Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 132 Enlightenment

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 132 Enlightenment

"The first round, first place winner is…Seventh Princess!"

Luan Feng shouted out the name of Qin Shuang, and the crowd issued a warm cheer. Whatever it is, it"s a surprise to see a dark horse emerge, although some are likely to lose their bets.

The second round of the compet.i.tion began two and a half hours later. Ten people on top of the platform sat in front of their own station. There are already people of the Spirit Pattern a.s.sociation who placed ten wooden boxes on the tables in front of each contestant, and each has a spirit pattern inside.


With the order of Luan Feng, ten people on the high platform began to open the wooden boxes quickly. Identifying spirit patterns is not easy. This round of compet.i.tion not only requires the contestants to identify what type of spirit pattern, the effects of the spirit pattern, but also to say how many spirits patterns there are and their implements.

The simplest spirit apprentice first cla.s.s spirit devices have several spirit patterns depicted, some of the more complex ones need hundreds of spirit patterns, and the most complex spirit patterns need thousands of spirit patterns.

Therefore, identifying spirit patterns not only requires extensive and profound spirit pattern knowledge, but also a strong soul. Its important to know that identifying spirit patterns consumes the power of the soul, if the power of the soul is insufficient, not only will you fail to identify the spirit patterns, but you will also fall into a coma because the power of the soul is consumed, and the soul will be damaged.

The other nine people above the high platform have taken out a spirit pattern device to carefully identify. Their soul power is far from enough, unable to transfer the soul out of the body, they can only transfer their soul power to their eyes, to observe the construction of the spirit pattern device, so you not only need extensive and profound spirit pattern knowledge, but also abundant experience. Because some of the spirit patterns have been layered, the bottom spirit patterns have been hidden by the above spirit patterns, simply unable to see. This requires wide and profound knowledge and rich experience to a.n.a.lyze, to find out what kind of spirit patterns are hidden.


Qin Shuang doesn"t need to do this!

Martial Emperor repair can transmit the power of the soul outside the body. Now to what extent has Qin Shuang"s soul reached?

Martial G.o.d!

The late peak of Martial G.o.d!

The power of the soul can easily be transmitted out of the body. Qin Shuang wraps up the spirit pattern device in front with the power of her soul, penetrating the spirit device. In an instant all the spirit patterns are presented in her soul. In only a few breaths of time the spirit device in her hand is fully deciphered by her. Putting down the spirit pattern device in her hand, she lifts the writing brush into the thick ink and began to write on the paper.

This move collectively shocked the people in the VIP seats and the audience beneath the high stage.

"What is she doing?"

Luan Feng frowned tightly, he himself could not in such a short period of time, fully identify a spirit pattern device. How is it possible for Qin Shuang? However, he immediately remembered the previous first round of her performance, and his expression changed.

Qin Shuang can"t really identify it so quickly, right?

Its important to know that among these 10 pieces of spirit patterns there are 3 spirit teacher level 6 and above, one is the spirit teacher level 7, one is 9th level, one is the 10th level. These three spirit pattern devices even Luan Feng cannot identify. Its a good thing the Spirit Pattern a.s.sociation gave an answering key.


Luan Feng did not look at the answering key ah!

Because he thinks its simply unnecessary to see, with his understanding of Tianqin City, there is no spirit pattern teacher master at the tenth level. But now he"s not sure. He felt that the true strength of Qin Shuang shouldn"t have reached the tenth level spirit pattern teacher, but her theoretical level should be there, because he and Qin Shuang have talked about spirit patterns before, and for the depth and range of Qin Shuang"s understanding of spirit patterns he is shocked.

Perhaps Qin Shuang can really identify those three spirit pattern devices…

At this moment, he is not calm. He secretly took out the answering key from his arms, and seriously looked at it. Sitting next to him, Zhou Haoran saw his movements, and the corner of his mouth cannot help but lift up in a smile, but then he looked curiously at Qin Shuang on the high platform.

At this time Qin Shuang has begun to pick up the second spirit pattern device. In just a few breaths she put down the spirit pattern device, picked up her writing brush and began to write.


At this time, beneath the high platform, the audience who don"t understand spirit patterns also cannot help but suck in a breath of cold air. Especially those who understand spirit patterns, they excitedly look at Qin Shuang. These people are spirit pattern apprentices who have seen Qin Shuang everyday in the Spirit Pattern a.s.sociation library. They already respect Qin Shuang, now seeing Qin Shuang"s rapid identifying speed, they have begun to worship Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang"s identification is very fast, if not for the writing, I am afraid she has already completed this round of a.s.sessment. Even so, there is no other person out of the 9 people who are so quick. The fastest is Jie Du who has finished identifying the fourth spirit pattern tool. Qin Shuang has put down the brush in hand, silently raising her hand.

Immediately someone came to the high platform, took away Qin Shuang"s answer sheet, and brought it to Luan Feng.

The ten people above the high platform are very focused on identifying the spirit patterns, no one saw Qin Shuang"s strange recognition speed. But now someone has stepped up to the high stage to accept the answer sheet of Qin Shuang. Jie Du and the other nine people naturally know, one by one staring with dismay at Qin Shuang. She smiled at them and made a writing gesture. The nine talents woke up, immediately bowing their heads to continue identifying the spirit patterns, but their minds are not as concentrated as before.

Qin Shuang knew that it would take a long time for everyone to recognize the spirit patterns, so she sat in a chair and closed her eyes to organize her knowledge of spirit patterns. It"s just that in the current environment its hard for her to immerse herself, and her thoughts are a little messy. For a moment thinking of spirit patterns, then martial arts, how to merge the two.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in her mind.

She unexpectedly discovered that the effects of spirit patterns had a lot in common with her two daoshu spells, the fireball and the swamp spell.

"Does this mean that it"s easier to merge spirit pattern art and daoshu? Would it be easier to build spirit patterns using the sea of knowledge? If that"s the case, does it mean that spirit patterns are rooted in daoshu? Is daoshu the true origin of spirit patterns?"

Qin Shuang"s body exuded a layer of cold sweat.

She knew the att.i.tude of the Martial continent towards daoshu, they regarded it as evil. If people know what shes thinking, don"t say a princess, even if its a king, I am afraid he will be killed by Wuzong Temple.


This idea is so tempting! Unknowingly, Qin Shuang is immersed in the fusion of daoshu and spirit patterns.

She didn"t look up until she felt someone patting her shoulder, and found that Liu Fei"er was standing beside her, looking at her with concern, and she couldn"t help asking:

"Fei"er, what"s going on?"