Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 145 Cut-off

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 145 Cut-off

Qin Shuang observes the warriors of the three battalions, giving them a period of time, letting them fight for a while, and then give each of them a dan pill with jade liquid. The three major teams should surpa.s.s the refining period, and enter the sensing period.

Thinking here, Qin Shuang sighs in her heart. Contrary to these people, her cultivation has been stagnant. To tell the truth, this is because she doesn"t cultivate much, if she uses the time of studying spirit patterns to cultivate coupled with daily jade liquid a.s.sistance, even if not able to reach the peak of the Qi-Intake, she should break through to the Qi Intake realm.


What"s the use of that?

As long as she doesn"t solve the problem of the meridian blockage in her body, her repair will always stay at the peak of the Qi-Intake period, not able to go any further. Therefore, Qin Shuang is not very hardcore on cultivation.

She goes into the secret room, taking out a small wooden box, holding it in her hand, opening the wooden box, there is a Blood Magic Stone inside. Qin Shuang couldn"t help but wonder if she should collect the Tianyin wood and Golden Vine for the predecessor in Death Valley of Tianqin Mountain?

Thinking about it, Qin Shuang shakes her head, for the unknown she maintains a vigilant mind and spirit. Eyes fall on the jade futon placed on the ground, she sits crosslegged on it, converging her mind, running the Fire Phoenix Treasure, entering a state of cultivation.

She has not cultivated for nearly half a year, and the last six months she has devoted all her time and energy on carving spirit patterns. Today she saw the three battalions of martial artist making great progress, so that Qin Shuang also has a mind to cultivate.

Qin Shuang raises her eyebrows, and her face has an astonished look. She found that although she has not cultivated in the past six months, the power of her soul has been honed, becoming more pure.

Not bad!

It"s not growth, it"s condensed. Letting the power of her soul become more pure.

As for why it is condensed, not growing, Qin Shuang ponders a little, and she knew why in her heart. No matter how hard she tried in her previous life, her soul power remained at the peak of the late Martial G.o.d, and could not get the slightest trace of improvement. Now she has understood why, because in her previous life she did not ignite the fire of the soul. It is impossible to break through that barrier for a lifetime, to reach the realm of Martial Saint. And although Qin Shuang lit the fire of the soul, she only lit the crown spirit and the spirit of insight, far from reaching the requirements of breaking through the Martial Saint barrier. So her crown spirit flame and her spirit flame of insight are being refined, not growing, but becoming more condensed, and even purer.


Why has Qin Shuang"s soul power become so condensed, so pure?

Qin Shuang hasn"t cultivated for nearly half a year.

Qin Shuang slightly frowns for a moment, thinking, then joy appears in the s.p.a.ce between her eyebrows.

She gets it!

The sensing period is a process of cultivating the soul. There is no slight improvement for the body. Just now Qin Shuang checked, only the power of her soul has become more condensed, more pure, her body strength and power did not improve. It is still the appearance of the third layer of the Qi-Intake realm.

What does that mean?

This shows that there must be something that makes the soul power of Qin Shuang become more condensed and pure.

But what would it be?

Spirit Patterns!

Learning the spirit pattern art originally consumes the power of the soul, the carving of spirit patterns is a kind of soul grinding. In addition to sleeping and eating everyday for nearly half a year, almost all her time and energy has been devoted to carving spirit patterns. This is a constant grind of her soul power, so in this special state, the sensing realm, the a.s.sistance to Qin Shuang is huge. Even if Qin Shuang has not been cultivating and simply carves spirit patterns to sharpen her soul force, Qin Shuang has reached the second layer peak of the sensing period.

Qin Shuang knows that she needs to behead the hidden arrow that resides in the third eye within the spirit of insight, the impure demon. Only by beheading this hidden arrow, can she turn this impure demon into pure energy for her own use, with the ability to ignite the throat chakra where the foundation of the truth spirit lies, then she will logically break through to the third layer of the sensing period.

The role of the decapitating this hidden arrow is very huge, in the Fire Phoenix Treasure book there is a detailed record.

The hidden arrow, that is, one of the seven mortal souls, also known as knowledge, is the spirit responsible for consciousness.

When the hidden arrow, impure demon is cut-off, it turns into pure energy to absorb, which can greatly improve the speed of human reaction, like the saying "open heavenly eyes", the record says that once the impure demon is beheaded, absorbing the energy, one will possess heavenly eyes, it will make the astringent blood in the eyes become warm and fragrant, and then you will be more powerful. The initial ability is to be able to see farther, and clearer, when one cultivates to a certain extent they will gain a perspective ability, and legend has said that when one cultivates to the extreme, one can see the past and the future.

Qin Shuang took out a bottle of jade liquid, took a big sip, then closes her eyes, and her consciousness enters her soul. This time she was ready, and in the soul world, she did not see all kinds of warriors or beasts, but there was always a whispering that influenced her consciousness.

The already prepared Qin Shuang knows that this is the characteristic of the spirit of insight. It originally signifies wisdom, so Qin Shuang is confronting influences that affect her heart demon and so on.

