Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 105 Strange

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 105 Strange

At this time Qin Shuang also remembered what she was doing, hurriedly standing at the door, mouth shouting for Qin Yunxia:

“Yunxia, quickly get me bathing water.”

The words fell she went back into the house, and the door was closed with a bang. Lan Ming Yue’s face had a smile, and before leaving he said:

“Shuang’er meimei, we’ll talk when you’re done bathing.”

Qin Shuang sat in the bath bucket, Qin Yunxia scrubbed her. Qin Shuang closed her eyes, and the heat in the bath bucket rose, making her figure hazy.


“En?” She said.

“Did something happen in Tianqin City while I was in the Princess Palace?”

Qin Yunxia shook her head while one hand used strength: “No, everything is fine. But…”

“But what?”

“There is nothing the matter with the Princess Palace, but Tianqin town is not very peaceful at this time.”

“The town of Tianqin is not peaceful?” Qin Shuang’s heart is surprised, in the bath bucket her body straightened up: “Why is it not peaceful?”

“There are a few people who went missing in town.”

“The town has missing people?”

“En!” Qin Yunxia nodded.

“When did we start losing people?”

“General Manager Yuan was informed when he returned from Tianqin City, and then General Manager Yuan began to investigate, the results of the investigation he didn’t say.”

Qin Shuang nodded silently, no more words. After her bath was finished, Qin Shuang changed her clothes, letting Qin Yunxia invite Yuan Ye, she went straight to the Princess Palace Hall sitting down. Silently waiting for Yuan Ye. However, Yuan Ye has not yet arrived, the temple door opened, its Lan Ming Yue, his b.u.t.t sat in a chair, just wanting to speak, then they heard the sound of footsteps outside, Yuan Ye came in.

“Meeting Her Royal Highness the Princess.”

“Sit down!”

“Thank you, Your Royal Highness.”

Yuan Ye sat in a chair. His back straight, looking at Qin Shuang.

“I heard there are people missing in town?”


“But what are the results of the investigation?”

“There is nothing yet!” Yuan Ye’s face is red.

“Say it in detail.”

“Yes, Your Royal Highness.” Yuan Ye thought for a little bit and said, “The following is the news that was received after returning from Tianqin City. But after investigation, it was discovered that the disappearance of people in town had already occurred, but the people in town did not take it seriously. Either something happened when they left town, or they’re lost in the Tianqin Mountains, things like this have happened before. So they didn’t report it to the Princess Palace. And…And…”

“And what?”

“Before Her Royal Highness came to Tianqin Town. If someone went missing, the people in town will not report it to anyone. Because no one will take care of it, and they have not yet considered this the territory of Her Royal Highness, and they have not yet considered themselves the princess’s people.”

“Well! Since when was the first person missing?”

“It was nearly a month after we moved out of the w.a.n.g family land.”

“Someone was missing then?” Qin Shuang is shocked.

“Well, it’s not unusual for a person to be missing. Its just strange that a person is always missing every other month or so.”

“Was it like this before this palace came here?” She frowned.

“No!” Yuan Ye simply shook his head: “Before Her Royal Highness the Princess came to Tianqin Town, no such thing happened in Tianqin Town. However, in the surrounding towns, people are missing from time to time.”

“Whose missing now?”

“They are all people who live around the w.a.n.g family.”

The hall was immediately silent. This is a strange thing. There were no continuous disappearances in the town until Qin Shuang arrived. Even before the w.a.n.g Family was destroyed, this did not happen. However, just after Qin Shuang destroyed the w.a.n.g family, there is a continuous disappearance, and the missing people are those who live around the w.a.n.g family land, if there is nothing here, then that is strange.

“Let’s go and see!”

Qin Shuang got up from her chair and grabbed her sword walking towards the gate. Lan Ming Yue and Yuan Ye also hurried behind.

“Your Highness, shall we call some more people?” Yuan Ye asked somewhat uncomfortably.

“No!” Qin Shuang shook her head: “Right, from today, how long has it been since the last person went missing, 10 days?”

“Twenty-six days.”

“Ta, ta, ta…”

Qin Shuang, Lan Ming Yue and Yuan Ye came to the w.a.n.g family land. Without the command of Qin Shuang, Yuan Ye went forward and pushed the door open.


The door was pushed open, Qin Shuang saw the curtains decaying, and there are many dead leaves on the ground. It’s daytime, but it feels a little gloomy.

Yuan Ye in front, Qin Shuang in the middle, and Lan Ming Yue, three people went into the w.a.n.g family land. Qin Shuang is already familiar with the w.a.n.g family land, and searched around. Two hours later, the sky had darkened, but nothing had been achieved.


Qin Shuang jumped on the highest roof, Lan Ming Yue and Yuan Ye followed, falling on the left and right sides of Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang sat above the roof and said:

“Today, we’ll wait here.”

Lan Ming Yue and Yuan Ye have no words, sitting on the roof, looking around with caution. Gradually the moon rose into the sky, it has reached midnight, but there is not the slightest movement.

“Shuang’er meimei,” Lan Ming Yue lowered his voice.

“Hmm?” She said. Qin Shuang thought he had found something, lightly responding, while looking around.

“Did you ignite the fire of your soul?”

On the side Yuan Ye heard and p.r.i.c.ked up his ears, he still did not know what igniting the fire of the soul was. Qin Shuang, sitting in the middle, nodded:


Lan Ming Yue asked in amazement: “No! Aunt Liu doesn’t know how to ignite the fire of the soul, where did you learn from?”

Qin Shuang snorted with disdain: “Lan Uncle also doesn’t know how to ignite the fire of the soul, where did you learn from?”

“It’s not the same!” Lan Ming Yue like a proud peac.o.c.k, raised his head: “My father is a Grand Scholar Refiner and Spirit Scholar, before I broke through the sensing realm, my father mixed in the highest social circles of the Imperial Capital, where he learned about igniting the soul fire thing. Then my father collected a secret book for me to cultivate, so that I was able to ignite the fire of the soul, and thats how I was able to recognize that you were under the control of the corpse dog.“

Qin Shuang’s mouth curled up: "Your father can get the secret to igniting the fire of the soul, why can’t my master get it?”

Lan Ming Yue’s look became blank, and then he slapped his thigh: “That’s right, Aunt Liu is not a simple character. By the way, did Aunt Liu get hurt because of that secret method?”