 soldiers, if a martial arts man wants to buy a weapon of good quality, that also needs 500,000 taels. Therefore Qin Shuang guessed 500,000 for top quality weapons. But now it’s only 5,000 taels…

Qin Shuang’s shoulders can’t help but droop, weakly said: “Fortunately, I don’t have to buy weapons, take me to see the weapons.”

“Let’s go!”

When it comes to weapons, the spirit of Lan Ming Yue is uplifted again, patting his chest:

“This time you’ll be satisfied!”

Qin Shuang’s heart is also looking forward to it. After all, these are the weapons of a Grand Scholar Spirit Master, even if he was not yet a Grand Scholar then. They went into the warehouse, which was full of boxes. As Lan Ming Yue opens a box, he says:

“Shuang’er meimei, my father left a lot of armor. There are more than 7,000, followed by bows, then swords, the least is knives, but there are still more than 3,000. So I brought you the knives, swords, bows, and armor. I also bought you one million arrows.”

“One million arrows…” Qin Shuang helplessly gave a thumbs up to Lan Ming Yue: “You truly have a big hand.”

“Of course!” Lan Ming Yue proudly stuck out his chest: “I Lan Ming Yue spare no effort, less than a million and what?”

Qin Shuang helplessly shook her head, she understands the nature of Lan Ming Yue, his family has never been short of money, what they care about is face, and his character is bold and unrestrained, so she no longer speaks. With these things, she can equip her 3,000 guards. At the moment, the boxes with armor, knives, swords, bows, and arrows are opened one by one, and her face shows a satisfactory look.

This equipment can be said to be non-graded, which is suitable for her guards today. But she is not ready to let go of Lan Ming Yue, her guards equipment upgrade is ready to be handed over to Lan Ming Yue in the future. Of course, Qin Shuang will not take things freely, in the future she will teach Lan Linfeng some spirit patterns.

Her heritage in spirit art is obviously higher than that of the Martial Continent, there are too many that this continent lacks, as long as she is willing to teach some to Lan Linfeng, he must be happy to hand over his family’s whole warehouse to her, if thats not enough, Lan Linfeng will also refine for her.

The degree of fanaticism for a spirit master who sees a spirit pattern that he has never come across is simply unreasonable. And, of course, for Lan Ming Yue, Qin Shuang will not treat him badly. Blindly taking is not the way of a king, only by mutual reciprocation can the relationship be everlasting.

But when she thought of raising 5,000 horses and 3,000 guards, the heart of Qin Shuang twitches. She does not want to sell her 5,000 horses, even if she is not ready to expand her guards, the horses will inevitably have injuries, always leave some to replenish. She thought about Yuan Fei, don’t know when Yuan Fei can come back, can he bring those people back?

If you can bring them back, the princess palace has financial resources. If he doesn’t bring them…

“Then we’ll find a way!”

Qin Shuang helplessly thought, looked up to Lan Ming Yue and said: “Ming Yue, thank you. I have a present for you in a moment.”

“No! Whatever are friends for?” Lan Ming Yue said with a smile.

“Gifts are not free of charge! Wait for my guards to reach the opening meridians period, you’re going to supply the spirit pattern armor and weapons.”

“No problem!” Lan Ming Yue patted his chest and said: “Yellow grade, top quality right?”

The eyes of Qin Shuang are bright, asking: “There are so many in your home?”

“En!” Lan Ming Yue nodded: “I went back to check this time, equipping your 3,000 guards is not a problem. But…”

A hint of hesitation appeared on the face of Lan Ming Yue: “That is, the yellow grade top quality. If your guard needs more advanced equipment in the future, such as black level equipment, it will require my father’s consent.”

The eyes of Qin Shuang are even brighter: “Your saying your home still has enough black level equipment?”

“Yes! But if I gave it to you, my father would kill me.”

“You don’t have to secretly give it to me, when the time comes I will ask your father.”

“You?” Lan Ming Yue looked at Qin Shuang in disbelief.

“Don’t believe wait and see!” Qin Shuang raised her head, her face showing a little pride.

“Don’t bother with you!” Lan Ming Yue also raised his head, his face showing disbelief.

Qin Shuang turned back to stand outside the gate. She beckoned to Yuhua Fan and Xiu niang whose faces revealed longing, gazing expectantly at the boxes within:

“You two take these down, everyone gets a set of armor. The Thunderbolt team selects a knife, Floating Cloud team selects a sword. Shooting Sun team in addition to everyone getting a bow, men choose a knife, and women choose a sword. Then go to the stables to select a horse.”

“Thanking Her Highness!” Xiu niang, Tian Yi and Yuhua Fan exclaimed in unison.

“Thanking Her Highness!” There was a sudden cry outside the door that reverberated throughout the sky.

Ok, so I changed Blazing Sun to Shooting Sun team cuz they’re archers, and it makes more sense. I was looking through the previous chapters and I was embarra.s.sed? so many grammar mistakes?, I apologize for that everyone? I’ll try to be better, I’m learning everyday. Oh yeah, when it mentions knives it could be single edged sword, cutla.s.s, dao sword, I’m not too sure here, the meaning in the dictionary is too broad. Feel free to message me if there are any translation mistakes or grammar mistakes. Thanks for reading and have a good day!