Qin Shuang firmly guards her soul, extending out a huge soul sword in her hand, flying along in the direction of the spirit of insight.


Whispering comes from all sides, the voice is growing louder, gradually like a huge deafening wave.

"Stupid human, stop."

"You are a stupid person, you ought to live a stupid life…"

"You are not a human, you"re just an ant. Remember, you are an ant. You see, you are an ant, it"s cold, and you still don"t search for food for the winter…"

Qin Shuang"s consciousness gradually goes into a trance. Its as if she has turned into an ant, and the day gradually turns cold, she is a mere insect, struggling to crawl to her cave……Crawling down…


Qin Shuang suddenly shouts loudly, her Martial G.o.d soul realm allows her to firmly grasp her own spirit of insight, just a moment ago she was in a trance, then her loud shout dispelled it away. She sweeps through her body, then enters the spirit of insight.

The spirit flame of insight is swaying with a purple radiance, with a single black eye in the purple flame. The black eye stares dead straight at Qin Shuang, and a wave of fluctuations emerge from the black eye into a whisper. Qin Shuang stares, her left hand moves forward, using her soul power she condenses a spiritual bow, the sword in her right hand on the bow instantly turns into a drawn arrow.

Qin Shuang locks the black eye. Pulling the bow like a full moon, the arrow shoots out like a meteor.


The soul arrow nails the black eye in the purple flame, the black eye gives a mournful and blood-curdling shriek, and then it ripples like ink in the purple flame. Gradually disappearing, into a ray of pure energy absorbed by the purple spirit flame.

In the soul world, Qin Shuang"s body turns into specks of starlight and dissipates, her consciousness returning to her body. Dry eyes become moist. Qin Shuang opens her eyes, and her face reveals a surprised look. Although at this time in the secret room, she doesn"t know how far her eyesight can see, but her vision is five times clearer. Even the veined patterns on the opposite wall are clearly visible, and the limbs of an ant on the brick crevices are clear.

Qin Shuang is not in a hurry to go out and try how far her eyes can see. Instead, she closes her eyes again, knowing that this is the best time to break through to the third layer of the sensing period. Calm down her mind and opening her eyes again. Her eyes are clear, like an ancient well with no waves.

She gets up and goes to the corner. Opens the box to take out a bottle of jade cream, sitting on the futon, open the jade bottle, with her nail to scoop out a bit of jade cream, sucking it in her mouth, her body immediately surges with energy, once again her body began to gradually expand, the seven-spirit force began to gather towards the throat chakra, converging towards the truth spirit……

Three days later.

In the secret chamber Qin Shuang opens her eyes, and her expanding figure is restored to its original appearance, with a layer of brown impurities covering her body, giving off a smelly stench.

However, Qin Shuang"s heart is full of joy, she broke through to the third layer of the sensing period, and the strength and power of her body has reached the fourth layer of the Qi-Intake phase. At this stage of the sensing period, there is not no one like Qin shuang, but her state is very rare. The sensing period can only enhance the power of the soul, for the power and body strength of a martial artist there is no improvement but Qin Shuang uses jade cream to refine her body, with an effect of increasing her strength.

From the secret room, she calls Qin Yunxia to prepare bath water, washing the body"s filth away, she feels refreshed from head to toe. With Qin Yunxia"s help she changes into dry clothing. Qin Shuang hurriedly leaves her room, jumping to the roof above, looking into the far distance.

In the past, Qin Shuang"s eye power can see more than 300 meters away, beyond this distance, its blurry. But now she can see the scenery at a distance of 1,000 kilometers, and she could see very clearly.

Excitedly jumping from the roof, running into the house she stood in front of the copper mirror, looking at herself in the copper mirror. She saw between her brows a thin vertical line, that vertical line is very shallow, and did not open a heavenly eye as Qin Shuang had imagined.

"Perhaps in the future as my cultivation ascends, I can cultivate out a real eye of heaven!"

Shaking her head, she didn"t seem to have heard of anyone cultivating out a heavenly eye. Those royals and big families have the soul flame cultivation law, but they all haven"t cultivated an eye of heaven, perhaps its just a legend!

Qin Yunxia has been following Qin Shuang, she doesn"t understand why the princess jumped up and down, and finally ran to look in the mirror. But as a maidservant she dare not ask, only using a worried look to stare at Qin Shuang. From the copper mirror Qin Shuang sees Qin Yunxia"s worried eyes, and smiles.

"Prepare food for this palace."

"Yes, Princess!"

When it comes to explaining her complex and intricate cultivation law, take it with a grain of salt cuz its hard to translate those cultivation terms man! I did my best! For more info about her cultivation law read about chakras and this and you will have some understanding of what its all about. I use this website as a reference for chakras:

If there are any mistakes in translation feel free to let me know!

On a side note I got everything I wanted for Christmas! So blessed, thank you fam! I love you all!?❤️?? And Merry Christmas everyone! Happy Holidays!!!????