Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 146 Begin Traveling

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 146 Begin Traveling

Qin Yunxia turns around and hurriedly departs. Qin Shuang walks out of the room, heading to the dining room, she sits on a chair, holding her chin in her hand and thinking about her next plan of action.

The next step is to go to Lucheng, but some preparation is needed. Going to Lucheng Confucian Academy, she has to live in a separate court-yard, because she needs to practice her spirit pattern art, and she also wants to practice daoshu. Daoshu is regarded as evil by this continent, so it cannot be discovered by others. Just a separate court yard needs a lot of points, don"t know if there is a job that can earn a lot of points in Lucheng Confucian Academy?

She also needs to rent another courtyard outside the Confucian Academy so that she can go there to do some secret things during the three-day vacation each month. And it also serves as a place where she can arrange for her entourage to live, using it as a point of contact for the Princess Palace and herself. So once something happens in the Princess Palace, she can know in time.

And when Yuan Fei returns, its better for him to go there and wait for her.

So bring a lot of things to Lucheng City, she needs to bring enough jade, because jade is the cheapest material for practicing spirit pattern art on. If she can practice successfully on jade, she can carve spirit patterns on other materials, such as various weapons. The spirit pattern tools naturally need to be brought, this is only the spirit pattern aspect, there is still the cultivation aspect. In terms of cultivation, some jade liquid and jade cream need to be brought, but cannot bring a lot, its important to keep it secret.

Must bring a lot of money, a journey is expensive!

It takes a lot of money. But now Qin Shuang is not worried about money. She has just won two million silver banknotes. Yu Hua Fan has already returned from the Fortune casino with her silver banknotes.

Should she bring the carriage Lan Ming Yue gave her?

Wouldn"t it be too showy with that carriage?

Zhou Haoran asked Qin Shuang to hide her ident.i.ty, if she takes such a horse-drawn carriage to Lucheng City, it is too conspicuous. However, Qin Shuang is ready to go directly from Lucheng City to Crescent Moon city to partic.i.p.ate in the Crescent Moon Kingdom Compet.i.tion. Back to the kingdom, she must ride in that carriage! At that time Yuan Fei should also return, let him take that horse-drawn carriage to Lucheng city and wait for her.

She just wants to go back in a very grand style!

"Ta, ta, ta…"

Qin Yunxia came in from outside with five maidservants, each with a dish in their hands. When they put down the dishes, Qin Shuang eats while continuing to think.

People take two, one is Qin Yunxia, and one is Yuan Ye. Qin Yunxia is responsible for serving her, and Yuan Ye is responsible for protecting them. The rest of the people temporarily remain in the Princess Palace, waiting until the Crescent Moon kingdom compet.i.tion approaches, and then let the three battalions pick out a group of elites with the carriage to Lucheng city to pick her up, to Crescent Moon City.

Two boxes of jade and spirit pattern tools are bought along, and 500,000 silver banknotes. Ten bottles of jade liquid, and one bottle of jade cream. Well, give a bottle of jade liquid to Tianci.

Also leave a letter for Yuan Fei, when he comes back, let him bring the Soul stone to Lucheng for her. She just wants to know who Yuan Fei will bring back from the Frost Empire!

After dinner, Qin Shuang commanded down, all Princess Palace people know that Qin Shuang is leaving for Lucheng Confucian Academy, although Qin Ying and Yuan Ye have advised her several times to bring some guards, but Qin Shuang refuses. Qin Shuang feels that this is a very good training opportunity, and she doesn"t want to mobilize a great force. Qin Ying and Yuan Ye are helpless, they have to go down to prepare, and Qin Shuang goes to her secret room.

Put ten bottles of jade liquid and a bottle of jade cream inside a small box and lock the top. Her gaze incidentally falls on the small box containing the Blood Magic Stone, she hesitates, and finally puts the small box on top of the other small box, and then putting the boxes on top of two large trunks. The two big trunks contain cut jade pieces. With both arms, Qin Shuang lifts the two large trunks, walks out of the secret room, closes it, and comes outside. She instructs Yuan Ye to put these things on the carriage.

This is an ordinary carriage, there is nothing elaborate. The carriage is quite large, and its no problem seating four or five people. Qin Shuang leaves the letter to Qin Ying, and gives most of the silver banknotes to Yuan Ye. She takes only 10,000 and gives Qin Yunxia 5,000.

Qin Shuang and Qin Yunxia are sitting in the carriage, and Yuan Ye is sitting outside with a whip in his hand, serving as both a guard and a groom. Qin Ying leads the Princess Palace servants to send off Qin Shuang from the town entrance, and then stops to watch the carriage gradually disappear from view.

Tianqin City.

An ordinary carriage stops at the gate of Wuzong Temple. Yuan Ye, wearing black clothing, jumps down from the carriage with a sword on his back, and walks toward the gate of Wuzong Temple. Not long after, Tianci comes out of the gate and sees Yuan Ye dressed as a guard, somewhat astonished he asks:

"Where"s Qin Shuang?"

Tianci has not seen Yuan Ye, but he heard that Qin Shuang came looking for him, then hurried out. Yuan Ye quietly says:

"On the carriage, please!"

At this moment, the carriage door opens, revealing Qin Shuang"s face, smiling at him and beckoning. Tianci"s face reveals a smile, quickly walking to the front of the carriage, jumping inside the carriage, Qin Yunxia closes the door of the carriage.

Tianci looks at Qin Shuang and sees that Qin Shuang is wearing a moon white Confucian robe with a scholarly sword beside her. Qin Yunxia is dressed up as a scholarly student and there is a bookcase beside her. He smiles and says:

"Shuang"er, are you going to study at Master Zhou"s?"

Qin Shuang shakes her head: "No, Master Zhou wrote me an introduction letter to Lucheng Confucian Academy."

"Lucheng Confucian Academy?" Tianci said with surprise: "You are the princess of the kingdom, you still need to be introduced by Master Zhou in order to go to Lucheng Confucian Academy?"

Qin Shuang smiles bitterly: "Master Zhou didn"t want me to reveal my ident.i.ty, and I don"t want to reveal it, I just want to study Confucianism as an ordinary person."

Tianci nods: "This is also good, you can avoid some unnecessary social niceties, and concentrate on learning Confucianism."

"I think so, too!"

Tianci"s eyes fall on the scholarly sword, slightly frowning: "Shuang"er, this scholarly sword is a decoration, you should still bring a real sword for convenience."

Qin Shuang smiles: "This is a real sword, except I replaced the sheath with the sheath of a scholarly sword."

Tianci"s face appears enlightened: "That"s good!"

Qin Shuang takes out her prepared bottle of jade liquid and hands it over to Tianci.

"Tianci, this is a bottle of jade liquid, a present for you."

"Jade liquid?"

Tianci"s heart is shocked. When Jian Mo collected cultivation resources for him, she did not give him a drop of jade liquid, so he didn"t antic.i.p.ate Qin Shuang giving him a whole bottle. He takes the jade liquid and opens the lid to sniff, confirming that this is indeed jade liquid, then he raises his head, handing the jade bottle back to Qin Shuang:

"Shuang"er, I"m good, you"d better keep it for your own cultivation."