Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 125 Martial Arts & Confucianism

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 125 Martial Arts & Confucianism

"Why? Is it a problem with foundation?" She asked in confusion.

"No! This is no longer a foundation problem."

"What is it?"

"The reason is compatibility!" Luan Feng put up a finger: "You know if a spirit teacher engraves a spirit pattern on someone else"s weapon, even if the spirit teachers realm is higher, that weapon hasn"t been forged by him, he is not fully understanding of the internal structure of that weapon, so the spirit pattern and weapon are incompatible, this is the problem."

Qin Shuang suddenly became enlightened, but soon her brows furrowed: "Is there no solution?"

"There is!" Luan Feng shook his head and said, "But it"s hard, it"s almost impossible to solve."

"What"s the way?" The eyes of Qin Shuang brightened.

"There are two ways!" Luan Feng put up two fingers: "The first way is to learn to be a refiner, become a refiner, so that you can carve spirit patterns on your own forged weapons and you can break through this obstacle. For example, Wuzong Temple"s Grand Scholar Shen Lingxiao, the Frost empire"s Grand Scholar Han Bing Po, Daqin Empire"s Grand Scholar Lan Linfeng. These three Masters have all reached the Grand Scholar realm in Spirit Patterns and Refining weapons, their spirit weapons have reached the apex of the world, whether it is transmission of elemental force, or amplification effect, they"ve all reached the highest degree."

"To learn Refining!"

Qin Shuang soon had a bitter face, she knows her situation, she was able to become a spirit pattern teacher so quickly, because she inexplicably got a spirit pattern legacy, but she does not have a refining legacy ah, if she is asked to learn refining, don"t mention finding someone who can teach her, if there is a person who can teach her, does she even have the qualifications for refining? If other aspects of cultivation are dragged down by refining, is it worth the loss?

Human energy is limited, and Qin Shuang does not think that she can improve simultaneously in cultivation, spirit pattern, and refining. Now she has already divided her energy in cultivating both martial arts and daoshu. Fortunately, spirit patterns don"t take much of her energy. That legacy is imprinted in her soul, making it instinctive. But even so, it made her feel that her energy is not enough.

For example, in these past few months, Qin Shuang has devoted all her energy on spirit pattern art. There is no time and energy to practice martial arts and daoshu, so her martial arts is still in the second layer of the sensing period, and daoshu is still stuck in the third layer of the expansion period.

If she studies refining…

Qin Shuang immediately rejected this method, asking softly: "What about the second method?"

"The first approach is still possible. As long as there is unwavering perseverance, you might succeed. As for the second method, that"s almost impossible."

Luan Feng glanced at Qin Shuang and said, "You should know the realm of soul separation?"

Qin Shuang is surprised for a moment, she is naturally aware. As long as a martial artist practices to the Cheng Po stage, that is, the Martial Emperor realm, you can transmit the power of your soul from your body. See everything around you. So, Qin Shuang immediately nodded:


"When a martial artist reaches the realm of Martial Emperor, the power of his soul can be transmitted from his body. Its not necessary to transmit with the help of foreign objects, so the weapon can be wrapped with the power of the soul. And you have the ability to penetrate the interior of the weapon, inside the fine structure is presented within your soul, so that you can solve the problem of compatibility between spirit pattern and weapon, the higher the cultivation, the clearer the structure of the weapon, compatibility will also be higher. Although its not as good as the same spirit teacher and refining teacher realm but the difference is not far off. Furthermore a spirit teacher spends almost all of his energy on spirit patterns, where is there time to practice martial arts?

The vast majority of spirit teachers study spirit patterns because they lack the qualifications to cultivate. I"m afraid that in their lives they will not reach the realm of Martial Emperor, after all, in the world there are only 3 such talented individuals, Shen Lingxiao, Han Bing Po and Lan Linfeng. So this approach exists, but it is practically a dead end.

Usually, spirit teachers can only be like the old man, through repeatedly carving spirit patterns to improve the compatibility through growth and experience, so now my spirit pattern results will be half your effect, this is the truth. As long as you go through repeated engravings, you can also reach the level of the old man."

Luan Feng is still there endlessly talking, but at this time Qin Shuang is completely caught by surprise, whatever Luan Feng is talking about she completely did not know.

What is the soul realm of Qin Shuang now?

Martial G.o.d ah!

And it"s also the peak of the late Martial G.o.d, a step above Martial Emperor. She is naturally able to channel her soul out of her body to see the inner structure of the weapon.

"Why didn"t I think of it?"

Qin Shuang secretly thought, in her heart she is full of grat.i.tude to Luan Feng, without Luan Feng, she didn"t know how long it would take for her to discover this method. Only in her mind there is still a question, then she asked:

"Master Luan, is it that even Shen, Han, and Lan predecessors, the three of them can only reach 100% effect, and cannot reach more than 10% of the Supreme effect?"

Luan Feng pondered: "If these three predecessors make a black level spirit weapon, with their realm they should be able to produce a Supreme black level spirit weapon, but if they were to make a Prefect level spirit, then I am afraid they cannot make it."

"Oh!" Qin Shuang nodded: "Is there really no one in this world who can make a Heavenly Spirit Weapon?"

"No!" Luan Feng firmly shook his head: "If you want to make a Heavenly spirit weapon that needs a Grand Scholar Refiner and Grand Scholar Spirit Master. And now the highest realm on the continent is the Grand Scholar, and those three, although Grand Scholar Masters, but they haven"t reached the peak of Grand Scholar, so it is impossible to make a Heavenly spirit. Today, the Heavenly spirits that are owned on the mainland are pa.s.sed down from ancient times, and they are extremely rare."

"Why do so few people reach the Grand Scholar realm?"

"Because it"s not just about getting to a certain level in one area, it"s about integrating in other areas as well. For example, a person who studies spirit patterns, wants to break through to the Grand Scholar realm by virtue of a single understanding of spirit patterns, and usually one also needs an understanding of martial arts. Because martial arts is the source of all origin, only when martial arts is combined can spirit patterns be elevated to new heights.

Of course, there is another way, they say Confucianism is the source of numerous origin, and as long as you combine Confucianism you can also promote your realm in spirit patterns, and eventually breakthrough to the Grand Scholar realm."

Qin Shuang nodded, the battle between Confucianism and Martial Arts has always existed on this continent, as she knew in her previous life. Martial artist preach that martial arts is the source of origin, and literati preach Confucianism is the source of origin. Only the lifespan of the literati is obviously inferior to that of martial artist, so martial arts suppresses Confucianism.

If there are mistakes in translation, feel free to let me know, we always like our accuracy!?